
ЯндексПереводчик Information on carrying out methodical online programming contest "CODING HOUR" in high school № 24 Установите Яндекс.Переводчик на мобильный телефон Переводите в Яндекс.Браузере Мобильная версияСообществоРазработчикамПользовател

Category: New
Date: 2016-12-13 02:57:08
 ЯндексПереводчик  Information on carrying out methodical online programming contest
10.12.2016 year in high school 24 hosted an online competition for students in grades 5-10 "Kazakhstan Encoding Hours'15"organized by"LovetoCodeко".These are the first steps to programming for students, an hour was required to answer 20 questions, by solving the logical and programming tasks. Among pupils of 5-10 classes of our school took part 20 students in computer sci...
Author: School №24

Information on online urekew the secondary school №24

Category: New
Date: 2016-12-13 02:46:39
Information on online urekew the secondary school №24
In secondary school №24 in 10 "A" class was held online lesson on the history of Kazakhstan titled"Kazakhstan territoriesand alghashky, memleketter"   The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate the knowledge of the Ancient Saks, Usuns, kancguis, Huns, about their economy, material culture, social structure, and archaeological sites.   The lesson was organized...
Author: School №24

School-Lyceum 8 anniversary of "Independence is a poetic song, school transparent ever!" Ceremonial drill was held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-13 02:21:01
School-Lyceum 8 anniversary of
25th anniversary of independence on December 12, 2016 and School-Lyceum 8 anniversary of their homeland, the state know üyrew care, education, training and respect into gold in order to foster a sense of "Independence is a poetic song, school transparent ever!" Ceremonial drill was held. Executive director of the Lyceum school meeting built in Q.D.Şäkärimqızı eight congr...

"Within the framework of criteria-based assessment system to update the content of education" seminar held koçwïng.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-13 02:17:11
On December 12, 15 school-lyceum of the city of Balkhash "within the framework of criteria-based assessment system to update the content of education" seminar -kowçïng ötkizildi.Semïnar Coaching 1 and Grade 4 school teachers, school administrators as well as representatives of the media organization coaching qatıstı.Semïnar- Goal: education to update the cont...

Information on activities at the secondary school №24, on the 25 th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan, on the basis of "Social modernization".

Category: New
Date: 2016-12-12 17:03:36
Information on activities at the secondary school №24, on the 25 th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan,  on the basis of
In the secondary school №24 was held an event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan, on the basis of Social modernization. For parents, a presentation was organized by the members of the Board "Samruk". Abyshev E. M President of the Council fathers expressed his opinion: "the spiritual needs of man, together with the solution of urgent social problems in...
Author: School №24

Консультация психолога

Date: 2016-12-12 09:20:52
Консультация психолога
2016 жылы  8-желтоқсанда балабақша  психологы Қабдыкалимова Зухра Серікжановна  «Балалардың ересектермен қарым-қатынасында балалардың  нерв жүйке қызметінің әсері» тақырыбында кеңесі өтті. Психолог темпераменттің қандай түрлері болатынын және қалай бір-бірінен ажырата білу керек екенін  айтып, сондай-ақ  ондай темпераметтегі балалармен қалай өзіңді ұст...

Педагогический совет на тему «Патриотизм как основа духовно – нравственного воспитания».

Date: 2016-12-12 08:43:03
Педагогический совет на тему «Патриотизм как основа духовно – нравственного воспитания».
2016 жылдың 7-желтоқсанында «Балақай» балабақшасында «Отаншылдық- бұл рухани-адамгершілік тәрбиесінің негізі» тақырыбында кезекті педагогикалық кеңес өтті. Тәрбиеші Байбосынованың А.К. «Ұлттық салт-дәстүр арқылы, Қазақстанда отаншылдыққа тәрбиелеу» тақырыбында баяндамасы және Ж.Т.Мурсалованың «Балаларда отаншылдық және адамгершілік  сезімдерін қал...

"Processing overhead patterns loopy seam"

Date: 2016-12-12 07:37:03
                In the framework of the subject week MO "Kaynar" 8.12.2016 year was held an open lesson on technology in the 5 "B" class on "Processing overhead patterns loopy seam" Gordeeva T. A. Lesson started with a mental attitude to class. The repetition of homework students decided tech...

"My son, my country, my boss!"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2016-12-11 22:53:27
Children, native land, motherland, NA Nazarbayev read poems dedicated to their ancestors. The holiday was followed by songs and dances about Kazakhstan, the Kazakh national games. The children felt this holiday as a future of an independent nation, and their chest was joyful.

Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first Kazakh mathematician Alimhan Ermekov the 125th anniversary of the "Step into the world of science" city "Brain Ring" game

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-09 12:56:22
Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first Kazakh mathematician Alimhan Ermekov the 125th anniversary of the
December 12, 2016, the students' critical thinking skills and the mobility of thought, logic, within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to improve the first Kazakh mathematician Alimhan Ermekov 125-year anniversary of the "Step into the world of science" city "Brain Ring" intellectual game. Brain-ring mathemati...

Solemn gathering of ЕДЮО "Жас Улан" "Мәңгілік ел уландары"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-12-09 09:45:49
Solemn gathering of ЕДЮО
     A republican public association is "Single child-youth organization of "Жас Улан" is the mass public organization of schoolchildren of Republic of Kazakhstan, created  on initiative of country's Leader Н.А.Назарбаева. Within the framework of celebration 25-ти to летия Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan on December, 8, 2016 by Palace of schoolchildr...
Author: Department

Нұрлы жол

Category: school news
Date: 2016-12-08 18:31:12
 8 желтоқсан «Нұрлы жол» жұлдызды тақырыбына орай 7 «А» сыныбында «Нұрлы жол-болашаққа бастар жол» тақырыбында Тикей М. сыныптан тыс шара өткізді. Елбасы Жолдауы бойынша мәлімет айтылды, Елбасы және Отан тақырыбында тақпақтар оқылды, қара сөздер айтылды. 8 желтоқсан «Нұрлы болашақ» жұлдызды тақырыбына орай  8 «А» сыныб...

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