

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-03-02 09:53:23
On 20 February 2018y. at mini centreТаңшуақ» was an entertainment  for carnival. Took part elder group «Раушан». Children danced and played games with Baba Yaga. At the end of the entertainment children danced flesh mob and Жолдасбаев Али  from middle group «Түймедақ»sang a song. 

«Шын жүректен алғыс айтамын »

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-03-02 09:34:18
«Шын жүректен алғыс айтамын »
       Бүгін, 1 наурыз -  Алғыс айту күні. Қазақстан халқын мәңгілікке біріктіруге бағытталған, қазақстандық бірегейліктің негізгі арқауы – еліміздегі барлық ұлт пен ұлысты бір шаңырақ астына топтастыратын Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясының күні. Тағдыр тәлкегімен Қазақстанға қоныс аударған түрлі этнос өкілдерін қазақ халқы құшақ жая қарсы алып, басқа түскен ауыртпаш...

Day of gratitude.

Date: 2018-03-02 00:20:34
Day of gratitude.
On March 1, 2018, at school-lyceum # 17 the school collective and students celebrated a bright holiday-a day of gratitude. Day of gratitude became for us a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and love for each other. In honor of this day, festive events were planned in our Lyceum. The teacher of physical culture Levkovich MA Mass sports games were held, students of grades 5-6 organized an exhibi...
Author: School №17

"Parade of young troops"

Date: 2018-03-02 00:16:41
February 28 at the school-lyceum № 17 named after. V.V. Mayakovsky hosted the "Parade of Young Forces" among the 4 classes. The commanders were students of 10 classes. As guests invited Abdirbaev MD - Afghan warrior, teacher of the NVP in SNR No. 4; Askarov AA, chairman of the methodical department of teachers of the Balkhash NVP. As a result of the parade 1, a 4-B class (young command...
Author: School №17

Information about the event "From the bottom of my heart, thank you!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-01 23:33:18
Information about the event
01.03.2018 in the Lyceum № 2imay Abay was held an event "From the bottom of my heart, thank you!", Timed to the Thanksgiving holiday. The opening address of the congratulations was made by the director of the lyceum of Rakhimberlin K.T. Then the agit-brigade "Өrken" performed the musical work "Tәuelsizdik baқytym". The pupils of the Lyceum presented costumes, tradit...
Author: Lyceum №2

On March 1, on the Day of Gratitude, an exhibition-fair of different nationalities of our city was held at boarding school № 2...

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-01 18:43:56
On March 1, on the Day of Gratitude, an exhibition-fair of different nationalities of our city was held at boarding school № 2...
     On March 1, on the Day of Gratitude, an exhibition-fair of different nationalities of our city was held at boarding school № 2. Our students were given tasks by classes - to create an exhibition of each nationality. Exhibition materials can serve as dishes, household items, crafts, folk and crafts, dishes. The guys took part in this event with pleasure, thus showing that...

Алғыс айту күні

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-01 15:51:29
Алғыс айту күні
In our kindergarten «Zhuldyz» we celebrated a thanksgiving day on 1 March, 2018. On this day parents and children also extend their gratitude to educators for the warmth of their hearts. This day became a memorable day for all. This holiday was bright and unforgettable in the life of children and adults. Parents congratulated educators with holiday. They wrote their wishes and said t...

General parental meeting

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-01 13:02:15
General parental meeting
      The school parent meeting was held on the 28th of February in the school gymnasium № 7 named after S.Seifullin. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: History Teacher Karymzhanov ET briefed on traditional religious movements.He told parents about mental health and explained the relevance and relevance of the program. Teacher of Informatics Kusainova AR...

28 ақпан 2018 жылы «Балқаш қаласы ЖББ №24 орта мектебі» КММ -нде жаратылыстану пәнінен Б.Е.Садуов 5 сыныпта «Энергия көздері мен түрлері» тақырыбында қалалық ашық сабақ берді.

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-01 12:10:28
28 ақпан 2018 жылы «Балқаш қаласы ЖББ №24 орта мектебі» КММ -нде жаратылыстану пәнінен Б.Е.Садуов 5 сыныпта «Энергия көздері мен түрлері» тақырыбында қалалық ашық сабақ берді.
28 ақпан 2018 жылы «Балқаш қаласы ЖББ №24 орта мектебі» КММ -нде жаратылыстану пәнінен Б.Е.Садуов 5 сыныпта «Энергия көздері мен түрлері» тақырыбында қалалық ашық сабақ берді. Білім мазмұнын жаңарту аясында қала мектептерімен өзара тәжірибе алмастыру мақсатында өткен сабақта мұғалім оқытудың дифференциалды әдістерін ұтымды пайдаланды. Оқушылармен топта, жұпта жұмыс жүргіз...
Author: School №24

Information on conducting subject weeks MO "Kynar" 5.02.2018 for 15.02.2018.

Category: School news
Date: 2018-03-01 12:09:13
Subject week MO "Kainar passed 5.02.2018 for 15.02.2018. A plan of activities and open lessons has been drawn up.   Music Teacher, Milbrant N. In. held an open lesson on music on the theme of "Music and sports" in 2 "B" class. The lesson was conducted on the updated contents correctly methodically prepared and carried out. The lesson was very interesting, the te...

"Engineers of the future" regional competition

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-01 11:46:59
      On 27.02.2010  organizedby the directionthe Department of education of Karaganda region  "educational and methodical center of development of education of Karaganda region  was held " Regional competitionthree-dimensional modeling in Engineering ". From Balkhash participated students of Lyceum №2, Lyceum №15, school № 7. 1) AltynayAhmedia &ndash...

" Regional competitionthree-dimensional modeling in Engineering "

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-03-01 11:33:46
On 27.02.2010  organizedby the directionthe Department of education of Karaganda region  "educational and methodical center of development of education of Karaganda region  was held " Regional competitionthree-dimensional modeling in Engineering ". From Balkhash participated students of  Lyceum №2, Lyceum №15, school № 7. 1) AltynayAhmedia – 8 class, L...
Author: Department

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