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Subject week, the exchange of experience tool.

Category: Week
Date: 2019-03-13 07:47:03
Subject week, the exchange of experience tool.
11.03 the day in high school, "wonders of Science on the theme" geography ,biology, physics , chemistry began its work a decade. Amazing cost of each discipline, revealing the mysterious erkeskin "Natural wonders" took place the solemn opening of the decade on the subject: stand. 12.03 Kokkozova biology In the framework of the decade of Natural Sciences.. Among pupils of 9-...
Author: Lyceum №2

“Science without borders“, the international conference (Moscow, 2019)

Category: Congratulations
Date: 2019-03-12 11:35:33
“Science without borders“, the international conference (Moscow, 2019)
“Science without borders“, the international conference (Moscow, 2019) 1 teacher – I place (Sadykhanova G. S.), 1 student – first place (Alamanov Meirzhan-7A].owner:Baltabay.C) 1 student –second place (Asiya Sadly –supervisor: Alibekova G. E), 2 students III place (Aruzhan Zhumabekova –supervisor: G. Smechova.And, Abdurazakova Jasmine –supe...
Author: Lyceum №2

Online open lesson

Category: Ашық сабақтар
Date: 2019-03-06 10:08:45
Online open lesson
Online open lesson  Teacher of primary school Musatayeva A. A. held an open lesson with 2nd grade students. The subject is Kazakh. The theme: Singular and plural form of nouns. The teacher used various techniques and strategies of updated teaching.
Author: Lyceum №2

A. Umurzakova is a loving mom.

Category: Library
Date: 2019-03-06 10:01:39
A. Umurzakova is a loving mom.
Out of class activity : A. Umurzakova is a loving mom. School librarian Bulganbay Kh. held an activity dedicated to the women's day. They talked and discussed about her life, work and progress in a life. We are going to celebrate her 100 anniversary.
Author: Lyceum №2

Information technology

Category: Week
Date: 2019-03-02 07:51:28
Information technology
Information technology 01.03.2019 year took place a scientific conference among students of the 10th grade "Information technology" teacher: Iskakova G. B. , dedicated to the decade of mathematics and computer science. Purpose: to arouse interests among students in studying information technologies. 4 projects were presented 1. "Smart technology" Baratova A, Amirkhan Zh...
Author: Lyceum №2

Excellents in sport

Date: 2019-03-01 07:54:11
Excellents in sport
There was round table discussion about "Excellents in sport",dedicated to" Intelligent Thursday ". The 9th grade student Yermek Yerasyl honorable member of the town Makanalin A. took part in discussion. They shared information and talked a lot on different aspects of life. At the end they took photos.
Author: Lyceum №2

Winners of the scientific projects.

Category: Біздің жетістіктер
Date: 2019-02-26 09:16:32
Winners of the scientific projects.
Winners of the scientific projects.  Teacher of Russian language Baikulova K. organized the protection of projects in Astana. 12 students from our school took part in this conference. As the result 5 students took 1st place, 6 students were awarded by the 2nd place, and only 1 student took 3rd place. All winners will participate in  international competition, in Russia.
Author: Lyceum №2

Пән апталықтарының негізгі ерекшелігі- іздену, жаңашылдыққа ұмтылу.

Category: Week
Date: 2019-02-26 08:40:46
18.02.19 ж  лицейде  «Математика ғылымдардардың жарық жұлдызы» тақырыбында математика және информатика  пәндерінің апталығы өз жұмысын бастады. Апталықтың мақсаты:математика, информатика сабақтарында және сабақтан тыс іс-шараларда оқытудың заманауи  тәсілдерін қолдана отырып оқушылардың білім алуға қызығушылығын арттыру, ой-өрісі мен таным белсенділіктерін жан-жақ...
Author: Lyceum №2

Features of the decade are to identify teaching skills.

Category: Week
Date: 2019-02-25 10:57:32
Features of the decade are  to identify teaching skills.
Features of the decade are  to identify teaching skills.  On February 18 the decade of Maths and computer science was opened. Different activities were organized by teachers of the department. Also there was presented the stand about Maths
Author: Lyceum №2

Exchange of experience on NIS

Category: methodological advice
Date: 2019-02-25 10:44:24
Exchange of experience on NIS
The teacher of biology Kokkozova N. A. conducted the open lesson called "Source of energy"  with the 5th grade students. Some modern techniques were used according to the NIS program.
Author: Lyceum №2

Exchange of experience on NIS

Category: The young specialist
Date: 2019-02-25 10:40:41
Exchange of experience on NIS
Young specialist of Maths Zhuman D. conducted an open lesson with students of the 5th grade. The theme: The multiplication of ten notable figures.
Author: Lyceum №2

«ЭкоLife» экологиялық жоба аясында 21 қаңтар мен 21 ақпан аралығында «Қоқысқа жол жоқ!» атты айлықтың қорытынды есебі туралы ақпарат /3-10 сыныптар/

Date: 2019-02-25 10:32:55
«ЭкоLife» экологиялық жоба аясында 21 қаңтар мен 21 ақпан аралығында «Қоқысқа жол жоқ!» атты айлықтың қорытынды есебі туралы ақпарат   /3-10 сыныптар/
Қоршаған ортада  қоқыстардың зияны туралы экологиялық сауаттылықтарын, пайдалы іс-әрекеттер арқылы экологиялық дағдыларын қалыптастыру, қоршаған ортаны сақтауға тәрбиелеу, оны жақсартуда дұрыс шешімдер қабылдай білуге үйрету, табиғатқа деген мейірімділікті, экологиялық тұрғыдан рухани-адамгершілік және эстетикалық  сезімдерін тәрбиелеу, оқушылар, ұстаздар, кіші қызметкерлер арасында тұ...
Author: Lyceum №2

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