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"Ana degen tіrshіlіktіń tіregі"

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-12 10:46:30
    A festive evening dedicated to the International women's day on March 8 was held in the Assembly hall of our school. The evening was organized by the students of the school. The purpose of the evening-to show that the role of women in society is significant, to give them joy. They are good intentions of the students. The festive event ended with a welcoming speech, wishes, spee...
Author: School №5

Information about the events dedicated to March 1-the day of gratitude

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-04 08:15:07
Information about the events dedicated to March 1-the day of gratitude
On March 1, our school made a plan of events dedicated to the day of gratitude. On the first floor of the school was decorated information stand on the theme:" our strength and prosperity-in the unity of the people of Kazakhstan", posters. In this regard, students were given tasks.The library has a book exhibition" Ult birligi-uly baylyk". Among 1-11 classes was a competition...
Author: School №5

«Жаңартылған білім беру мазмұнында тиімді әдіс-тәсілдер арқылы сабақты зерттеу» атты тақырыбында, «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебі»

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-01 13:01:55
«Жаңартылған білім беру мазмұнында  тиімді әдіс-тәсілдер арқылы сабақты зерттеу» атты тақырыбында,   «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебі»
27.02.2019  жылы  «Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебі» КММ-де  «Жаңартылған білім беру мазмұнында  тиімді әдіс-тәсілдер арқылы сабақты зерттеу» атты тақырыбында,   «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебі» ДББҰ-ның  тәжірибесін трансформациялау бойынша  оқыту семинары  өтті.  Мақсаты: НЗМ тәж...
Author: School №5

City intellectual competition "Kyzyк Times"

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-28 16:04:23
City intellectual competition
     The city intellectual contest "Kyzyк Times", organized among schoolchildren, was held among 4th grade students. The competition was attended by pupils of schools №5, №8, №9. The goal is to test the quality of school students. The students were well prepared for the competition. Thanks to her abilities and good knowledge, students of our school took the 1st place.
Author: School №5

City competition

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-28 10:57:37
 City competition
     The city "Schoolchildren's Palace" city competition of propaganda teams dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the alliance of troops from Afghanistan, organized at a very high level. All schools in the city participated in the competition. Olga Konstantinovna, chief specialist of the education department of the city of Balkhash, was in the competition as a jury....
Author: School №5

The results of the regional stage of the republican competition "Zerde", organized by the regional scientific and practical center for additional education of children "Saryarka Daryny"

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-28 10:39:07
The results of the regional stage of the republican competition
        At the regional stage of the republican contest "Zerde" among pupils of grades 1-7, pupils of 3rd "Ә" class Askarova Diana, Aytmagambetova Karim took 2nd place in the competition of scientific projects, head Nurzhanova Karlygash Srailovna, pupil of 5 "A" class Darhanbaev Alham took 3rd place , head Ahaeva Kulbakyt Karishkyzy.
Author: School №5

City open lesson on chemistry

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-28 08:10:52
City open lesson on chemistry
 In the field of natural mathematics, our school held a public lesson on chemistry. On February 12, 2019, the open lesson on Chemistry in 7th grade was given to Torebekova SS. held. Active strategies used in the lesson were based on creative development, logical thinking, functional literacy of students. Chemistry pupils were given individual and homogeneous works with pupils using the vi...
Author: School №5

"Augan akikaty. Er esimi, el esinde "

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-18 08:09:45
     In our school 15.02.2009 was held a solemn line dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.At the event were invited veterans of the Afghan war Mukhametjanov Baurzhan and Ayazbaev Murat. War veterans- аfghans thanked the staff of the school.
Author: School №5

Information on the activities carried out on the theme "Financial literacy"

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-13 10:22:46
Information on the activities carried out on the theme
On February 12, as part of the Week of "financial literacy" 7a, Ә, 6A, Ә classes visited the school canteen, where they studied the techniques of cooking various delicious snacks such as pies, pies, and also developed their kitchen skills.   During this event, our goal: to demonstrate the skill of the dining room and to attract to the professional skills of employees of the ma...
Author: School №5

"Kausar bulak tunygynan"

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-13 10:06:01
12.02.2019. The open day, the class teacher 6 "A" class school №5 of the city of Balkhash.M. In the framework of the decade "self-knowledge is love and work" His held class hour on the theme of "Kausar bulak tunygynan".     Purpose: the first lady of Kazakhstan, President of the charity Fund "Bobek", the author of the subject" self-...
Author: School №5

"Social networks, Internet games, avoid other people's currents»

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-11 15:25:19
    In the secondary school №5 in the framework of the campaign "Happy childhood" teacher of Informatics Etc Mukhametzhan with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles, promotion of healthy lifestyles, promotion of healthy lifestyles, promotion of healthy lifestyles, promotion of healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, healthy lifestyle, promotion of healthy lifestyl...
Author: School №5

"Secondary school №5 of Balkhash" Events organized as part of the Kazakhstan Charity Event

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-05 08:08:13
     Within the framework of the event held as part of the Kazakhstan Charity Event, students of the Day of Disabled Children of grade 3A visited Maksatuly Meyrkhan’s pupil from parents of grade 4A of Sopykhanova Gulnara Tiyshtikbaevna. Meyrkhan gave 6000 tons of sweets and toys.
Author: School №5

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