«Менің арманымдағы үй- Болашақ үй» атты қалалық макеттер байқауы

Date: 2015-12-11 12:31:51
«Менің арманымдағы үй- Болашақ үй» атты қалалық макеттер байқауы
11.12.2015. күніжас таланттардың шығармашылық идеясын жүзеге асыру және оларға қолдау көрсету, өскелең  ұрпақты тарихи-мәдени құндылықтарды бағалауға тәрбиелеу, кркемөнерпаздық шығармашылықты дамыту мақсатында М.Хамзин атындағы  мәдениет сарайында өткен ЭКСПО-2017  халықаралық көрме аясында өткен «Менің арманымдағы үй- Болашақ үй» атты қалалық макеттер байқауында бізді...

"My dream house"

Date: 2015-12-11 11:08:33
Draft Grade 11 student Erbolat Erbolat "House of My Dream" The theme of my project called "The House of my dreams." This home consists of eight rooms built in a new style of modern building materials, meets all the requirements of the present time. You will be able to see in my house, and the simple things. The house is built from the usual red brick duplex with modern sub...
Author: School №8

Coaching "Development of functional literacy in the classroom"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2015-12-11 10:22:18
09/12/2015, at SNR №8 physics teacher D.K.Kanat koching held on the theme "Development of functional literacy in the classroom". The purpose of coaching: the development of functional literacy of students in the classroom. Progress Coaching: 1. Mental attitude. 2. The division into groups (using stickers).            &nb...
Author: School №8

The "Expo - 2017" - a global project of the President of the NA Nazarbayev

Date: 2015-12-09 14:15:30
Conducting International Exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana - one of the national key projects in Kazakhstan. The initiative of organizing such a grand event in the capital of our country belongs to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The international authority and the full support of the Head of State has become an important factor in the success of Astana victory in the vote to host...
Author: School №8

The interaction between the school and parents

Date: 2015-12-08 12:53:39
The interaction between the school and parents
Objective: Education of parents, increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence and responsibility in the upbringing of the child. 13 - 26.11 in order to strengthen cooperation "School -Teacher Apprentice" were parent-teacher conferences. At the meeting discussed issues of cooperation between schools, parents and teachers. On this subject, moderated, director of school-l...


Category: Head counselor
Date: 2015-12-08 03:34:33
December 7, 2015 at KSU "College of Balkhash town" solemn ruler. On the line was the closing decade of "Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics" (MIF). Dyusambaev Beken Ablakasovich director and the deputy director for scientific work Vyrva Larisa awarded the winners of the school olimpidy.

Karaganda theater "Balapan"

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2015-12-08 03:22:02
Karaganda theater
December 5 KSU "College of Balkhash" visited Karaganda theater "Balapan" a musical comedy. Viewed students in grades 1-4. The boys watched with interest a music room and watched the white hare, chicken brave and beautiful fox, which gave them different tasks. The kids really liked Mignon. Students with heroes performed different tasks. Wonderful room ended gay disco....

А week of chemistry and biology

Category: Department of science and mathematics subjects
Date: 2015-12-07 05:59:00
А week of chemistry and biology
November, 23-28 there was a week of chemistry and biology on the theme: «Білімді балалар- тәуелсіз мемлекетіміздің жарқын болашағы»in gymnasium school 7. Aims: 1.To raise students’ interest in studying chemistry and biology. 2.To teach them to keep the healthy life-style. Plan of the week № Date Subject  Form Theme...


Date: 2015-12-07 05:49:12
1 декабря 2015 года в ДК им. М.Хамзина состоялся фестиваль патриотической песни«Жырлаймын сені Ұлы далам», посвященный празнованию Дня Первого Президента Республики Казахстан. В этом прекрасном празднике приняла участие вокальная группа  жасулановцев ОСШ № 10 «Жарық жүректер». Девочки  исполнили красивую песню «Казахстан – наш общий дом!» Каз...

Тhe 70th anniversary of Victory Day

Date: 2015-12-07 05:29:35
Тhe 70th anniversary of Victory Day

the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan People's Assembly

Date: 2015-12-07 05:13:17
the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan People's Assembly
  The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan plays an important role in the formation of a unique model of social unity. The main goal of the Assembly is to implement the national policy, ensure social and political stability in Kazakhstan and increase the efficiency of cooperation between state institutions and civil society in the field of interethnic relations. The idea of establi...

Data on employment 9 class for 2014-2015 academic year

Category: Employment
Date: 2015-12-07 04:47:28
Data on employment 9 class for 2014-2015 academic year
Graduates of Grade 9 10 class college grant pay 9А 12 13 5 9 9Ә 8 19 4 15 9Б 7 20 4 16 9В 6 20 3 17 Total 33 72 16 57 &n...

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