Information on the class hours and the solemn meeting "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the guarantor of the independence of the country"

Date: 2016-11-22 09:58:01
Information on the class hours and the solemn meeting
     November 21, 2016 at 800 am in the assembly hall of the school was held a solemn line, "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the guarantor of the country's independence." Solemn line began with the execution of the National anthem. The first word was given to the school principal. In her speech, the Director noted that independence – i...

Educational hour " Preventing crime among teenagers precautions"

Date: 2016-11-21 12:00:11
Educational hour
Teacher Tohmetova A.M  Human rights lesson teacher of the Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash townheld educational hour among students in class 8A on  theme:"The main task is preventing the crime among the children and teenagers". The aim of the lesson: to enrich pupils’ legal knowledge, to teach them use their rights in real life, to introduce pupils with their righ...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information on the activities undertaken in the KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash town", dated 25 th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Date: 2016-11-21 11:58:22
Information on the activities undertaken in the KSU
In KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash town" was designed plan the activities devotedto the  25 yearof independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 21.11.2016 was held the solemn line "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan." 7B grade students prepared agit- brigade "25 stars of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Leader: A.D.Jumanbayeva...
Author: Lyceum №2

25 жыл Бір ел. Бір тағдыр» патриоттық акциясын өткізу бойынша «Мәңгілік ел» құндылықтары төңірегінде шоғырландырып одан әрі дамыту, бірегейлік пен бірлікті нығайту мақсатында «Қазақстан Республикасының Ата – заңы Тәуелсіздіктің кепілі» атты саптық ж

Date: 2016-11-21 08:59:12
25 жыл  Бір ел. Бір тағдыр» патриоттық акциясын өткізу бойынша «Мәңгілік ел» құндылықтары төңірегінде  шоғырландырып одан әрі дамыту, бірегейлік пен бірлікті нығайту  мақсатында   «Қазақстан Республикасының Ата – заңы Тәуелсіздіктің кепілі»  атты саптық ж
2016 жылдың  21 қараша күні мектеп-лицейімізде Ел тәуелсіздігіміздің жиырма бес жылдығына орай оқушыларға  Ата заңның қалыптасу тарихының кезеңдері және оның ерекшеліктері туралы білімдерін тереңдету «25 жыл  Бір ел. Бір тағдыр» патриоттық акциясын өткізу бойынша «Мәңгілік ел» құндылықтары төңірегінде  шоғырландырып одан әрі дамыту, бірегейлік пен бірл...

"25 star days - symbolizing the 25 immutable foundations of independence."

Date: 2016-11-21 06:12:52
On 21 December, 2016, at school №9 was held a solemn line, dedicated to month"25 star days - symbolizing the 25 immutable foundations of independence."Gone class hours "Basis of independence - the Republic of Kazakhstan Constitution" in the 2-11 grades. stand and a book exhibition were decorated.

Virtual simulator training to UNT iTest

Date: 2016-11-19 09:46:35
Virtual simulator training to UNT iTest
  Link to item: It is specially designed electronic simulator, designed to prepare high school students for a single national test (UNT). The uniqueness of the product is that it was developed with the help of professional trainers and teachers who participated in the preparation of test items for UNT. The simulator consists of a multi-level questionnaires for...

"Formation of legal culture"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2016-11-18 09:59:14
   01.11. 2016 at 10.30 school psychologist ZN Abdaulieva and social educator V.S.Zhamkeeva conducted training and discussion on the topic "Formation of legal culture" among students who are on the intra-registered. Purpose: formation of legal culture of students, prevention of crime, to familiarize with the conditions Konvetsii. Social trainer held explanatory conversation t...
Author: School №8

Information on the decade of "Road Safety" in secondary school №8

Category: "City Child Friendly"
Date: 2016-11-18 09:14:32
Information on the decade of
   In secondary school №8 from 14 to 18 November was held a decade "Safety drorozhnogo movement." The purpose of the event: to familiarize students with the rules of the road, check with pedestrian traffic rules, learn to recognize the signs. November 14 in the school conducted propaganda campaign "Ayқyn bol". In this event was attended by 25 students. Propaganda ca...
Author: School №8

Senior leader and organization of self-management in school

Category: leader
Date: 2016-11-18 08:44:14
 Senior leader and organization of self-management in school
   17/11/2016, the school held a meeting of members of government and senior school counselor. They discussed the organization plan. Senior counselor offered the best solutions to some of the issues and areas of work, the students took part together in conversation, expressing their views.
Author: School №8

Қыс мезгілінде қандай ауа-райы жағдайында сабақтар болмайды?

Category: Работа с родителями
Date: 2016-11-16 11:18:25
Author: School №25

Information about the passage of refresher courses in the national training center "for development of leading" in Almaty city on the theme "Teaching Management in preschool organization in the context of updating the content of pre-school education."

Category: our achievements
Date: 2016-11-16 05:51:55
Information about the passage of refresher courses in the national training center
At the beginning of November 2016, our Methodist ON Ilchikaeva passed training courses in the center of the national increase kvalifiatsii "Orleu" in Almaty city on the theme "Teaching Management in preschool organization in the context of updating the content of pre-school education." Olga has successfully defended the project "Organization of health-space in the kinder...

Exhibition of library

Category: Library
Date: 2016-11-15 06:19:30
In library the permanent exhibition «Бабалар аманаты, ғасырлар ғаламаты - Тәуелсіздік» devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is arranged. On it both books, and newspaper materials on history, policy, economy of our republic are provided. The exhibition is updated new information to editions

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