Қамқоршылық кеңес жиналысы хаттамасы №4

Category: Қамқоршылық кеңес жиналысы хаттамасы №4
Date: 2018-05-28 23:44:57
Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім  беретін №5 орта мектебі» КММ  Қамқоршылық кеңес  жиналысы  хаттамасы №4 21.05.2018ж.    Жиналысқа қатысқандар Кеңес төрағасы- Жайнабеков  Бахыт  Исагалиевич  Кеңес мүшелері: Асылбеков Жандос  Калкенович Жұмабаев Айдын Есентайұлы Сейтжанов Қайыржан Арсланұлы Адамбаев Дулат Нургалиевич  Тлеубеко...
Author: School №5

«Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебі»КММ-де 25.05.2018ж күні өткізілген «Сәт сапар саған, жас түлек!-2018» салтанатты жиын ақпары

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-05-28 23:41:48
«Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебі»КММ-де 25.05.2018ж күні өткізілген «Сәт сапар саған, жас түлек!-2018» салтанатты жиын ақпары
           ЖББ№5 орта мектебінде 25.05.18 күні сағат 10.00-де   «Сәт сапар саған, жас түлек!-2018» салтанатты жиыны өткізілді.Жиынға  11А сыныбының ата-аналары,әкелер кеңесі және аналар мектебі мүшелері,мектеп ұстаздары және қалалық білім бөлімінің әдіскері Мухаметжанова Жайнагуль Саденовна, Балқаш қаласының қаржы бөлімі бастығы Тлеул...
Author: School №5

Protocol № 4 of the Board of Trustees KSU "School - Lyceum №17 named after VV Mayakovsky, Balkhash town"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2018-05-28 16:08:48
Present:   Director of the school - Lyceum №17 Alisheva Sh.A.   Deputy. Director for the Verkhovna Rada Kusainova N.E.   Chairman of the Board of Trustees Morozov GA   Members of the Board of Trustees (9 people)                                          ...

Protocol of the Board of Trustees meeting №4

Category: Board of Trustees
Date: 2018-05-28 12:41:47
Author: School №6

Қамқоршылар кеңесінің отырысы Хаттамасы №4

Date: 2018-05-28 11:34:00
Күн тәртібі: Күн тәртібінде:  1.«Қамқоршылық кеңесі» тобының атқарған жұмысының жылдық есебі   Жауапты: мектеп директоры Г.Әби  2.Жаңа  оқу жылына  жұмыс жоспарын жобалау туралы  Жауапты: қамқоршылар кеңесінің  төрағасы Алибаева Қ.Б. Тыңдалды:    1. 1-ші  мәселе бойынша мектеп директоры жыл бойы атқарылған  іс &ndas...
Author: School №9

Analysis, monitoring of students' participation in distance competitions and olympiads for the 2017-2018 academic year

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-05-27 13:28:22
Analysis, monitoring of students' participation in distance competitions and olympiads for the 2017-2018 academic year
  The main goals and objectives of the Distance Contest is to encourage participation in intellectual competitions, to identify and support talented students and teachers, stimulating their creative activity of teachers, development of professional skills.  In distance competitions for pupils, students may participate in the general secondary education institutions from 6 to 11 cla...

Analysis of work on the project "Polyglot" for the 2017-2018 school year, as part of the development strategy of the school

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2018-05-27 13:00:25
Analysis of work on the project
  Purpose: To develop a multilingual, multicultural personality that can communicate in several languages in all situations, through self-development and self-improvement. Increasing the professional and methodological level of English teachers, which leads to an improvement in the quality of knowledge in the subject "English". Teaching of natural science subjects in English in...

Congratulatory speech of the director at the solemn, dedicated a Last Call celebration

Category: Headmaster's speeches
Date: 2018-05-26 17:57:35
Congratulatory speech of the director at the solemn, dedicated a Last Call celebration
    Dear teachers, students, parents! Congratulations on completing one more academic year. Your children have grown up, have grown up, added new achievements of school, city and regional levels to their achievements. I wish everyone successfully pass the transfer and state examinations, fruitfully rest, harden their organisms and with new strength come to school for new knowledge. S...

Minutes of the meeting № 5 methodical association of educators, 2017-2018 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-05-26 17:48:42
  19. 05. 2018 On the agenda: 1. Summarizing the year for educational activities. / Report / Head of the Ministry of Defense: Zhumabekova A. O. 2. Monitoring of educators /annual/ deputy of educational work: Suleimenova M. N. Recommendations: Educational activities in the 2017-2018 academic year were carried out by educators at a good level, to carry out work on identified sh...

Minutes of the meeting № 5 of teachers of artistic and aesthetic cycle, 2017-2018 academic year

Category: Methodical association of aesthetic cycle
Date: 2018-05-26 17:42:06
  23. 05. 2018 On the agenda: 1. The final report for the 2017-2018 academic year. 2. Results of the decade. 3. The annual quality monitoring. The recommendations of the last meeting made. Open lessons and extra-curricular activities planned in the course of the decade have been at a good level. Defense of artistic and aesthetic cycle "Oner" for the results of monito...

Minutes of the meeting № 5 social and humanitarian cycle 2017-2018 academic year

Category: Methodical association of social and humanities
Date: 2018-05-26 17:31:26
    Date: May 19, 2018 Present: 12 people On the agenda: 1. Summing up the work for the 2017-2018 school year. (Esimbekova A.T.) 2. On the course of preparing students 9 grade for state examinations. Preparation of documentation and test materials for translation exams. (Subject teachers) Recommendations: 1. Each subject should bring out the quality of students'...

Minutes of the meeting of natural-mathematical cycle № 5, 2017-2018 school year

Date: 2018-05-26 17:23:49
  Date: May 18, 2018 Present: 6 teachers Agenda: 1. Detailed explanation of the new format for the final certification of graduates and the principles for conducting admission to the university. 2. Analysis of the work of methodical association of the natural-mathematical cycle for the 2017-2018 academic year. 3. Monitoring the quality of knowledge in the subjects of the natural...

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