«Development and examination of tasks for evaluation»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2020-10-20 07:45:38
«Development and examination of tasks for evaluation»
October 15, 2020, in the framework of the decade of science and mathematics biology teacher Kordabaeva A. A. was held online seminar organized by the methodologist of Department of formation of Ainabekova K. K. Topic: "development and evaluation tasks to assess". The seminar reviewed the tasks of the BBK, which were compiled in grades 9. Feedback participants shared their opinions.
Author: School №5

A training, a conversation-consultation on the topic "Mental health of students"...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2020-10-19 22:53:07
A training, a conversation-consultation on the topic
On October 14, a training was held for students, a conversation-consultation on the topic "mental health of students". During distance learning, students face many difficulties. One of them is the general mental health of the student. During the training, answers were given to the questions "What is mental health?" , "how can I help myself?" Also, ways of solving me...

"The ABC" "Matching words" and "Puzzle"

Date: 2020-10-19 22:30:52
On October 16, English teacher Kamit S. M. conducted an educational game with pupils of the 2nd grade. All pupils were involved in the process. The event included such tasks as: "The ABC" "Matching words" and "Puzzle".
Author: Lyceum №2

the project "Trilingual education"

Date: 2020-10-19 22:28:55
the project
In order to implement the project "Trilingual education" in the Lyceum on 13.10, an online decade of foreign languages on the theme "Multilingualism - the way to the future" was launched. On October 15, the intellectual competition "Travel to the English World" was held with students of 2-4 grades. Pupils traveled to the world of the English language in the “...

«Көптілділік болашаққа бастар жол»

Date: 2020-10-19 22:22:41
«Көптілділік болашаққа бастар жол»
«Көптілділік болашаққа бастар жол» Ағылшын және орын тілі мен әдебиеті пәндерінің онлайн апталығының іс-шаралар жоспары(12.10-22.10.2020)
Author: Lyceum №2

Сынып сағаты "Адамгершілік-рухани тәрбиенің маңызы "

Category: Воспитательная работа
Date: 2020-10-19 17:35:58
Сынып сағаты
г.Балхаш. ОШИОТ Қарлығаш Еркінқызы Сәулехан приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: 6 "А" сынып Сынып сағаты "Адамгершілік-рухани тәрбиенің маңызы " Мақсаты: Оқушыларды адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу, баланың жеке тұлғалық қабілетін қалыптастыру мен дамытудың аса маңызды бір саласы, ұжымға, қоғамға, Отанға, еңбекке, өз міндеттеріне және өз басына жауапкершілі...

Savior's Day

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-10-19 17:02:59
Savior's Day
   In the "Lyceum №2 named after Abai", the city of Balkhash, was held a drawing competition on the theme "I am a future rescuer", dedicated to the Day of Rescuer. Participants are Barlyk Nurikamal, Kabdygali Gulshat, Tegis Tolganay, Temirgali Azhar, Shapey Minura. Thank you for your active participation!
Author: Lyceum №2

“Lyceum №2 named after Abai, Balkhash " Information about class hours conducted October 19, 2020.

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2020-10-19 16:42:49
“Lyceum №2 named after Abai, Balkhash
   October 19, 2020 in accordance with the annual plan "Lyceum Abay2 named after Abai in Balkhash ”, teachers of each class conducted classes on a specific topic. On the subject of morality  in grade 1 on the topic "Planet of Mercy", In the 2nd grade in the class hours of the project "Good book - food for the soul" Abai Kunanbayev on the topic &q...
Author: Lyceum №2

Regional campaign "One family - one book"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-10-19 15:52:00
Regional campaign
On the eve of the 175th anniversary of the great Abai, within the framework of the regional action "One family - one book" and the lyceum project "Abai - the golden anchor of spirituality" Abai scientist, poet, translator, laureate of the "Serper" prize, member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, the republican magazine "Moldir Bulak »The purpose of...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information of Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash" about conducting class hours 19.10. 2020

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2020-10-19 14:29:47
Information of Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash
On October 19, class hours were held according to age characteristics. The main theme of the class hours was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the Great Abai. In the 8th - 11th grades an hour of communication took place - the Project "Zhaksy қitapzhan azygy". The class teachers with the active prepared material about the moral education of youth using Abai's fiction "Words...
Author: School №10

«Адам өзіне қалай сенімді бола алады ?» атты тренинг

Category: To the young specialist
Date: 2020-10-19 11:47:35
Мектебімізде Қазан айының 17 –сі күні ЗУМ платформасы арқылы Жас мамандар арасында «Адам өзіне қалай сенімді бола алады ?» атты тренинг өтті. Тренингтің мақсаты: Мектепке жаңадан келген жас мамандардың өзіне деген сенімділіктерін арттырып, жігерлі болуға үйрету. Мектеп ұжымына сіңісіп кетуге жағдай жасау. Бұл тренинг тұлға ретінде өз-өзіңізге сенімді болуға және де кішкене бо...
Author: School №8

October 18-Day of spiritual consent

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-19 09:57:48
October 18-Day of spiritual consent
Every year, on October 18, the country celebrates the day of spiritual harmony. This significant date dates back to October 18, 1992, when the First World Spiritual Congress was held in Almaty under the chairmanship of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev. Spiritual harmony is an invaluable asset between nations and traditional religions.   In honor of the day of spiritual harmony, the library organize...

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