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3 августа проведены дистанционно занятия для детей "Малышкина школа" - основы грамоты и основы математики.

Category: Summer school " Learning with passion"
Date: 2021-08-06 15:26:14
3 августа проведены дистанционно занятия для детей
Сегодня будущие первоклассники с интересом распознавали и называли гласные звуки в словах. И сами называли предметы, и определяли сколько гласных звуков в словах и, где они стоят.             На занятии основы математики дети с удовольствием вели прямой и обратный счёт. Называли и показывали, какое место занимает число в числовом ряду. Опр...
Author: School №4


Category: Summer school " Learning with passion"
Date: 2021-08-06 15:21:50
2 августа были проведены дистанционные занятия в "Малышкина школа" основы грамоты, логика и развитие речи. Дети приняли активное участие и с удовольствием выполняли задания по всем предметам проводимыми дистанционно.
Author: School №4

COVID-19-ға қарсы вакцина жайында тәрбиешілерге кеңес

Category: Medical service
Date: 2021-08-06 15:06:18
COVID-19-ға қарсы вакцина жайында тәрбиешілерге кеңес Вакцина салдырған әрбір адам білуі керек ең маңызды нәрсе – екпе инфекциядан емес, аурудың ауыр ағымынан, коронавирустан болатын өлімнен корғайды. Екпені не үшін алу қажет? Вакцина – өзіңізді және жақындарыңызды Covid-19 жұқпалы індетінен қорғаудың ең тиімді әдісі. Сондықтан өкпе немесе бронхпен, жүрек-тамыр ауруларымен жән...

Information about the solemn meeting of graduates of the 11th grade "Tauelsizdik ulandar" for receiving a certificate

Date: 2021-08-06 14:54:27
Information about the solemn meeting of graduates of the 11th grade
A solemn meeting for students of the 11th grades with the presentation of the certificate "Tauelsizdik ulandary"was held at the secondary school No. 9 on 14.06.21. The director of the school, D. Zholdasova, made a congratulatory speech and wishes.I thanked the parents who have been participating in the public work of the school for 11 years. Graduates were awarded certificates of gener...
Author: School №9

From June 21 to June 23, a group of teachers from the city of Balkhash took part in an educational tour within the framework of the project of the Central Educational Institution of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" together with Kazakhmys Corporation

Category: MC "Start"
Date: 2021-08-06 14:36:48
From June 21 to June 23, a group of teachers from the city of Balkhash took part in an educational tour within the framework of the project of the Central Educational Institution of AEO
From June 21 to June 23, a group of teachers from the city of Balkhash took part in an educational tour within the framework of the project of the Central Educational Institution of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" together with Kazakhmys Corporation LLP. From our school, S. A. Ainekova, a primary school teacher, took part in this tour. The teachers studied with the best trainers...
Author: School №17

Staffing requirement

Date: 2021-08-06 14:33:51
Janitor-1 Room cleaner -2 Russian language teacher -1 Primary school teacher-1 Chemistry teacher-1 School psychologist-1 Social worker. Employee -1
Author: School №9

Analysis of methodological work for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Category: МК "Қазақ тілі"
Date: 2021-08-06 14:01:25
Analysis of methodological work for the 2020-2021 academic year.
  Analysis of methodological work for the 2020-2021 academic year.   The educational process at the KSU "School-Lyceum No. 17" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region was carried out on the basis of the State mandatory standard of secondary education (primary, basic secondary, general secondary ed...
Author: School №17

Читаем дома

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2021-08-06 13:46:27
Читаем дома
Облыстық «Бір отбасы-бір кітап» акциясы аясында, жалпы білім беретін №4 мектебінің 7 «В» сынып оқушысы Фомин Кирилл отбасымен Павел Санаевтың «Похороните меня за плинтусом»  кітабын қызыға оқып фотоколлаж ұсынады.  В рамках областной акции «Бір отбасы-бір кітап», приуроченной к 30 летию Независимости РК, семья ученика 7 «В»...
Author: School №4

Stand on the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 2025

Category: Противодействие коррупции
Date: 2021-08-06 13:34:33
Stand on the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 2025
  FOR the organization and passage of internships for civil servants and persons enrolled in the personnel reserve of the administrative civil service 1 The general provisions of the organization and internship of civil servants and persons enrolled in the personnel reserve of the administrative civil service (hereinafter referred to as reservists) have been developed in...
Author: School №17

Design of stands on anti-corruption

Category: Противодействие коррупции
Date: 2021-08-06 13:26:27
Design of stands on anti-corruption
Design of stands on anti-corruption
Author: School №17

"Волшебный микрофон!"

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-08-06 12:54:09
      В КГУ «ОШ№ 4» г. Балхаш 06.08.2021 в пришкольной летней площадке «Акватика» Аманжолова М.Б провела на платформе Zoomконцертною игровую программу по теме: «Волшебный микрофон», где участники активно поучаствовали один учащийся, пел, а другие участники отгадывали название песни и автора. Все участники будут награждены благодарственными письм...
Author: School №4

"Осторожно, огонь!"

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-08-06 12:52:28
      В КГУ «ОШ№ 4» г. Балхаш 06.08.2021 в пришкольной летней площадке «Акватика» Аманжолова М.Б провела на платформе Zoomконцертною игровую программу по теме: «Волшебный микрофон», где участники активно поучаствовали один учащийся, пел, а другие участники отгадывали название песни и автора. Все участники будут награждены благодарственными письм...
Author: School №4

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