Seminar-training "Mother - the mainstay of life"

Дата: 2020-11-18 12:22:16
  On November 17. 2020. Nurlan Moldir Bolatovna and Kazakbayeva Ainur Toleugalievna of Syrlas Mother School of Balkhash Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai organized an online seminar-training on "Motherhood".  During the seminar-training, a formula for family happiness was developed to make sure that mothers are the main leaven of the family and the gardeners of family happiness.  Through a special video presentation, there was a conversation and exchange of views on the role of mothers in society and their role in the upbringing of children.  In conclusion, the mothers expressed their gratitude to the teachers, realizing that their success in raising their children depends on the results of the educational work of the class and school staff, and consider it their main task to communicate directly with the school.