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Within the framework of the integrated week of natural science and trilingualism " Gylym. Technic. Tabigat " in the school-lyceum No. 2 named after Abai, a physics lesson was held in English.

Date: 2021-04-16 08:54:38
Within the framework of the integrated week of natural science and trilingualism
Within the framework of the integrated week of natural science and trilingualism " Gylym. Technic. Tabigat " in the school-lyceum No. 2 named after Abai, a physics lesson was held in English. The lesson was conducted by the teacher-expert Rakhimova Zh. T. on the topic " Photo Effect. Practical work". At the lesson, there were tasks to improve the functional literacy of studen...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Biology in our life" тақырыбында ағылшын тілінде CLIL технологиясы бойынша онлайн форматында теле-сұхбат іс-шарасы өтті.

Date: 2021-04-16 08:51:51
Жаратылыстану -ғылыми сауаттылық және үш тілді білім берудің кіріктірілген апталығының жоспарына  сай Абай атындағы №2 мектеп-лицейінде 10 А сынып оқушыларымен биология пәні мұғалімі Н.А.Коккозова "Biology in our life" тақырыбында  ағылшын тілінде CLIL технологиясы бойынша  онлайн форматында теле-сұхбат іс- шараcын өткізді. Сұхбат барысында оқушылар биологияның өмірдегі...
Author: Lyceum №2

«Үздік тәлімгер - 2021» қалалық байқауы

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-14 17:43:43
«Үздік тәлімгер - 2021» қалалық байқауы
«Үздік тәлімгер - 2021» қалалық байқауы 2021 жылдың 14 сәуір күні «Оқушылар сарайы» КМҚК-нің  ұйымдастыруымен өткен «Үздік тәлімгер - 2021» қалалық байқауына «Абай атындағы №2 мектеп- лицейі» КММ-нің аға тәлімгері Ә.Қ. Исагужанова қатысып, жүлделі II орынға ие болды. Құттықтаймыз!!!
Author: Lyceum №2

Lesson of a trip to virtual museums "Ancient metallurgy of the Great Steppe and modern discoveries"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-14 17:42:08
Lesson of a trip to virtual museums
Lesson of a trip to virtual museums "Ancient metallurgy of the Great Steppe and modern discoveries"  On April 14, 2021, according to the annual plan, a trip to online virtual museums with the participation of students of 6 A grade was held in "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Биологияның қызықты тәжірибесі" тақырыбында 8 сыныптармен гидропоника кабинетінде тәжірибелік жұмыстар өтті.

Date: 2021-04-14 09:23:30
"Ғылым.Техника.Табиғат" атты ғылыми жаратылыстану және үш тілді білім беруді кіріктірілген апталығында мектеп - лицейімізде "Биологияның қызықты тәжірибесі" тақырыбында 8 сыныптармен гидропоника кабинетінде тәжірибелік жұмыстар өтті. Оқушылар өсімдікті  топырақсыз өсірудің тиімді жолы гидропоника әдісі жайлы ақпараттар алып,құралдарымен танысты.Топтық жұмыс жасап,постер...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Journey to Natural Sciences" was held with students of the 3rd grade.

Date: 2021-04-14 08:34:56
According to the plan of the scientific and Natural Science Week in the school-lyceum named after Abay, an interesting event "Journey to Natural Sciences" was held with students of the 3rd grade. Small natural scientists passed the stops "Miracle of chemistry", "World of geography", "Miracle of biology" and received a variety of amazing information. Marat...
Author: Lyceum №2

n accordance with the concept of development of student self-government bodies "SCHOOL PARLIAMENT" in "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" held elections of the President of the Parliament from 3 to 12 April 2021.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-13 21:27:40
n accordance with the concept of development of student self-government bodies
In accordance with the concept of development of student self-government bodies "SCHOOL PARLIAMENT" in "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" held elections of the President of the Parliament from 3 to 12 April 2021.  Pupils of 8-10 grades of our lyceum developed programs and nominated candidates for the post of the President of the Parliament.  Out of the candidates f...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about class hours held on April 12, 2021 in "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" On April 12, 2021, class teachers of "School - Lyceum №2 named after Abai" held classes in accordance with the annual plan.

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-04-12 16:43:36
Information about class hours held on April 12, 2021 in
Information about class hours held on April 12, 2021 in "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai"  On April 12, 2021, class teachers of "School - Lyceum №2 named after Abai" held classes in accordance with the annual plan.  Grades 1: Occupations of citizens. Occupations of parents  Grade 2: “Money: what is it?  »Small project  Grade 3: &...
Author: Lyceum №2

Meeting in the framework of the project "Ethical Life"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-09 15:59:56
Meeting in the framework of the project
Meeting in the framework of the project "Ethical Life"  On April 8, 2021 the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature GM Amirbayeva of "Lyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region with the participation of students of 8-9 grades in the project "Ethical Life" Kazakhstan&nbs...
Author: Lyceum №2

Participants and winners of the regional stage of the Republican Subject Olympiad in General Education.

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2021-04-06 15:20:45
Participants and winners of the regional stage of the Republican Subject Olympiad in General Education.
Participants and winners of the regional stage of the Republican Subject Olympiad in General Education.      ...
Author: Lyceum №2

Line collection on the theme "Earth is a fragile planet"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-06 08:41:50
Line collection on the theme
Line collection on the theme "Earth is a fragile planet"    On April 5, 2021, students of 7 B classes of Ю "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region held a line meeting on "Earth is a fragile planet."
Author: Lyceum №2

Held in honor of the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin information about class hours

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-04-06 08:39:59
Held in honor of the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin information about class hours
Held in honor of the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin information about class hours    On April 5, 2021 in "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Karaganda region in Balkhash town in 2 B and 4 B classes dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh educator, writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure Ibrai Altyrsanin&nb...
Author: Lyceum №2

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