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The results of the regional Olympiad " CLEVER»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-12-05 11:14:39
The results of the regional Olympiad
      In the regional Olympiad "CLEVER", which was held on October 3, 2018, the following students were awarded diplomas and prizes: № Full  name Class Object Results 1 Тлеуғабыл Диляра 4 Қазақ ті...
Author: School №5

The results of the intellectual marathon "Akbota"

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-12-05 10:50:53
The results of the intellectual marathon
           63 pupils of our school took part in the ''Akbota'' intellectual marathon, all students received certificates. As a result, 20 students were awarded a diploma of III degree. № Full  name Class Results 1 Murat Elnu...
Author: School №5

«Дарынды ұрпақ-ел болашағы» онкүндігі

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-12-03 15:36:12
«Дарынды  ұрпақ-ел  болашағы» онкүндігі
      Қараша айынның 09 мен 20-сы аралығында «Дарынды  ұрпақ-ел  болашағы» атты  дарындылар  онкүндігі болып өтті. Онкүндіктің жоспары құрылып мектеп директорымен бекітілді.         «Дарынды  ұрпақ-ел  болашағы»онкүндігінің мақсаты:  оқушыларды  даралау, ұлттық құндылықты әлемдік деңгейге шығаруғ...
Author: School №5

Kazakhstan aspiring to the heights

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-12-03 15:10:59
Kazakhstan aspiring to the heights
       "Sarit sea Stylin As In the school library secondary school №5 history teacher May Torgyn Toleugalieva held a story hour on the topic "Sarit sea Stylin Kazakhstan".          The purpose of which is to inculcate increased respect for the native land, to the native country.       We all have the sam...
Author: School №5

"The Leader of the Nation!"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-12-03 07:49:03
      The solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was celebrated on October 30 at our school on December 1, "The Leader of the Nation!" Was held at 8:00 am. The solemn meeting was attended by the school administration and the head of the city department of education Sadvakasova Olga Konstantievna. The school principal mad...
Author: School №5

Бастауыш сыныптардың арасында «Білім басы бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар» тақырыбында өткен онкүндік есебі

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-11-28 13:54:01
Бастауыш сыныптардың арасында «Білім басы бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар» тақырыбында өткен онкүндік есебі
2018 жылы 17.10.-27.10. аралығында Бастауыш сыныптардың онкүндігі өтті.       Апталықтың тақырыбы: «Білім басы бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар» .                               &nbs...
Author: School №5

"Golden autumn"

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-11-22 08:58:41
      In the mini-center" Erketai "on October 25-26 were held festive events "Golden autumn".      During the festival, the children came to visit the" Princess of autumn", "clown".      All children read verses, sang songs, danced, took active part in a holiday.
Author: School №5

Information about realization of lecture on the prophylaxis of offences

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-11-20 16:22:05
Information about realization of lecture on the prophylaxis of offences
       Оn November, 19, 2018 at our school among students 8-11 classes school inspector Zhandygulov Kanat Zhakipbekovich and major of police on the prophylaxis of offences Rope ofKarimova Ainur Abdicasenjvnaaccording to plan conducted a lecture on a theme "Domestic violence - no".
Author: School №5

"Tugan zherge tagzhym - perzenttik paryzym"

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-11-14 09:12:28
    A round table was held on the theme "Tugan zherge tagzhym - perzenttik paryzym". Students for the 81st anniversary of the city prepared information about the honorary citizens, attractions and beautiful nature of the native city of Balkhash. In the school library was organized an exhibition of books on " how beautiful native land!".
Author: School №5

«Gifted children - the future of the nation»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-11-14 08:45:23
«Gifted children - the future of the nation»
       For the best research work at the regional festival "I am a researcher" among pupils of elementary school, a student of 4 "A" class Kozhakhmetova Arailym was awarded a diploma. Leader: Sopykhanova Gulnara Tiyshtykbaevna.          Pupil of 4 "A" class Osman Abdullah took part in competitions organized by the Natio...
Author: School №5

"Golden Autumn -2018"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-11-05 17:51:30
      On October 27, our school hosted a holiday called "Golden Autumn -2018" between Grades 2-4 and Grade 5-7. From 09:30 to 10:30 in the morning took place between elementary classes. The festive evening consisted of 5 stages. 1. Let's face it 2. Show your own art 3. The moment of the moment (In response to the question put on the question) 4. Autumn...
Author: School №5

"All wonderful books are similar to each other because they are authentic from life»

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-11-05 17:48:26
According to the plan approved by the city Department of education, the project "alley of the 100 books"was held in the square Karamende bi. The next event was held in secondary schools № 4,5.   Purpose: to draw public attention to the reduction of interest in reading books the role of books in the formation of the human personality;to develop and maintain the culture of...
Author: School №5

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