"Secondary school №5 of Balkhash" Events organized as part of the Kazakhstan Charity Event

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-02-05 08:05:51
     Within the framework of the event held as part of the Kazakhstan Charity Event, students of the Day of Disabled Children of grade 3A visited Maksatuly Meyrkhan’s pupil from parents of grade 4A of Sopykhanova Gulnara Tiyshtikbaevna. Meyrkhan gave 6000 tons of sweets and toys.
Author: School №5

Events organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in January in the framework of charity events based on the traditions of the Great Steppe.

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-02-05 07:58:24
Events organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in January in the framework of charity events based on the traditions of the Great Steppe.
Five pupils from the general education fund of the school received 47,000 tons of winter shoes. 1. Bektaeva Assia is a pupil  of 1B grade 2. Bolatova Ailan is a pupil of 1B grade 3. Samenbetuly  Dauren is a pupil  of 8 grade  4. Borankul Ermek  is a pupil of 2A grade 5. Abeuov Nurbek  is a pupil of 3A grade
Author: School №5

The center, organized in Central Kazakhstan 1 level, the winners of scientific projects.

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2019-02-04 15:59:26
The center, organized in Central Kazakhstan 1 level, the winners of scientific projects.
       Оn January 14-15 among pupils of 5-7 classes, organized 1-level teaching –research participated 5 students won prizes. The Melanya Chekashkina the diploma of  III degree in Russian language and literature,on geography Serikbol Samaland AitpaiAruzhan by the diploma of  III of degree. Republican scientific-educational center" Bilim-Education –E...
Author: School №5

Lectures of a school inspector

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2019-02-04 12:50:26
Lectures of a school inspector
    In KGU "Comprehensive high school No. 5 of Balkhash" 04.02.2019 year at 12.30 PM for students in grades 7-11 WHIP UPT senior Lieutenant of police Dandygulov rope Zhakipbekovich gave a lecture on crime prevention on the theme: "extortion and hooliganism of article 293 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Number of participants: 103 students and 5...
Author: School №5

«Kyl kalam sheberi»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2019-02-04 11:58:55
«Kyl kalam sheberi»
        In the city branch of the party "Nur Otan" was a public reception. This event was attended by students of grades 5-6 of our school, who got acquainted with the art of the artist.Abylkhan Kasteyev (1904-1973) is a well-known Kazakh painter, graphic artist, one of the founders of Kazakh fine art, artist of the people of the Kazakh SSR.      ...
Author: School №5

"Сәкен -сырдың сарқылмас дариясы"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-02-04 11:44:01
    In the framework of the action "One country-one book" decades of public-humanitarian cycle held home evening "Saken-Sardi sarkylmas gariyasi". World "slippery Narrow road to life" presentation about the life and work of Saken students performed the works of the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people. Listening to the songs of Saken, watched v...
Author: School №5

Do you know English? educational competition

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-01-24 14:29:27
Do you know English? educational competition
On January 18, 2019, as part of the week of subjects of the humanitarian cycle, an English lesson was held. Do you know English? among the 6 classes was informative competition. The competition was attended by English teacher zhaksybekova ASEM Sabitovna. The purpose of the cognitive competition: to awaken students ' interest in the English language.Show the knowledge gained during the lesson...
Author: School №5

"Social ideas in the training and education of the future generation of spiritual implementation of large-scale modernization of the country»

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-01-05 10:32:10
In secondary school №5, 03.12.2018-14.12.2018 days, held a decade on the theme " Social ideas in teaching and education of the future generation of spiritual implementation of large-scale modernization of the country»   The opening of the decade began with a solemn line. At the solemn line of students acquainted with the plan of the decade class teachers, the head of the Asso...
Author: School №5

«New Year -2019»

Category: Онкүндіктер
Date: 2019-01-05 10:17:12
«New Year -2019»
   On December 26 and 29, 2015, our school hosted the «New Year -2019» festive celebrations with elementary, middle-aged and senior classes. Mukhamedzhanova Zhainagul Sadenovna from the departament of education of the city took part in the evening party, telling about the high level of the evening.    At the end of the evening there was a dance party for pu...
Author: School №5

"Еl tandagan Elbasy"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-12-19 12:05:39
      On December 12, our school held a solemn meeting called "El tandagan Elbasy". The Director of the school Tournament Aina Tickabove, Deputy head for educational work Salijanov Alma Konysbaeva and the Deputy on educational work of Saul Azihanovna. The driving force of the meeting was appointed Bayan and Tynybek ainara. Group "Naz bi" opened group "Kaza...
Author: School №5

"My Homeland Is Kazakhstan!»

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-12-11 09:11:53
      On November 29, the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was Held in the mini-center "Erketay" school№5. The purpose of which was to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the activities of the first President of Kazakhstan. Contribute to the formation of views of the younger generation on the role of the President in the formation and devel...
Author: School №5

Was shown a theatrical production of the fairy tale "the Hare and the Fox" and "the Gingerbread man"

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-12-07 08:41:26
Was shown a theatrical production of the fairy tale
        Children live a busy life in our minicenter "Erketay" and the performance of theater groups has become a good tradition in our preschool institution.         There are many happy moments in the life of children, but one of the most memorable is the theater!              In November 15 and 22 of 2...
Author: School №5

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