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Әдістемелік жұмыстарды ұйымдастыру

City open lesson on chemistry

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2019-02-28 08:09:04
City open lesson on chemistry
 In the field of natural mathematics, our school held a public lesson on chemistry. On February 12, 2019, the open lesson on Chemistry in 7th grade was given to Torebekova SS. held. Active strategies used in the lesson were based on creative development, logical thinking, functional literacy of students. Chemistry pupils were given individual and homogeneous works with pupils using the vi...
Author: School №5

Olympiad in the Kazakh language, mathematics and science among primary school students

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2019-02-16 08:33:39
Olympiad in the Kazakh language, mathematics and science among primary school students
     The peak of educational competitions will begin with the traditional full-time subject Olympiad. 48 pupils of 2-4 grades took part in the school competition. Of these, 17 students participated in the Kazakh language, 21 students in mathematics and 10 students in natural science. As a result, 17 students were awarded prizes.
Author: School №5

Between 8-11 grades 53th General Subject Olympiad

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2019-02-05 08:24:46
Between 8-11 grades 53th General Subject Olympiad
     The peak of education competitions will start with the traditional intramural Subject Olympiad. This year, 120 schoolchildren from 8-11 grades took part in the School Olympiad in the secondary school № 5, and 22 pupils were enrolled to the city stage. 10 students in public humanitarian field and 12 students competed in natural-and-mathematical orientation.     &nb...
Author: School №5

The center, organized in Central Kazakhstan 1 level, the winners of scientific projects.

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2019-02-04 15:59:26
The center, organized in Central Kazakhstan 1 level, the winners of scientific projects.
       Оn January 14-15 among pupils of 5-7 classes, organized 1-level teaching –research participated 5 students won prizes. The Melanya Chekashkina the diploma of  III degree in Russian language and literature,on geography Serikbol Samaland AitpaiAruzhan by the diploma of  III of degree. Republican scientific-educational center" Bilim-Education –E...
Author: School №5

The results of the regional Olympiad " CLEVER»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-12-05 11:14:39
The results of the regional Olympiad
      In the regional Olympiad "CLEVER", which was held on October 3, 2018, the following students were awarded diplomas and prizes: № Full  name Class Object Results 1 Тлеуғабыл Диляра 4 Қазақ ті...
Author: School №5

The results of the intellectual marathon "Akbota"

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-12-05 10:50:53
The results of the intellectual marathon
           63 pupils of our school took part in the ''Akbota'' intellectual marathon, all students received certificates. As a result, 20 students were awarded a diploma of III degree. № Full  name Class Results 1 Murat Elnu...
Author: School №5

«Дарынды ұрпақ-ел болашағы» онкүндігі

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-12-03 15:36:12
«Дарынды  ұрпақ-ел  болашағы» онкүндігі
      Қараша айынның 09 мен 20-сы аралығында «Дарынды  ұрпақ-ел  болашағы» атты  дарындылар  онкүндігі болып өтті. Онкүндіктің жоспары құрылып мектеп директорымен бекітілді.         «Дарынды  ұрпақ-ел  болашағы»онкүндігінің мақсаты:  оқушыларды  даралау, ұлттық құндылықты әлемдік деңгейге шығаруғ...
Author: School №5

Бастауыш сыныптардың арасында «Білім басы бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар» тақырыбында өткен онкүндік есебі

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-11-28 13:54:01
Бастауыш сыныптардың арасында «Білім басы бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар» тақырыбында өткен онкүндік есебі
2018 жылы 17.10.-27.10. аралығында Бастауыш сыныптардың онкүндігі өтті.       Апталықтың тақырыбы: «Білім басы бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар» .                               &nbs...
Author: School №5

«Gifted children - the future of the nation»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-11-14 08:45:23
«Gifted children - the future of the nation»
       For the best research work at the regional festival "I am a researcher" among pupils of elementary school, a student of 4 "A" class Kozhakhmetova Arailym was awarded a diploma. Leader: Sopykhanova Gulnara Tiyshtykbaevna.          Pupil of 4 "A" class Osman Abdullah took part in competitions organized by the Natio...
Author: School №5

KSU "secondary school № 5 of the city of Balkhash" the results of the intra-school Olympic games at 8-11 classes

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-10-30 15:16:37
Қазақстан Республикасының 2012 жылы 13 наурыздағы № 99 «Жалпы білім беру  пәндері бойынша республикалық олимпиаданы ұйымдастыру және өткізу ережесіне» сәйкес 24  қазан №1-11/1049 бұйрығы негізінде  26-27 қазан аралығында  мектепішілік  олимпиада өтті.  Барлығы   олимпиадаға 57 оқушы қатысты.8-сынып -25 оқушы, 9 –сыныптардан-13 оқушы, 10-с...
Author: School №5

III regional Olympiad "Clever" between 4-6 grades

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-10-12 21:53:49
III regional Olympiad
       On October 3, 2018, in the secondary school No. 5 of the city of Balkhash, the III regional “Clever” Olympiad among 4-6 grades was held. The competition was attended by students in the subjects of the Kazakh language, Russian language and mathematics. 298 students from all schools took part in the competition. 12 students from our school took part in it.
Author: School №5

5.09-12.09 report of the week of September - day of languages of Kazakhstan

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-10-12 16:34:17
5.09-12.09 report of the week of September - day of languages of Kazakhstan
Theme: "Тіл тұтастығы –ел тұтастығы»   Purpose: to promote the widespread use of the state language, to instill in the younger generation that language is a mechanism of peace, friendship, a source of education, an important factor in the consolidation of the people.   Language week began with the opening Of the week on September 5. The head of the social...
Author: School №5

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