Social teacher: Kasenova Ainur Serikkazhievna

Helpline social and educational service: 7-50-41  

Night raid

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2019-09-27 10:22:55
Night raid
       For the purpose of prevention of offenses in the city from September 23 to September 24, 2019 from 23.00-24.00 PM the administration of school carried out night RAID. Night RAID actions were carried out on city streets, residential districts 1, 2, 3, 17, 21, entertainment, cafes, shops and empty teenagers. During the event, recommendations were made that minors can not...
Author: School №5

Events organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in April in the framework of charity events based on the traditions of the Great Steppe.

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2019-04-18 15:01:49
Events organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in April in the framework of charity events based on the traditions of the Great Steppe.
     During the action, an explanation of the purpose of Asar was given.The students told the veteran grandmother and guardian mother their poems and sang songs.The school administration thanked them and presented them with a gift.Tokbolatov Turyma, sponsor, provided a tracksuit, crafting and training materials for a total of 25,000 tenge.
Author: School №5

Results of the decade "Bakytty balalyk shak"

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2019-02-16 10:34:37
Results of the decade
     From 06 February to 16 February 2019, the plan of the decade "Bakytty Balalyk Shak"was drawn up.         The aim of the decade is to improve the legal culture, knowledge about the rights of students, as well as legal literacy of parents.        Within a decade, the science teacher, etc. D. February 11, 2014 was themed...
Author: School №5

Results of the Republican campaign "Care"

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2019-02-09 11:18:11
Results of the Republican campaign
From January 10 to February 10, 2019 our school held a traditional Republican campaign "Care". As part of the events dedicated to the celebration of the day of the capital, the Department of education and LLP "College of management and business of Astana" held a charity event for residents of "medical and social institution for the elderly and disabled of Astana"o...
Author: School №5

Lectures of a school inspector

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2019-02-04 12:50:26
Lectures of a school inspector
    In KGU "Comprehensive high school No. 5 of Balkhash" 04.02.2019 year at 12.30 PM for students in grades 7-11 WHIP UPT senior Lieutenant of police Dandygulov rope Zhakipbekovich gave a lecture on crime prevention on the theme: "extortion and hooliganism of article 293 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Number of participants: 103 students and 5...
Author: School №5

Information about realization of lecture on the prophylaxis of offences

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-11-20 16:22:05
Information about realization of lecture on the prophylaxis of offences
       Оn November, 19, 2018 at our school among students 8-11 classes school inspector Zhandygulov Kanat Zhakipbekovich and major of police on the prophylaxis of offences Rope ofKarimova Ainur Abdicasenjvnaaccording to plan conducted a lecture on a theme "Domestic violence - no".
Author: School №5

"Safety of child in a network the internet"

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-11-05 17:30:57
     Оn October, 31, 2018 in 7 "А", "Ә" classes social teacher of праводил lecture on a theme "Safety of child in a network the internet". Told schoolchildren about harm and benefit of the internet. Will check knowledge of students to put question about social to the network.
Author: School №5

Information about the night raid KSU "Secondary school №5 of Balkhash" for the 2018-2019 school year

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-10-23 10:00:06
Information about the night raid KSU
      In order to prevent violations in school on 12th October 2013 from 23.00-24.00 p.m. together with the school inspector, social worker Tolegen Zhazira Kanatbekovna, teacher of NVP E. Sauranbaev, physical education teacher S. P. Anarbekov made a night raid. On night raid action on city streets in residential districts 1, 2, 3, 17, 21, on the streets of Zheltoksan, Seyfullina,...
Author: School №5

Information about the campaign " Road to school"

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-10-14 22:53:13
Information about the campaign
         In KSU" secondary school №5 of Balkhash was held Republican campaign "Road to school" from August 1 to September 30.           The purpose of the campaign is to provide assistance to students from low-income and large families, orphans and children left without parental care, in preparation for the new school year and...
Author: School №5

«Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-03-12 15:49:59
«Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының қорытынды ақпары
    Мектебімізде 2018 жылғы 10 ақпан – 10 наурыз аралығында «Өмірге ИЯ деп айт!» республикалық ақпараттық науқанының жоспары бекітіліп, айлық іс –шара өткізілді.     Мақсаты: Баланы оның денсаулығына зиян келтіретін ақпараттың, насихат пен үгіттің теріс ықпалынан қорғауға қоғамның назарын аудару болып табылады. Жоспар бойынша ата-аналармен оқушылар ү...
Author: School №5

Report on done to work during winter vacations with students being in a school and municipal account

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-01-27 23:39:42
Report on done to work during winter vacations with students being in a school and municipal account
    In 2018 of January, 5 at № 17 school of -лицей championship was conducted on volley-ball among the students of being in a municipal and school account. Two students participated from our school. It:  students 8 "А" of class of Аханова Меруерт and Рысбаева Diana. Responsible was  teacher of physical education Жанатов Думан Жанатович. The students of schools...
Author: School №5

In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-01-22 15:17:43
In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.
Report on a nightly raid passing   2017-2018 school year  in KGU «General middle school №5 cities Balkhash»      In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday together with the inspectors of school a night raid was conducted. On a night raid a cafe, shops, playing clubs, were visited and such streets as 1,2,3,17,21 microregions, stre...
Author: School №5

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