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Қазақстанның Жоғары Оқу Орындарының Тізімі


ЖОО атауы Вебсайт Нөмір және PIC статусы
1 «Болашақ» Академиясы http://www.kubolashak.kz 915032041 DECLARED
2 «Қайнар» Академиясы http://www.kainar-edu.kz/ -
3 Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің жанындағы Мемлекеттік басқару академиясы http://www.apa.kz/ 932808358 VALIDATED
4 Азаматтық авиация академиясы http://www.agakaz.kz/ -
5 O. О. А. Жолдасбеков атындағы экономика және құқық академиясы http://aep-tdk.kz/ -
6 Қ. Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік мемлекеттік университеті http://arsu.kz/ 911349824 DECLARED
7 С. Бәйішев атындағы Ақтөбе университеті http://www.vuzbaishev.kz/ 906364412 DECLARED
8 Алматы Экономика және статистика академиясы http://www.aesa.kz/ 931342688 DECLARED
9 Алматы технологиялық университеті https://atu.kz/ 927615366 VALIDATED
10 Алматы энергетика және байланыс университеті https://aues.kz/ 934119410 VALIDATED
11 Алматы Менеджмент Университет https://almau.edu.kz/ 937194601 VALIDATED
12 Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы Арқалық мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты http://www.api.kz/ 903806522 DECLARED
13 Х. Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті https://asu.edu.kz/ 933999421 VALIDATED
14 Атырау инженерлік-гуманитарлық институты http://www.aigi.kz/ -
15 Атырау Мұнай және газ институты http://atrmgu.kz/ 920514966 DECLARED
16 Дәулет Серікбаев атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан техникалық университеті http://www.ektu.kz/ 997354971 VALIDATED
17 С. Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті http://www.vkgu.kz/ 934513812 VALIDATED
18 Гуманитарлық-техникалық академия http://www.gta.kz/ 921838919 SLEEPING
19 «Ақмешіт» гуманитарлық-техникалық институты http://www.akmechit.kz/ -
20 Д. А. Қонаев атындағы Еуразиялық Заң Академиясы http://kunaev-edu.kz/ 901276665 DECLARED
21 Еуразия гуманитарлық институты http://www.egi.kz/ 903057294 DECLARED
22 Л. Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті http://www.enu.kz/ 992935942 VALIDATED
23 Еуразия технологиялық университеті http://etu.edu.kz/ 916959431 VALIDATED
24 «Нұр-Мүбарак» Египет Ислам мәдениеті университеті http://www.nmu.kz/ -
25 Академик Қ. Сәтпаев атындағы Екібастұз инженерлік-техникалық институты http://eitiekb.kz/ -
26 О. А. Байқоңыров атындағы Жезқазған университеті http://www.zhezu.kz/ 938653675 VALIDATED
27 І. Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу мемлекеттік университеті http://zhgu.edu.kz/ 921739203 DECLARED
28 Жәңгір хан атындағы Батыс Қазақстан агралық-техникалық университеті http://www.wkau.kz/ 938826820 VALIDATED
29 М. Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік медицина университеті https://www.zkgmu.kz/ 948965357 VALIDATED
30 Махамбет Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті http://www.wksu.kz/ 931022200 DECLARED

07.12.2020 Kvsh Academy held an online meeting with graduates

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-12-07 14:52:43
07.12.2020 Kvsh Academy held an online meeting with graduates
07.12.2020 Kvsh Academy held an online meeting with graduates. Students of grades 9a,9a,10A,11a of secondary school No. 5 SOSH took part. Mr. Alexander Sanin shared information about Akademie. Students asked questions and received answers.
Author: School №5

Changes and rules for unified national testing

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-30 13:47:52
Changes and rules for unified national testing
28.11. on the day for 11th grade students and parents, an explanation of the "Changes and rules of the unified national testing" was held, which will be held in January. The rules of the UNT, registration on the website for submitting an application are explained.   The dates of the UNT 2021, changes in the number of points in the main subjects, changes in elective subjects we...
Author: School №5

Attention graduates!

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-26 14:17:43
At the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, there is a "young lawyer's School" aimed at providing students of grades 8-11 with basic knowledge in the field of law and law, as well as at orienting young people in choosing their future profession.   Training is provided in the state and Russian languages...
Author: School №5

Do it today. Tomorrow to succeed

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-25 10:34:06
Do it today. Tomorrow to succeed
On November 24, Nazarbayev University organized the event " do It today. Tomorrow to achieve success " Karaganda region held a webinar on the topic: meeting with students. At this webinar, we got acquainted with the information about Nazarbayev University in detail. We hope that in the future our students will study at this University.
Author: School №5

18.11 a meeting on career guidance with the Zoo platform was held. Familiarized with the rules of admission to the Kokshetau technical Institute of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-18 11:44:08
18.11 a meeting on career guidance with the Zoo platform was held. Familiarized with the rules of admission to the Kokshetau technical Institute of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Cadets are trained at the expense of the national budget. Cadets are provided with uniforms, food and a state scholarship for the entire period of study. Travel during the holidays is also paid. The time of training of persons who have completed the full course of full-time education of the Institute, who have studied for 4 years, is equal to the time of military service. Persons who want to ent...
Author: School №5

Online meeting on the specialties of the University

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-18 11:42:24
Online meeting on the specialties of the University
Students of grades 9a and 9A of KSU "Secondary school No. 5 in Balkhash" took part in a meeting on career guidance with specialists of Karaganda state University named After E. Buketov on the ZOOM platform.During the meeting were presented to the specialty of the University.
Author: School №5

Questionnaire for determining personality types

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-18 11:40:00
Questionnaire for determining personality types
On November 16, a "questionnaire for determining personality types" by D. Dutchman was conducted with students of the 11th grade. Thus, it was established what type of profession students have flexibility for. The results of the survey were discussed on the zoom platform, and the children were given psychological consultations.
Author: School №5

The purpose and objectives of career guidance in General education institutions

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-10-30 09:39:03
The main goal of career guidance is to optimize the interests and abilities of the individual in the process of choosing a profession by students, taking into account the needs of the labor market. Providing students and parents with the necessary information and information on the specialty.   Objectives:   Systematic professional awareness of students at all stages of trainin...
Author: School №5

Giving practical advice on the implementation of a spiritual project in the format " Rules of modern life»

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-10-30 09:31:31
Giving practical advice on the implementation of a spiritual project in the format
In order to implement the project "Rouhani Jair" in high school 5 to students in grades 9-11 were given basic knowledge in financial literacy, training, careful use of revenues and the formation of sustainable understanding of the need for development and rational approach to life, because now young people have no opportunity to spend collected funds to address other social issues, for...
Author: School №5

"The importance of choosing the right profession"

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-10-29 08:28:44
5.09 an information hour was held for schoolchildren on the topic: "the Importance of choosing the right profession". Goal: to increase interest in professions, expand students ' knowledge and ideas about choosing a profession and their methods. Encourage them to freely Express their opinions, respect the opinions of others, and think systematically. Formation of students &#...
Author: School №5

Career guidance

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-05-26 14:23:48
Career guidance
Author: School №5

Әлихан Мусин атындағы Балқаш гуманитарлы-техникалық колледжі

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-05-23 09:00:58
Әлихан Мусин атындағы Балқаш гуманитарлы-техникалық колледжі
https://youtu.be/K2YlyxtKJc8 https://youtu.be/da53Rv4Vcxw
Author: School №5

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