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Дистанционное обучение

Category: News
Date: 2020-11-13 11:10:07
Дистанционное обучение

Within the framework of the project of the program "Rukhani Zhagyru" - "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language" in the library of the secondary school №4, an exhibition was arranged for students and a review of books on the topic: "Cognitive literature

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-11-12 10:06:00
Within the framework of the project of the program
Within the framework of the project of the program "Rukhani Zhagyru" - "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language" in the library of the secondary school №4, an exhibition was arranged for students and a review of books on the topic: "Cognitive literature in the state language" was conducted. The purpose of the review is to popularize literature in the state language...
Author: School №4

Dear parents!

Category: Электронная школа (дистанционное обучение)
Date: 2020-11-09 10:26:26
Dear parents!
Dear parents, I am a teacher - psychologist at KSU "OSH №4" Oksana Aleksandrovna Rozhko. I bring to your attention that the psychological service of our school conducts its activities in the distance learning mode according to the following schedule.
Author: School №4

Подросток и закон

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-11-09 10:20:30
Подросток и закон
Статья 434 Мелкое хулиганство  1. Мелкое хулиганство, то есть нецензурная брань в общественных местах, оскорбительное приставание к физическим лицам, осквернение жилых помещений, загрязнение мест общего пользования, парков, скверов, в том числе выброс коммунальных отходов в неустановленных местах, и другие подобные действия, выражающие неуважение к окружающим, нарушающие общественный по...

Within the framework of the action "One family - one book", students of grades 5-6 were invited to read the translations of Abai Kunanbayev.

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2020-11-06 12:02:24
Within the framework of the action
Within the framework of the action "One family  - one book", students of grades 5-6 were invited to read the translations of Abai Kunanbayev.  
Author: School №4

Within the framework of the action "One Family- one book", students in grades 2-4 read the lyrics of Abai Kunanbayev about nature. Poems about the nature of Abai give children an idea of the beauty, help them to understand the world around them. "Winter"

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2020-11-04 16:57:51
Within the framework of the action
Within the framework of the action "One Family-  one book", students in grades 2-4 read the lyrics of Abai Kunanbayev about nature. Poems about the nature of Abai give children an idea of the beauty, help them to understand the world around them. "Winter", "Summer", "Spring", "Autumn" are not only landscape sketches, pictures of nature are i...
Author: School №4

As part of the city plan to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection, KSU "Secondary School № 4 in Balkhash" held a number of events.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-11-02 16:54:02
As part of the city plan to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection, KSU
As part of the city plan to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection, KSU "Secondary School № 4 in Balkhash" held a number of events. From 17.10.2020 to 23.10.2020, a distance drawing competition "STOP coronavirus!" Was organized among the school students. This virus intervened in our lives, in the lives of children, changing them in...
Author: School №4

Маска защищает (фильм)

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-11-02 16:48:18
Author: School №4

A distance drawing contest "STOP coronavirus" was organized at school №4 from 17 to 23 October.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-11-02 16:46:36
A distance drawing contest
A distance drawing contest "STOP coronavirus" was organized at school №4 from 17 to 23 October. This virus intervened in our lives, in the lives of children, changing them in an unusual direction. Students' drawings are a kind of support in the fight against coronavirus, what precautions are needed, how important it is to observe them, and what an important role self-isolation play...
Author: School №4

В акции «Бір отбасы – бір кітап», посвященной 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева, учащиеся 3 и 4 класса принимают участие вместе с семьей.

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2020-10-29 15:27:41
В акции «Бір отбасы – бір кітап», посвященной 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева, учащиеся 3 и 4 класса принимают участие вместе с семьей. Совместное чтение и обсуждение прочитанной книги укрепляет семейные связи.
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении классных часов в рамках духовно-нравственного воспитания КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2020 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-10-28 14:35:58
Информация о проведении классных часов  в рамках духовно-нравственного воспитания КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2020 год
Информация о проведении классных часов  в рамках духовно-нравственного воспитания КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2020 год   26.10.2020 года в КГУ «Общеобразовательная средняя школа №4 г. Балхаш» прошли часы общения, посвященные духовно-нравственному воспитанию. В 1-4 классах классными руководителями Афанасьевой Л.А., Оспановой А.М., Николаевой С.В., Гуренко В.В. проведены часы...
Author: School №4

К 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева посвящена Акция «Бір отбасы – бір кітап». (1.10. 2020 г. – по 26.12.2020 г)

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2020-10-27 16:14:30
К 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева посвящена Акция «Бір отбасы – бір кітап». (1.10. 2020 г. – по 26.12.2020 г)
К 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева посвящена Акция «Бір отбасы – бір кітап».  (1.10. 2020 г. – по 26.12.2020 г)   Предложены произведения по следующим категориям учащихся: 2-4 классы: Лирика о природе Абая Кунанбаева; 5-6 классы: Переводы Абая Кунанбаева («Стрекоза и Муравей, «Ворона и лисица», «Осел и Соло...
Author: School №4

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