The Ecology Faction of the School Parliament, the Flamingo Ecoclub and the Ecolem direction are actively working on the Ecological Dates Calendar during the academic year.

Category: Мектеп Парламенті
Date: 2021-04-22 13:33:52
The Ecology Faction of the School Parliament, the Flamingo Ecoclub and the Ecolem direction are actively working on the Ecological Dates Calendar during the academic year.
The Ecology Faction of the School Parliament, the Flamingo Ecoclub and the Ecolem direction are actively working on the Ecological Dates Calendar during the academic year. Today, April 22, all progressive humanity celebrates a wonderful holiday - World Earth Day. This event within the framework of the Week of environmental literacy "Zhasyl Kazakstan" young environmentalists of the KSU...
Author: School №10

To prepare for the Final Attestation

Category: Final certification of grades 11
Date: 2021-04-22 10:18:47
Author: School №10

To prepare for the Final Attestation

Category: Final certification of grades 9
Date: 2021-04-22 10:17:43
Author: School №10

The fourth day of the Week of Environmental Literacy at KSU "OSH # 10, Balkhash" began with a review of the morning mail of the School Parliament.

Category: Мектеп Парламенті
Date: 2021-04-22 10:10:42
The fourth day of the Week of Environmental Literacy at KSU
The fourth day of the Week of Environmental Literacy at KSU "OSH # 10, Balkhash" began with a review of the morning mail of the School Parliament. The latest issue of the ecological newspaper "Ak bulak" was presented to the attention of students and teachers. The notes for the April issue of this school periodical were laconic, brightly decorated, and carried up to date - cog...
Author: School №10

21. 04. 21. within the framework of the project "Zeyin" and the Week of environmental literacy "Zhasyl Kazakstan" School Parliament (faction of ecology and self-knowledge) KSU "OSH # 10 Balkhash" together with the direction "Ecolem" of the school committe

Category: Мектеп Парламенті
Date: 2021-04-22 09:47:14
21. 04. 21. within the framework of the project
21. 04. 21. within the framework of the project "Zeyin" and the Week of environmental literacy "Zhasyl Kazakstan" School Parliament (faction of ecology and self-knowledge) KSU "OSH # 10 Balkhash" together with the direction "Ecolem" of the school committee "Zhas Ulan" organized and held a remote competition of presentations and videos "What...

According to the plan of educational work, on April 21, a legal game in the online format "I am a child! I am a human!" Was held among the 5th graders.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-04-21 13:43:36
According to the plan of educational work, on April 21, a legal game in the online format
According to the plan of educational work, on April 21, a legal game in the online format "I am a child! I am a human!" Was held among the 5th graders. The guys answered the given topic, questions, discussed reasonable ways out of various situations. The active participants in the game were: Zhivaeva Veronika, grade 5b Chekushin Andrey, grade 5c Begdarova Alina, grade 5c Koluza...
Author: School №10

Ұлықбек Есдәулет "Киіз кітап"

Category: Mobile library
Date: 2021-04-21 10:42:52

Saving lives!

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-04-21 08:48:30
Saving lives!
 "Our service is both dangerous and difficult!" Who knows these words! They are the best fit for people of a difficult, but so necessary profession! Every day they put their lives in jeopardy, serve with dignity, thanks to these people a new day comes for those who find themselves in a critical situation. Rescuers have a special service, it is fraught with risks for their own li...
Author: School №10

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