On September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. In many countries on this day there are forums, holidays, promotions dedicated to this event.

Category: Мектеп Парламенті
Date: 2021-09-22 10:48:57
On September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. In many countries on this day there are forums, holidays, promotions dedicated to this event.
On September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. In many countries on this day there are forums, holidays, promotions dedicated to this event.  Peacemaking volunteers of secondary school No. 10 celebrated this holiday with many events. To the streets of the city with the action "May there always be PEACE!" came out representatives of the ecological cl...
Author: School №10

Information about communication hours in elementary school "Zhyralyby - Zhambyl"

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2021-09-21 10:19:29
Information about communication hours in elementary school
In order to popularize the creative heritage of Zhambyl Zhabayev, the formation of patriotic feelings, the education of love and respect for the poet's work, on September 20, 2021, the thematic hours of communication "Zhyralyby - Zhambyl" were held in the elementary school. The guys were divided into biographers, painters, masters of the poetic word. Someone prepared information ab...
Author: School №10

The ecological charity project for the collection of plastic waste "Kryshechki_dobryshechki_Balkhash" is widely known in our city.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-09-21 08:52:02
The ecological charity project for the collection of plastic waste
The ecological charity project for the collection of plastic waste "Kryshechki_dobryshechki_Balkhash" is widely known in our city. This volunteer project has a double goal: to make our world cleaner and to provide help and support to children in difficult life situations. Many enterprises have joined him, including schools. The friendly union of teachers and students of the KSU "...
Author: School №10

The ecological charity project for the collection of plastic waste "Kryshechki_dobryshechki_Balkhash" is widely known in our city.

Category: Мектеп Парламенті
Date: 2021-09-21 08:50:15
The ecological charity project for the collection of plastic waste
The ecological charity project for the collection of plastic waste "Kryshechki_dobryshechki_Balkhash" is widely known in our city. This volunteer project has a double goal: to make our world cleaner and to provide help and support to children in difficult life situations. Many enterprises have joined him, including schools. The friendly union of teachers and students of the KSU "...
Author: School №10

Homer of the Kazakh steppe

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2021-09-20 15:19:08
Homer of the Kazakh steppe
February 28 marks the 175th anniversary of the birth of the master of Kazakh oral and poetic art Zhambyl Zhabayev. The legacy of the great akyn, "Homer" of the Kazakh steppe Zhambyl Zhabayev, entered the golden fund of the spiritual treasury of world culture. He devoted his entire long and fruitful life to the glorification of the best human qualities - patriotism, nobility, loyalty to...
Author: School №10

Information Secondary school No. 10" on the organization healthy and balanced nutrition for schoolchildren

Category: Nutrition Information
Date: 2021-09-16 10:59:35
Information Secondary school No. 10
The organization of hot meals at school is carried out in accordance with the regulatory framework (order of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash, Karaganda region No. 167 dated 02.09.2008, guidelines "Organization of hot meals in school canteens for students in grades 1-4"). At the beginning of the school year, orders were created and approved by the director of the schoo...
Author: School №10

Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-09-15 15:26:41
Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams.
Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams. "Hello! You are greeted by the mobile group of the YID detachment "Cascade". With these words on September 15, 2021 during the action "We are for the safety of Balkhash roads!" young inspectors of secondary school No....
Author: School №10

Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams.

Category: Мектеп Парламенті
Date: 2021-09-15 15:23:49
Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams.
Drawing public attention to the problem of increasing road accidents involving children and adolescents is the goal of any event of the YID school teams. "Hello! You are greeted by the mobile group of the YID detachment "Cascade". With these words on September 15, 2021 during the action "We are for the safety of Balkhash roads!" young inspectors of secondary school No....
Author: School №10

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