Educational work

Біз салауатты өмір салтын қолдаймыз!

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-12-03 09:32:39
Біз салауатты өмір салтын қолдаймыз!
Author: School №10

Ұлтына қамқор - Елбасы

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-12-02 11:30:54
Ұлтына қамқор - Елбасы
On the eve of the national holiday, the school yard was festively decorated with multi-colored flags and a banner. The school site has a heading “Outstanding Leader of Our Time”. A book exhibition "A History Written by a Leader" is arranged in the library. The stand of "Ultyna Kamkor - Elbasy". A home screening of the films "The Sky of My Childhood"...
Author: School №10

Қазіргі өмір ережелері. Жастарға арналған Тайм-менеджмент.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-26 11:48:33
Қазіргі өмір ережелері. Жастарға арналған Тайм-менеджмент.
Уақытты басқару (немесе уақытты басқару) — бұл тиімділік пен өнімділікті арттыруға баса назар аудара отырып, белгілі бір іс-шараларға жұмсалған уақытты саналы түрде бақылауға үйрету әрекеті немесе процесі. "Уақытты басқару" терминін айтқан кезде, көптеген адамдар әр жұмысты қатаң бөлінген уақытты орындайтын, еш жерде кешіктірілмейтін, ешқашан кешікпейтін және белгілі бір сағат...
Author: School №10

Childhood holiday

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-20 21:26:22
Childhood holiday
The final chord of the events dedicated to World Children's Day was the festive concert "Sparks of Talent", which was held on November 20, 2020 in an online format. Young talents performed performances of different genres. The concert program included poetry, songs, dances, playing the piano, violin, and a gymnastic sketch. The guys took part in such an unusual concert for the fi...
Author: School №10

Dear Parents! Children are the flowers of life. They decorate our life and fill it with meaning!

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-19 15:55:04
Dear Parents! Children are the flowers of life. They decorate our life and fill it with meaning!
Dear Parents! Children are the flowers of life. They decorate our life and fill it with meaning! Children are the brightest and purest phenomenon…. They come to our world, to the world of adults, to give warmth and tenderness, a sea of smiles, joy, happiness! All this will be many times more if you attend an unusual concert! We will be very glad to see you on November 20 at 18.00...
Author: School №10

Decorative and applied creativity of students of Secondary school №10. Teacher: Yakushenko T.V.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-19 08:36:09
Decorative and applied creativity of students of Secondary school №10. Teacher: Yakushenko T.V.
Author: School №10

On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-13 18:08:42
On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school.
On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school. At the meeting, a dialogue took place between the school director Saule Gazisovna, deputy directors for educational work Livitskaya M.A., Shegirova G.A. and 93 parents. The following issues were considered: World Children's Day, articles from the Convention on the Rights of C...
Author: School №10

Students of secondary school №10 took part in the "Asar" challenge to help relatives, close ones, needy families.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-10 12:35:48
Students of secondary school №10 took part in the
Students of secondary school №10 took part in the "Asar" challenge to help relatives, close ones, needy families. Primary school students helped their grandmothers and mothers with household chores. They diligently washed the dishes, watered the flowers, and cleaned the apartment. And even tried themselves as cooks! After all, helping mom to cook a delicious lunch is so great! M...
Author: School №10

Within the framework of the "Rouhani Zhangyru" program, the traditional competition for young families "Family is the support of the nation" was held at school №10.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-05 09:07:12
Within the framework of the
Within the framework of the "Rouhani Zhangyru" program, the traditional competition for young families "Family is the support of the nation" was held at school №10. This year the competition was held in a remote format. Families presented themselves in several nominations: Traditions of My Family, Hobbies of My Family, Most Athletic Family, and Most Reading Family. The fo...
Author: School №10

On November 4, on the eve of the autumn holidays, a meeting of the Council of Leaders was held, at which the results of the participation of class teams in events during the 1st quarter were summed up.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-04 14:31:38
On November 4, on the eve of the autumn holidays, a meeting of the Council of Leaders was held, at which the results of the participation of class teams in events during the 1st quarter were summed up.
On November 4, on the eve of the autumn holidays, a meeting of the Council of Leaders was held, at which the results of the participation of class teams in events during the 1st quarter were summed up. The class leaders were given assignments to participate in World Children's Day events, and were also familiarized with the plan of activities for the fall holidays. The leaders of the 9-11 gr...
Author: School №10

The virus that we will defeat together!" (measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection)

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-02 08:44:55
The virus that we will defeat together!
Author: School №10

On October 31, 2020, the Republican Forum of Fathers was held

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-01 14:31:31
On October 31, 2020, the Republican Forum of Fathers was held
On October 31, 2020, the Republican Forum of Fathers was held, in which the fathers and grandfathers of our school took part: Pomazkin O.A., Kochetkov L.G., Markov A., Veindel A.I., Dyakin D.V., Russkikh A.S.
Author: School №10

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