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4th graders, a competition of expressive reading of the text was organized on the topic "Mom with a golden heart", "Heart filled with love".

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, within the framework of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: "Pedagogy of love and creativity" among the 4th graders, a competition of expressive reading of the text was organized on the topic "Mom with a golden heart", "Heart filled with love." Zhanat Aisaule, a student of the 4th "D" class. Head: Baltabay M.S.

2022-02-14 10:39:51

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Students of grade 8 "D" sent videos about "Love"

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, as part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: "Pedagogy of love and creativity" for the challenge "Love Lesson" (development of a congratulatory video and sending a relay), students of grade 8 "D" sent videos about "Love".

2022-02-14 10:13:26

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Pupil 4 "D" class Erlankyzy Anel

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, within the framework of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: "Pedagogy of love and creativity" among the 4th graders, a competition of expressive reading of the text was organized on the topic "Mom with a golden heart", "Heart filled with love." Pupil 4 "D" class Erlankyzy Anel. Head: Baltabay M.S.

2022-02-14 10:09:59

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4А сынып оқушысы Үмбетбай Айзере

2022 жылдың 1-11 ақпан аралығында Өзін –өзі тану: «Сүйіспеншілік пен шығармашылық педагогикасы» атты дәстүрлі онкүндігі аясында 4 сыныптар арасында «Алтын жүрек анамыз», «Сердце, наполненное любовью» тақырыбындағы мәтінді мәнерлеп оқу байқаулары ұйымдастырылды. 4А сынып оқушылары: Аманжол Нұрислам, Үмбетбай Айзере. Жетекшісі: Ашенбекова А.А.

2022-02-14 09:33:31

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4А сынып оқушысы Аманжол Нұрислам

2022 жылдың 1-11 ақпан аралығында Өзін –өзі тану: «Сүйіспеншілік пен шығармашылық педагогикасы» атты дәстүрлі онкүндігі аясында 4 сыныптар арасында «Алтын жүрек анамыз», «Сердце, наполненное любовью» тақырыбындағы мәтінді мәнерлеп оқу байқаулары ұйымдастырылды. 4А сынып оқушылары: Аманжол Нұрислам, Үмбетбай Айзере. Жетекшісі: Ашенбекова А.А.

2022-02-14 09:32:25

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Kazna Sezim

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, as part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: “Pedagogy of love and creativity”, competitions were organized among 4th graders for reading the text on the topic “Mom with a Golden Heart”, “Heart Filled with Love”. Students of class 4B: Kydyrbai Amir, Yerbol Diyara. Scientific adviser: Abdildina Z.S. Pupils of the 4th grade: Murat Shugyla, Kazna Sezim. Scientific adviser: Tleukeneva B.M.

2022-02-14 09:18:27

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Murat Shugyla

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, as part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: “Pedagogy of love and creativity”, competitions were organized among 4th graders for reading the text on the topic “Mom with a Golden Heart”, “Heart Filled with Love”. Students of class 4B: Kydyrbai Amir, Yerbol Diyara. Scientific adviser: Abdildina Z.S. Pupils of the 4th grade: Murat Shugyla, Kazna Sezim. Scientific adviser: Tleukeneva B.M.

2022-02-14 09:16:21

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Students of class 4B Yerbol Diyara

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, as part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: “Pedagogy of love and creativity”, competitions were organized among 4th graders for reading the text on the topic “Mom with a Golden Heart”, “Heart Filled with Love”. Students of class 4B: Kydyrbai Amir, Yerbol Diyara. Scientific adviser: Abdildina Z.S. Pupils of the 4th grade: Murat Shugyla, Kazna Sezim. Scientific adviser: Tleukeneva B.M.

2022-02-14 09:13:34

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Students of class 4B: Kydyrbai Amir

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, as part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: “Pedagogy of love and creativity”, competitions were organized among 4th graders for reading the text on the topic “Mom with a Golden Heart”, “Heart Filled with Love”. Students of class 4B: Kydyrbai Amir, Yerbol Diyara. Scientific adviser: Abdildina Z.S. Pupils of the 4th grade: Murat Shugyla, Kazna Sezim. Scientific adviser: Tleukeneva B.M.

2022-02-14 09:10:21

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project of the 8D class student Aziza Armanovna

From February 1 to February 11, 2022, as part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: "Pedagogy of love and creativity", a competition of creative projects was held with 8th grade students on the topics "Hero of the Spirit", "House of Happiness", "Nest of Happiness". The students took an active part in the event and demonstrated their creative abilities. Purpose: To give students an idea of the value of love, happiness as a value, the qualities of a kind person and mutual assistance in the field of love and creativity. To cultivate the ability to apply the principles of spiritual morality for one's own happiness, to appreciate life, developing the skills of caring and helping. The project of the 8D class student Aziza Armanovna was presented. Scientific adviser: Toletaeva M.K.

2022-02-14 09:02:20

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Сompetition of creative projects was held with 8th grade students on the topics “Hero of the Spirit”, “House of Happiness”, “Nest of Happiness

As part of the traditional decade of self-knowledge: “Pedagogy of love and creativity”, which took place from February 1 to February 11, 2022, a competition of creative projects was held with 8th grade students on the topics “Hero of the Spirit”, “House of Happiness”, “Nest of Happiness”. The students took an active part in the event and demonstrated their creative abilities. Purpose: To give students an idea of love, happiness as a value, the qualities of a kind person and mutual assistance. To cultivate the ability to apply the principles of spiritual morality for one's own happiness, to appreciate life, contributing to the development of the skill of care and assistance. The project of the 8th grade student Mauletkhan Sayazhan is presented. Scientific adviser: Ramazanova A.Zh.

2022-02-14 09:00:04

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2022-02-11 10:53:25

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