
“Children are the capital of XXI century"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-01 05:38:42
“Children are the capital of XXI century
 “Children are the capital of XXI century"  On taken place round table “Children are the capital of XXI century.  ", which passed the February 20 2012 in Palace schoolboy within the framework of Republican programm "You and your right" were discussed problems to realization of the rights child in modern school. The Participants noted increased at...
Author: Department

"Future of nation in our hands"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-01 04:34:08
"Future of nation in our hands"  Within the framework of Republican programm "You and твоиright" 23 February 2012 meeting town Baby maslihata took place in Palace schoolboy. 18 Deputies Baby maslihat schools of the city have took part In meeting, village Konyrat, stations Balhash, members to youth organization "Murager", united baby-juvenile organization &quo...
Author: Department

The second round of play “Umniki I umnitsy”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-02-27 11:48:42
The second round of play “Umniki I umnitsy”
The second round of play “Umniki I umnitsy” The second round of play “Umniki I umnitsy” was held in town gymnasium on 08.02.2012. Pupils os school №1,4,10,17, gymnasium took part in this competition. Team of boarding school №3 were invited as guests. High areopagus was presented by: Methodist of TDE – Asemhanova G.B., teacher of history of boarding school №3 &ndas...
Author: Department

Gifted educator

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-02-27 10:52:54
Gifted educator
gifted educator February 15-16 at the Karaganda region in the regional scientific and methodical center "Saryarka Daryny " was regional competition "gifted educator." From the town of Balkhash participated in the contest educator mini-center "Tanshuak"  of the Kazakh secondary school number 15.V category "Master class" Zhakypbekova Zhanar took 3rd...
Author: Department

Music Song Contest "We together"

Date: 2012-02-18 05:37:09
Music Song Contest
 MusicSong Contest"We together"   02/14/2012, at grammar schoolnumber 7wasa musiccompetitionsong "We together", prepared by teachersof music.Educationalgoal of this activityis to develop theartistic abilitiesof musicstudents,a sense of responsibility, the development ofmusical culture of thestudents.It is knownthat the education ofyoung generationis basedon three...

Рarticipants of the war in Afghanistan

Date: 2012-02-18 04:04:50
Рarticipants of the war in Afghanistan
 Рarticipants of the war in Afghanistan On the 15th of February our school –gymnazium has meeting with participants of the war in Afghanistan. The aim of this measure is to love our Motherland, growing up to Patriotism, respecting defenders of the people of Afghanistan. To this meeting was invited the participant of this war Shorman Bakhytuly. He fold us about the painful heaviest d...

The town contest IPG “Zana gasir zhastar kozemen”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-02-14 06:49:59
  The 10th of  February 2012 in Palace of schoolboy passed the contest information-propagandistic groups “Zana gasir zhastar kozemen”amongst members DYUO "Bolashak" and MO "Murager", dedicated to 20-years of Independence of the Republic Kazakhstan.  The Contest passed in two stages. Their own printed matters presented On the first stage school...
Author: Department

Afghanistan the pain of my sole

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-02-14 06:26:43
  the February 15 2012 is performed 23 since day of the conclusion of the troopses from Afghanistan. This portentous date was dedicated to meeting warrior-afghan with orphan pupil of the city. Meeting organized on the initiative deputy maslihat, passed the February 7 2012 in Palace schoolboy. In warm, the friend situation guests meeting - a wars-internationalists were divided withpup...
Author: Department

City seminar on Russian language.

Date: 2012-02-13 09:37:33
City seminar on Russian language.
City seminar on Russian language and literature was in the gymnasium-school №7 of Saken Seifullyn in 2012, January,30. The theme : “Teaching and class work on Russian and literature”. The program consists of two parts. There is a lesson at 9A class at the first part.  The theme of lesson was the complex sentances with attributive clauses. Conducted by T.B.  Agibaeva. Purp...

Mukagali Makataev.

Date: 2012-02-13 09:23:14
Mukagali Makataev.  February 10, 2012 at school high school literary evening was devoted to the work of the poet Mukagali Makataev. On the evening of literary students read poems, sang songs of the famous poet. Was prepared and watched a slide about life and work of M. Mukataev. Students who are masters of expressive reading, brothers Seyilbekov touched the hearts of listeners to the dept...

Кітапхана – рухани тәрбие көзі

Date: 2012-02-07 10:40:03
Қазақстан әлемдегі дамыған 50 елдің қатарына қосылуға барлық сала бойынша күш жұмсап отыр. Еліміздің дамуына мектептер де өз үлестерін қосуда. Соңғы бірнеше жылда Білім және Ғылым министрлігі мектеп оқушыларының ғылыми жобамен айнаысуына қолдау білдіріп келеді. Осыған байланысты мектебімізде оқушылардың ғылыми қоғамы құрылған. Мектебімізде ғылыми-әдістемелік кеңес құрылып, оған барлық секциялар...

«Кәсіби бағдар беру»

Date: 2012-02-06 09:53:29
С. Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп-гимназиясында 24 қаңтар күні  2008 жылғы мектеп түлектерінің «Кәсіби бағдар беру» онкүндігі өтті.  Аталған түлектеріміз 2011 жылдың қыркүйек айында «Үркер»қауымдастығын құрған еді. Қауымдастық биылғы оқу жылының қыркүйек айында  «Мектепке жол» акциясына атсалысып, әлеуметтік жағдайы төмен оқушыларға оқу құралдар...

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