
UNT-2012 the I-nd group

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-06-02 04:46:21
UNT-2012 the I-nd group
  727 pupils of 2011-2012 school year are passing the united national test (UNT) on 02.06.2012 on the base of Central Kazakhstan Institute of Technology and Management in the post of conducting the united national test (PCUNT). 219 graduates from the town schools are taking part in the 1st group. The prize-winners of International Olympiads, scientific competitions the pupil of school...
Author: Department

About conducting the Day of Children’s protection – the 1st of June by the department of education in Balkhash town.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-06-01 10:17:09
About conducting the Day of Children’s protection – the 1st of June by the department of education in Balkhash town.
  Within the framework of celebrating the International Day of Children’s protection in Balkhash town a number of actions, directed to development of aesthetic, moral, patriotic quality of teenagers was conducted. The town competition of pictures, competition of poetry, the concert under general name “Flowers of life” was conducted on the base of School of Art and Pupi...
Author: Department

The winner of the competition “ Little Princess – 2012”.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-06-01 09:04:04
The winner of the competition “ Little Princess – 2012”.
  On May 26, 2012 in Karaganda took place the competition “ LittlePrincess 2012”. The aim of the competition – to support young talents, to develop the achievements to a healthy way of life, to develop individuality and creativity, to widen the children’s outlook. The competition was held in two age  groups: children aged 3-6 and children 7-10. It was repr...
Author: Department

Conducting sport-mass actions “Olympic day” in Balkhash town.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-31 11:08:03
  The sport-mass actions “Olympic day”, timed to forthcoming  Olympic games in London was organized on 19.05.2012 in Balkhash town. The ceremonial opening of Olympic day was conducted on the square in Zheltoksan street on 19.05.2012 at 10.00. On opening the sportsmen of Children’s Youthful Sport School and sport club “Zhekpe-zhek” showed a sport perfor...
Author: Department

Information about results of championship of the RK on Daido Dzhuku Kudo devoted to the 67th anniversary of Victory in the GPW.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-31 10:41:25
Information about results of championship of the RK on Daido Dzhuku Kudo devoted to the 67th anniversary of Victory in the GPW.
  The championship of the RK on Daido Dzhuku Kudo, devoted to the 67th anniversary of Victory in the GPW was conducted in the sports complex of Balkhash town “Bars” on 12-13 May,2012. 8 teams took part in the championship from cities: Karaganda, Abai, Balkhash, Kostanai, Semei, Aksu, Petropavlovsk, Taraz. The number of participants is 203 people. Sportsmen in age of 8 up t...
Author: Department

Information about conducting of holiday “Last bell” in Balkhash town

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-28 11:56:01
Information about conducting of holiday “Last bell” in Balkhash town
  The town ceremonial meeting devoted to finishing schools by pupils of 11 form took place on the square of Metallurgists Palace after M. Khamzin on 25.05.2012 at 10.00. Leaders of town, chiefs of departments of Akimat, state establishments, veterans of education, representatives of mass media and television participated in the solemn part. Ceremonial meetings devoted to finishing of th...
Author: Department

Last call 2012

Category: News
Date: 2012-05-25 17:41:17
  Last call 2012           On May 25, in the school gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin name was annually held festival of "Graduation 2012". The holiday has opened a student of class 5G Seilbekov Elaman his poem, the dedication of the school. Then the graduates were laid flowers memorial S.Seyfullinu.S congratulatory remarks were made by the sc...

Elementary school - the basis ofknowledge

Category: News
Date: 2012-05-25 17:36:03
      Elementary school - the basis ofknowledge       There was a traditional measure of talented pupils between pupils of infant school. Diplom of district lewel of different deqrees were delivered them. Schoolarships of S.Seifullyn were dilevered to pupils of  infant school: Karipbekovoy Aizhan(4А)  Esenov Zhannyr(4Ә) 6 teac...

Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-25 05:23:47
Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash
  The world of musical knowledges for children under school age Balkhash’s kindergarten «Rycheyok», like mysterious star which they want to know. The organizers of creative competition as part of festival «Erketay» let it in genre of sing and choreography. It was in 19 of May of 2012 in Metalurgs palace. Pupil of our kindergarten Serikjan Sabina was appearanc...
Author: Department

Gathering of gifted students

Category: News
Date: 2012-05-23 17:40:02
  22/05/2012, at grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin was                         Gathering of gifted students Which summarized the 2011-2012 school year. At the rally were awarded to students 1.Oblastnye diplomas to students of different degrees: Altynbek&...

Ensemble "Saryarka sazdary"

Category: News
Date: 2012-05-23 17:20:32
  Ensemble "Saryarka sazdary" From 15 to 18 May in the city of Semipalatinsk, held the first national contest of song and dance for children and youth "Baldauren." In "Playing the national instrument" ensemble dombra players "Saryarka sazdary" from the Art School&...

The regional, intellectual game «Zerek Bala»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-22 11:11:32
The regional, intellectual game «Zerek Bala»
  Manyin the world around unknown A lot of interesting things in the world around. But today we hurry along The intellectual game, "ZEREK BALA" The annual, regional, intellectual game « Zerek Bala », has once again gathered clever children, showing all his intellectual abilities and knowledge in the city of Karaganda. Participants of this competition were pupils...
Author: Department

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