
Information about holiday “Light of city”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-17 12:01:42
Information about holiday “Light of city”
  September 15,2012 the city Balkhash has bright event – Show of holiday exhibition “ The city by children’s eyes”,devotes to 75 years of the city. The pupils of all city’s schools represent pupil’s creative works. This holiday was shown in photos, pictures and hand-made works. Works of children are full of sun light, creative idea, inspiration and inex...
Author: Department

“Balkhash in slides”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-17 11:50:16
“Balkhash in slides”
  The town competition of media-presentations “Balkhash in slides” was conducted within the framework of conducting of actions, devoted to the Jubilee of the town on 14.09.2012. Best slide-shows, which placed on web-sites of Akimat and the department of education, physical training and sport were chosen by jury. 
Author: Department

Information on conducting of the town forum of gifted children “Altyn bala” 2012-2013

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-17 11:33:50
Information on conducting of the town forum of gifted children “Altyn bala”  2012-2013
    The 10th jubilee town forum of gifted children “Altyn bala”, devoted to the 75th anniversary of Balkhash town was held on the base of the school №17 on 15.09.2012. 13 materials were considered on the sitting of commission and decision about awarding of pupils with the medals “Altyn bala” was decided. The medal “Altyn bala” were awarded to...
Author: Department

The town debate tournament “Balkhash – the town of future” “What can do youth for native town?”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-11 05:19:49
The town debate tournament “Balkhash – the town of future” “What can do youth for native town?”
  The debate tournament “Balkhash – the town of future”, which devoted to the 75 anniversary of Balkhash town was held by the initiative of town Maslikhat in the Pupils Palace on 10.09.2012. The main specialist of the department of education, physical training and sport Sadvokasova O.K. opened tournament with the congratulation words. The teams out of 8 schools took pa...
Author: Department

Information about conducting the republican action “Festival of health - 2012”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-11 04:07:49
Information about conducting the republican action “Festival of health - 2012”
  The town organizing committee was created in order to conducting on the high level of the republican action “Festival of health - 2012” under the motto “I, YOU, HE,SHE – WE HEALTHY COUNTRY”, worked out the plan of basic actions. 08.09. the action was conducted at the same time on the sport courts and gyms of schools, colleges, lyceums and sport objects in...
Author: Department

health Day

Category: News
Date: 2012-09-10 05:00:38
            September 8 ingrammar school № 7 S.Seifullin passed Health Day. The holiday was established solemn duty. Students of the school, the teachers do exercises for rhythmic music. This was followed by competitions in various sports. The boys were playing football in the new multidisciplinary court. Girls playing volleyball, tennis, in p...

Balkhash - the pure city

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-10 04:07:50
Balkhash - the pure city
    September 6, 2012 in justice to 75 anniversary of our city in Local Park, there passed an action "Balkhash for a healthy lifestyle" with the heading of the organization "Zhas uhlan". Young members of the organization “Zhas uhlan" urged all citizens of Balkhash to observe purity and order in the city. The aim of youths was: to keep clean the ci...
Author: Department

Interactive lecture of the nation Leader “Kazakhstan is on the way to knowledge society”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-07 04:14:50
All school and pre-school establishments of the town system of education took active part in viewing the interactive lecture of the state Head in Nazarbaev’s University “Kazakhstan is on the way to knowledge society”. During the performance the President designated a new course of Kazakhstan economy.  By words of the state Head, economical policy of a new stage of developm...
Author: Department

Campaign "Road to School"

Category: News
Date: 2012-09-06 08:57:41
       On August 29th,2012 at grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin rproshla action "Road to school," which took an active part and have cash assistance: Ushakov VA, Kamalov AA, alumni "Urker "teachers in our school Almuhanova Z.Sh., Izmagambetova ZH.I, Magrupbekova AS, Maltabarova NK, Blyalova SN Ualieva AM, Shaikenova KS, Қapenova AA ., Zhagiparova...

“Knowledge’s day”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-05 10:34:56
“Knowledge’s day”
  Children of  kindergarten “Rycheyok” 03.09.2012 was celebrated “Knowledge’s day”. Pupils met theirs favorites  fair’s heroes in the Fairies state. Let’s it new year of knowledge, bring a lot of interesting & new, when we’re celebrate 20th of Independence of our country. 
Author: Department

"Knowledge is a source of life "

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-03 11:48:57
  Under the sounds of fanfarovand salutes of little doshkolatof kindergarten  "Еr Tostik" met fairy-tale personages and felicitated kids  on beginning of school year. Teachers together with children created the glad atmosphere of sotvorhestvo,  trip in the country of Knowledge.
Author: Department

Information about conducting of actions, devoted to the Day of Constitution and The Day of knowledge in Balkhash town

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-09-03 06:03:47
Information about conducting of actions, devoted to the Day of    Constitution and The Day of knowledge in Balkhash town
  The following actions were planned and conducted in order to upbring Kazakhstan patriotism, active vital position, reverential relation to the symbols of our country in all organizations of education  on 30.08.2011 and 01.09. 2011 30.08.2012 at 10.00 solemn parade and meeting, devoted to the Day of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which 2000 people took part –...
Author: Department

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