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Information about Day of City in secondary school 24

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-02 06:56:05
  Information about Day of City in secondary school 24 The aims: to develop the patriotic feelings of pupils.   The 16th of September was organized class lesson by theme “The Beautiful City Balkhash” of 1-11 grades. 17.09 was computer competition “Be flowering my Balkhash!”. As a result the best video films gave for pupils of 1-4 grades. 18.09 The pu...
Author: School №24

The concert program "Balkhash, you are my song"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:55:29
The concert program
The holiday concert “Balkhash, you are my song”, which devoted to the celebrating of Town’s Day was held on the square of Independence on 20.09.2013. Town school’s pupils took part in this concert program. Dance number and wonderful songs of our countryman about Motherland and native town were presented by them. Colorful costumes, charmed melodies, nice dance will lea...
Author: Department

The twon debate twornament "Balkhash - territory of future", "What youth can do for native town?"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:49:06
The twon debate twornament
Friendly meeting of debate tournaments “Balkhash- the territory of future”, which devoted to the 76th anniversary of Balkhash town was held by initiation of the town Children maslikhat in the Pupil’s Palace on 18.09.2013. 5 teams of town schools took part in the debate tournament: in the Kazakh league -3, in the Russian league – 2. Rezolution of debate tournaments: &ldq...
Author: Department

The town competition of youth corresponds “Balkhash in notes of youth corresponds”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:37:13
The town competition of youth corresponds “Balkhash in notes of youth corresponds”
The town competition of youth corresponds, devoted to the 76-anniversary of Balkhash town “Balkhash in notes of youth corresponds” was held in the Pupil’s Palace in order to forming of Kazakhstan patriotism and activation of work of school press-centres.          The judge commission includes: corresponds of the town newspaper “Se...
Author: Department

«Қазақстан - байтақ елім»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:31:49
«Қазақстан - байтақ елім»
On the eve ofthe "Day of the language" in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" PI "preschooler - BGMK" September 19, 2013 a competition was held readers "Kazakhstan - baytaқelim" amongchildren and their parents. Participants and winners were awarded with certificates and gifts. Competition readers completed the overall song "Zhasa...
Author: Department

Working with parents

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:28:04
Working with parents
In kindergarten,"Zhuldyz" PI "Preschooler-BGMK" has become a tradition every year, in the fall to hold the competition "The Gifts of gold autumn", among the parents of the pupils. So this year, parents of students amazed everyone with its originality and imagination.
Author: Department

"My ore city"

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-28 04:30:13
          "My ore city" September 21 at 6 A grade homeroom was on "Кен қопарып,мыс балқытқан өлке!" Dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the city of Balkhash. The class teacher students Magrupbekova.A.Sh story about the rise of the city, showed a slide on "Balkhash yesterday and today." Students read poetry, librarian B...

" The Kazakh language - my native language" contest expressive reading

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-27 09:28:09
    " The Kazakh language - my native language" contest expressive reading September 26teachersKashkynbaevaworm gut, SarsenbekovaA.ZHamong studentsin grades2held the event, the competition expressive readingof poemsin their native language. "Kazakh tili-Menin analysistіlіm." The event aims to: foster a senseof love for natureof his native land, its langua...

«Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін»

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-27 08:11:19
 «Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін»
 «Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін»        24.09.2013 years under the direction of teacher of Kazakh and literature of Тлеубекова Молдир of Манатбековны was passed by the literary evening of "Шыңға біткен шынар мүсін", sanctified to the 70 year of Оаlkhan Bokei.

«Сыр сандықты ашып қара, сырласым...»

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-27 08:04:10
«Сыр сандықты ашып қара, сырласым...» 23.09.2013 years on the week of languages teacher of Kazakh Сатыбалдина Перизат Алимхановна провелатрадиционный competition of the expressive reading of verses of Sakena Seifullina under the name "Cыр сандықты ашып қара, сырласым.".

В помощь молодому учителю

Category: В помощь молодому учителю
Date: 2013-09-26 05:11:21
В ПОМОЩЬ МОЛОДОМУ УЧИТЕЛЮ  « МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ» СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К УРОКУ  К современному уроку выдвигается ряд общих требований, выполнение которых повышает эффективность уроков, а значит и качество образования. В педагогической литературе число таких требований колеблется от 6 до 18 и более. Рассмотрим систему требований к современному уроку, которую пре...

day of Languages

Category: day of Languages
Date: 2013-09-26 03:46:45
Тілдер мерекесі Тілдер мерекесіне байланысты гимназияда «Ертегілер әлемі» тақырыбында 5А сыныбының қатысуымен  «Менің атым Алдар» ертегілер тобының «Шық бермес Шығайбай» атты көрінісі қойылды. Тілдер мерекесіне орай, оқушылар ертегі кейіпкерлерінің тілдік қолданысына мән бере отырып образға енді. Көздеген мақсатымыз жүзеге асып, қиыннан қиыстырып сө...

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