
“Our Kazakhstan”

Category: school news
Date: 2013-12-14 03:18:43
“Our Kazakhstan”
On the 11th of December, 2013 on the base of gymnasia was prosecuted the local competition “Our Kazakhstan” which is devoted to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan between the pupils of the 5th forms. The main goals of this competition were to show pupil’s knowledge in science and motivate them for searching activities, reveal the gifted and talented pupils, developing the inter...

of the theme «Тәуелсіздік ел-тірегі білімді ұрпақ» dedicated on the

Category: NEWS
Date: 2013-12-13 12:29:41
of the theme «Тәуелсіздік ел-тірегі білімді ұрпақ» dedicated on the
13.12.13 in older group «Раушан» passed morning performance of the theme «Тәуелсіздік ел-тірегі білімді ұрпақ»dedicated on the Independent of the Republic   Kazakhstan.  

the Republic of Kazakhstan and the fifth anniversary of "secondary school number 15".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2013-12-13 12:03:26
the Republic of Kazakhstan and the fifth anniversary of
In the 12/12/13passed ethno-cultural contest "Daraboz"between preparatory groups dedicatedtothe  Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the fifth anniversary of "secondary school number 15". Children participated in contestfrom: 1-preparatory group Dartayev Ansar; 2-preparatory group Madiyev Abylay; 3-preparatory group Abzhanov Erasyl; 4-preparatory...

" Bolashaғymyzdy nұrlandyrғan Tauelsizdik "

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-12-13 10:48:10
On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan in all school libraries feature information booths , book exhibitions, literature views " Bolashaғymyzdy nұrlandyrғan Tauelsizdik ", " Adamdar.Zhyldar.Taғdyrlar ", " Names and Memory" , interviewed the hours  of history , intellectual games "Kazakhstan - my Motherland "," Tәuelsіzdі...
Author: Department

Тhematic week devoted to the Independent Day of Kazakhstan. Kindergarten “Rycheyok”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-12-13 10:45:05
Тhematic week devoted to the Independent Day of Kazakhstan. Kindergarten “Rycheyok”
Kindergarten “Rycheyok” from 09 to 13 of  December was o thematic week devoted to the Independent Day of Kazakhstan   «Елім менің, жерім менің». Teachers of kindergarten were done the art work with children and theirs parents. It was competition of paints “my Independent Kazakhstan”. Teachers of old group Ermagambetova and Malyavina was done...
Author: Department

«Тәуелсіз Қазақстан»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-12-13 10:40:50
                        «Тәуелсіз Қазақстан»
From 9.12.2013 to 13.12.2013 was a week devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teachers in each group held open lessons on the following topics: «Бірлігі жарасқан ел» (all groups, exhibition) «Менің Отаным-менің Қазақстаным» (all groups, exhibition of pictures) 3. 11.12.13 «Тәуелсіз таңым атқанда»(the older g...
Author: Department

№24 орта мектебінің 1 желтоқсан -Тұңғыш Президент күніне орай жүргізілген іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2013-12-12 11:57:40
№24 орта мектебінің  1 желтоқсан -Тұңғыш Президент күніне орай жүргізілген   іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат
  №24 орта мектебінің 1 желтоқсан -Тұңғыш Президент күніне орай жүргізілген іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат   Мақсаты:  Қазақ халқының Тұңғыш Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың өмір жолы,туып-өскен,оқып білім алған,қызмет еткен жерлері туралы мағлұмат беру.  Елбасының өмір жолынан үлгі ала отырып , Отанын,халқын сүюге,ержүректілікке,азаматтыққа,патриоттық сезімге тәрби...
Author: School №24

№24 орта мектебі бойынша күзгі каникул уақытындағы жүргізілген іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2013-12-12 11:56:43
  №24 орта мектебі бойынша  күзгі каникул уақытындағы жүргізілген іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат Мақсаты: Оқушылар мен жасөспірімдердің күзгі демалыс күндерін қызықты әрі тиімді етіп өткізу және олардың шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамыту.   Мектебімізде 04.-05.11 күні  пәндік олимпиадалар өтті. Мектепішілік олимпиадалардар жеңіске жеткен қалалық олимпиадаға жолдама алды. 05.1...
Author: School №24

KVN «Маусымшылар»

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-12 08:06:24
At the cityfestival of KVN "Mausymshylar" command school gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin "Saken zhastary" won the prize.The purpose of the event: kruglzora development, skills and humor vospirimat vospizvodit it.

Competition readers «Тәуелсіздік-ұлы мұрат»

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-11 10:49:23
In KSU " Grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin " welcomed the extra-curricular activities among students grades 3-4 . Recitation competition , devoted to the country Nezavisimostinashey held at a high urovne.Deti read patriotic poems and prozy.Glavnoy objective of the event is patriotic , respectful attitude towards their motherland , love of family and friends. The event was prepared pr...

The action “Pure word – clean school”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2013-12-11 10:09:59
The action “Pure word – clean school”
The action “Pure word – clean school” was organized within the republican project “School of spiritual and humane pedagogics”. The aim of this action was the improvement of the speech culture of children’s and their parents’. Different actions were conducted during the week: flash-mob, competitions, seminar-trainings, survey among pupils of senior grades...

Open lesson in chemistry

Category: News
Date: 2013-12-11 09:56:22
 "Silicon and its compounds. Silicates. Conductive silicates made ​​from silicon. Silicate industry in Kazakhstan " Subject:"Silicon and its compounds. Silicates. Conductive silicates made ​​from silicon. Silicate industry in Kazakhstan " At the lesson used a new technology: a virtual laboratory, as well as laboratory work «GLX» lesson was at the highest...

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