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Information about the held actions devoted to State symbols Day of Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 06:10:40
Information about the held actions devoted to State symbols Day of Republic of Kazakhstan
On the 4th of June 2014 the following actions were held with aim to improve further educational work on forming of Kazakhstan patriotism among rising generation by propaganda and using of state symbols of Kazakhstan by leisure centre “Balausa” in MSGE “Pupils` Palace”:      - Action “Baitak eldin basty nyshandary” where more 800 children...
Author: Department

They returned with silver medals.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 06:08:26
They returned with silver medals.
To play chess is very powerful instrument of harmonious development of child`s intellect in playing form. Essence of chess is mathematical logic, analysis; strictly speaking, there is no place for chances, luck, so child learns to make his responsible choice of move and act. Children from chess club “Belaya ladiya” of Pupils` Palace under supervision of coach of Public association &l...
Author: Department

Let’s dance funnier friends!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 06:06:14
Let’s dance funnier friends!
 Game discotheque: “Let’s dance funnier friends” was held at the Pupil’s Palace on 29.05.2014. The purpose: to organize leisure time of children, unite all participants on means of games and competitions. Teams of school camps of the town took part in game discotheque.       The game “Serpentine” caused beginning of action. All...
Author: Department

The first step to fame

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 06:04:30
The first step to fame
            From the 6th of June to the 8th of June 2014 the III rd Republican festival – competition of children`s and youthful creation “Tau kuni – gornoe solntse” took place in the concert hall of educational recreational complex “Tau kuni – gornoe solntse” in Almaty city. Organizers of festival &...
Author: Department

Holidays! Holidays!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 06:02:24
Holidays! Holidays!
     Summer holidays have come – long-expected time for pupils! On the 10th of June 2014 220 young balkhashians started to suburban camp “Zhas kanat” where it will be entertaining actions, tasty, useful dinners and certainly unforgettable discotheques, evening lights for them.
Author: Department

“General classifier of types of economic activity”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 06:00:10
“General classifier of types of economic activity”
          Our Pupil’s Palace entered in TOP-30 (Education in the sphere of culture) among small business of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the results of statistical ranking, which was conducted accordance with “General classifier of types of economic activity”, which affirmed by Order of Chairman of the Agency of the republic of Kazakhstan on statistic...
Author: Department

"My the capital my Ордам White"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 05:57:28
Astana city is capital of our Republic, pearl of Kazakhstan. Competition of drawings on asphalt was devoted to just this town and took place on the embankment of Balkhash town on the 11th of June 2014. 12 teams (36 children) of school camps took part in the competition. Children showed their talents and abilities with children`s fervour and great enthusiasm in the art of drawing on asphalt. Chil...
Author: Department

Information about conducting of town holiday “Island of happiness” in the framework of the International day of children’s protection on 01.06.2014.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-06-24 05:54:50
Information about conducting of town holiday “Island of happiness” in the framework of the International day of children’s protection on 01.06.2014.
The town holiday “Island of happiness” conducted in common with CPE and  MSPE “Pupil’s Palace” on seafront near the monument “Tank-34” in the framework of the International Day of children’s protection         The festival of drawings on the asphalt “Happy childhood” and launching of kites &ldqu...
Author: Department

Our cheerful, friendly dance

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-20 18:10:55
Our cheerful, friendly dance
      The big dancing holiday, competition “Starteenager” was held with purpose of popularization of dancing culture, propaganda of healthy life-style and cultural rest of children in summer leisure center “Balausa”.                                         &n...

Сәт-сапар, Жастүлек!

Category: New
Date: 2014-06-20 11:55:06
Сәт-сапар, Жастүлек!
Мақсаты: Мектеп бітіруші түлектерге көңілді, қызықты мерекелік іс-шара ұйымдастыруға жағдай жасау. Мерекелік кеш сағат 22.00-де басталды. Шараға мектеп бітіруші үш түлекпен бірге ұстаздар, ата-аналар қауымы қатысты. Мерекелік шараны мектеп ауласында түлектерге сәттілік тілей отырып, көгершін ұшырумен басталды.  Одан кейін «Бәріміз үйде болғанда...» бағдарламасының желісімен...
Author: School №24

Ability to launch planes into sky

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-19 15:14:25
Ability to launch planes into sky
          To launch planes is a science. There are many secrets in this children`s amusement: it`s necessary to stand right, to direct model and to push with a necessary might. Then a glider will fly to the cherished purpose. Launching plane into sky you see not only result of your hard labour but you look up with dying away of heart, forever harbour your hope that you w...

The vocal festival “Astana – bas kala”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-18 03:17:55
 The vocal festival “Astana – bas kala”
       Astana is a favourite city of all Kazakhstan people. The city of modern technologies, beautiful buildings. Songs are composed about the city. And just songs were sung about Astana in the festival of vocal singing “Astana – bas kala” which held at Pupils` Palace on the 17th of June 2014. 5 young singers of school camps took part in the action. Every pa...

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