
From 13-24 October, our school held a decade humanities. Teachers conducted classes and extracurricular activities, which showed their skills

Category: New
Date: 2014-10-27 03:54:01
From 13-24 October, our school held a decade humanities. Teachers conducted classes and extracurricular activities, which showed their skills
Teacher of Kazakh language Smagulova GS conducted a lesson in class 4 b on "Kazakh national dish" teacher told the children about the history of the national dishes. On the preparation of each dish, the lesson interesting illustrative material used in dishes of the Kazakh people. The children were asked about the benefits of food.  English teacher Abdullayev A.K.provela lesson 1...
Author: School №24


Category: teachers day
Date: 2014-10-26 18:36:34
Author: School №5

Information of measures, ЖББ №conducted that autumn inschool 5 middles 24.10.2014 ж on holiday of honey

Category: teachers day
Date: 2014-10-26 18:35:53
ЖББ №named autumn holiday of honey in school 5 middles24.10.2014 ж. Go season look feature.Not in what time notthere is nature - wonderful the world. day ray flight comesbird autumn comes - сары-қызыл leaves close admires,w...
Author: School №5


Category: teachers day
Date: 2014-10-26 18:31:06
15.09-10.10.2014ж interval ғы autumn sanitary cleannessmonth associates general forms №5 middle school26.09.2014ж day city сенбілік work gets organized. oninterval 2-4 classes "Let us keep cleanness of pen, thatwas" born! on a theme&...
Author: School №5

information about the Day of spiritual consent at school №24

Category: New
Date: 2014-10-24 16:05:03
information about the Day of spiritual consent at school №24
18 October in the school held a Day of spiritual consent. The purpose of this event was to educate students such qualities as mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual aid to oneself and to the world. In each class there were thematic lectures prepared by the students. For the pupils of 5-8 grades, the number of which is 127 pupils, teacher of religious held a debate on the topic : Tolera...
Author: School №24

on the theme «Алтын күз».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-10-23 06:58:39
on the theme «Алтын  күз».
On 21.10.2014y CSE"school lyceum №15 Balkhash" in the minicenter «Таншуақ» in to 2nd younger group «Қызғалдақ», in average group «Түймедақ» and in the group "Раушан"has passed morning performance on the theme «Алтын  күз».

21 қазан 2014 жылы дүниетану пәнінен «Табиғат құбылысы» тақырыбында қалалық деңгейде ашық сабақ өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2014-10-22 10:20:20
21 қазан 2014 жылы  дүниетану пәнінен «Табиғат құбылысы» тақырыбында қалалық деңгейде ашық сабақ өтті.
21 қазан 2014 жылы  дүниетану пәнінен «Табиғат құбылысы» тақырыбында қалалық деңгейде ашық сабақ өтті.Сабақ  мектептік сертификатталған мұғалімдерінің жоспары бойынша берілді. Сабаққа қаланың деңгейлік курсынан өтпеген мұғалімдері қатысты.Сабаққа : №2 лицей, №7 гимназия,№ 8,9,25 орта мектептері қатысты.
Author: School №24

Қоғамдық-гуманитарлық бағыттағы әдістеме бірлестігінің онкүндігі басталды.

Category: New
Date: 2014-10-21 15:42:23
Қоғамдық-гуманитарлық бағыттағы әдістеме бірлестігінің  онкүндігі басталды.
Қазан айының 20.10.2014 - 30.10. 2014 аралығында қоғамдық-гуманитарлық бағыттағы әдістеме бірлестігінің  онкүндігі басталды.  Апталықта  қазақ тілі, орыс тілі, ағылшын тілі, тарих  пәні мұғалімдері ашық сабақтар өткізіп,  тәжірибелерімен бөлісуде.
Author: School №24

№1 on the urban schoolboys, to which were invited to 10 students from each school with their heads.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-10-21 10:35:04
№1 on the urban schoolboys, to which were invited to 10 students from each school with their heads.
  15th of  October at middle school . №1 on the urban schoolboys, to which were invited to 10 students from each school with their heads. Also at the opening was attended by honorary guests: head of the Sports Division of the education of physical culture and sports in trans boundary water management since Izbasar Omirzhanovich, Counsellor of the city Education Department of physic...
Author: Department

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Father's Council "Baiterek".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-10-20 11:03:24
In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the  Father's Council
In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers "Baiterek". At the school-wide parent meeting among the fathers of students were chosen members of the Council Fathers. Chairman of the Council Fathers was selected Toleubekov Abilkasym Onaluly. At the meeting, developed a plan for this school year.          I. General provisi...
Author: School №8

The work of the school and work with RNCP "Saryarka Daryn"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-10-18 02:57:29
The work of the school and work with RNCP
October 15, 2014 in the framework of the research activities of the school and activities for working with gifted children. In the course of which it was found that for the preparation of gifted children to research activity was carried out the following work: 1. Selection of normative documents regulating the activities of the school administration, teachers, students on conducting Olympiads...

Information about conducting of town Olympiad “Young lifesaver-2014by”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-10-17 06:41:07
Information about conducting of town Olympiad “Young lifesaver-2014by”
  One of the most important tasks in work with children is supporting of their safety. In order to children educate to those or other rules of conducting to upbringing in children skills of safety vital activity, direct their energy to positive side allowed different actions, which conducting in educational institutions.          Olympiad devoted...
Author: Department

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