
Activities carried out on an autumn vacation

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-12 06:45:34
Activities carried out on an autumn vacation
On autumn between 04.11-11.11.2014g.kanikulah various activities. In the gym of the school conducted various sports activities and clubs. November 4 conducted basketball games for boys and girls senior klassov.Sredi students 3-4 grade teacher Sardarbek LT held a competition "Boyaular syry." Students showed their imagination using the drawings. Among the classes of 2 students held a c...
Author: School №8

№24 орта мектебінде 04.11-11.11.2014 жыл аралығында күзгі демалыста өткізілген іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат.

Category: New
Date: 2014-11-12 06:24:24
№24 орта мектебінде 04.11-11.11.2014 жыл аралығында күзгі демалыста өткізілген іс-шаралар жайлы ақпарат.
Мақсаты: Жас ұрпақты патриоттық рухта тәрбиелеу, өскелең ұрпа бойына Отанға , халқына , ұлттар достығына деген мақтаныш сезімдерін қалыптастыру ,мәдениет мәртебесін ұрпақ санасына сіңіру , әртүрлі  өнер түріне балалардың ынтасын ояту және бос уақыттарын  шығармашылықтың көркем түріне арнаған жеткіншектердің талабын оятып, таланттарға дем беру. 1-4 сынып арасында  «Күз...
Author: School №24

Republican seminar of educational-methodological seminar

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-12 06:04:19
  Educational-methodological seminars were held during November, 5-8, 2014 by initiative of the Republican centre “Daryn” on the basis of Suleimen Demirel university in Almaty city on the theme “Forms and methods of teaching natural-mathematic direction subjects”. Teachers of school-gymnasium №7, school 15 and school №16 took part in the seminar.
Author: Department

«EXPO-2017 is energy of future»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-11 10:22:51
«EXPO-2017 is energy of future»
         The town debate tournament devoted to the International exhibition "EXPO – 2017is energy of future"was conducted on 11.11.2014 in order to attract attention to innovative educational technology, develop of oratorical abilities of pupils, detect of skills of critical thinking and ability to concentrate on problemheart, form of toler...

School on development of pedagogical mastery

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-11 04:41:17
School on development of pedagogical mastery
  The 2nd stage “Autumn school” of teachers of natural mathematic direction was begun from November 4-8, 2014 by initiative of the educational-methodological centre of education development in Karagandy region. Teachers took courses on the basis of lyceum №2, school №4 and school №15. More than 130 teachers listened theoretical lections, fulfilled subject practical tasks on...
Author: Department

Outdoor playground at summer camp "Bolashak"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-11 04:34:16
Outdoor playground at summer camp
06.11.2014, students boarding - school №2 named by M.P.Rusakov of Balkhash town was received an unusual gift. At the initiative of the deputy mayor of the city S.Zh.Zhaksylykova and collective Balkhash branch Kazkommerts bank with charity fund "Kus Joly" was presented to pupils playground for children - of course it was a big surprise. Joy kids there was no limit, clown Marie wires of...
Author: Department

Town festival of the banner group “Ulanymyz Uly eldin”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-10 04:50:34
Town festival of  the banner group “Ulanymyz Uly eldin”
On November 7, 2014town festival of the banner group RUCYS “Zhas Ulan” “Ulanymyz Uly eldin”, devoted to the day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted in order to form the active civil position, Kazakhstan patriotism schools of the town, station Balkhash took part in the competition. By the results of the festive-competition winners were defi...

Coach of the pedagogical centre of Astana city Umitzhanova Farida Umitzhankyzy

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-08 07:00:02
Coach of the pedagogical centre of Astana city Umitzhanova Farida Umitzhankyzy
Coach of the pedagogical centre of Astana city Umitzhanova Farida Umitzhankyzy conducted the meeting with correspondents “Zhas Orken ” and familiarized with creative works of children on the base of school.  

October 31 in the center of the mini-medium comprehensive school №24 took children's party "Golden Autumn".

Category: New
Date: 2014-11-08 06:50:41
October 31 in the center of the mini-medium comprehensive school №24 took children's party
            Whose goal is to teach children to recognize the charms of autumn and develop the aesthetic taste of children. On matinee participated educator and all parents. Leading this autumn holiday - Rakhimov Elvira, Princess Autumn Serіkқyzy Symbat, as well as the rest of the educator took an active part in organizing the festival. Children older and middle grou...
Author: School №24

Information on testing of teachers of public-humanitarian subjects

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-06 09:28:31
Information  on testing of teachers of public-humanitarian subjects
On 15.11.2014 on the basis of school №16 testing of 282 teachers of Balkhash town schools, 104 teachers of Aktogai village was conducted by representatives of EMC in Karagandy region in order to determine level of professional qualification, subject competency of teachers of history, the Kazakh language and literature, the Russian and foreign languages. Test tasks consisted of 30 questions of ever...
Author: Department

Work sectarian activities

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-06 05:08:02
Work sectarian activities
In high school clubs are organized as follows:   "Geniuses and clever" "Autumn Palette"     "In a healthy television sound mind"       "Melodies of autumn"  

Action Plan for the period from autumn holidays 11.04.14 till 10.11.14 year

Category: school news
Date: 2014-11-06 04:52:57
Action Plan for the period from autumn holidays 11.04.14 till 10.11.14 year
Action Plan for the period from autumn holidays 11.04.14 till 10.11.14 year   Number Name of event Date and time Classes Venue Responsible 1 "Sparrow disco" 4.11.14 11.00 1-4...

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