
22.12.2014 in the school - lyceum № 15 was passed an exciting farewell dance of 1st grade entitled “Alippenin ar jagy – bilim bagy”.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-23 10:58:05
22.12.2014 in the school - lyceum  № 15 was passed  an exciting  farewell dance of 1st  grade  entitled “Alippenin ar jagy – bilim bagy”.
22.12.2014 in the school - lyceum  №15 was passed  an exciting  farewell dance of 1st  grade  entitled “Alippenin ar jagy – bilim bagy”.  108pupils took part on this event. They   presented  their skills in dancing, singing and showed performance.

Information about the action "Veterans live beside "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-23 06:39:22
 Information about the action
Information about the action "Veterans live beside " Continuing the annual campaign of"Veterans live beside "  among school pupils of  "Jas ulan". December 22, 2014 with pupilsof 8class were visiting  Amankul Musataev Amankulovich and his wife Kazyl Medeuovnа, and thepupils of  8 "A" class were visiting  veteran of WarOkubaeva...

Literary Evening "Poetry brave"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-12-22 03:44:36
Literary Evening
On 20th of December  was held a literary party memories of the poet F.Ongarsynova on "Poetry brave." On the evening students Zhagufarova Botagoz, Balykbaeva Aidan Tүsіpbaev Yernur, Alpysbai Zhaukazyn, Ahanova Madina recited poems of the poet. Were shown videos about the life and work F.Ongarsynovoy. Guest from SNR №16 sang the song on the verses M.Makataeva "Fariza, Faria Jea...
Author: School №8

Party"Good -bye, ABC-book!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-12-22 02:38:45
On  20th of December   SNR №8 conducted among 1  classes on "Good -bye, ABC-book!". At the party were participated classes of 1A 1Ә 1B .Aims: To show parents how their children are students have mastered basic knowledge Primer education. At the matinee students were read poems, told proverbs, were sung and danced. At the matinee students read poems, told...
Author: School №8

Search and research lesson on "Jorney to native land."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-12-19 10:19:16
Search and research lesson on
On 12th of December 2014 the history teacher had a search and research lesson-journey on "Jorney to native land." Purpose: To develop the educational interests of students, exploring the history of his native land to instill love and respect for mother nature, to develop functional literacy of students, educate to  patriotism based on the idea of "Еternal country."
Author: School №8

«ЭКСПO – 2017- болашақтың қуаты»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-12-19 05:50:40
«ЭКСПO – 2017- болашақтың қуаты»
            Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздік мерекесі қарсаңында 2014 жылдың 15 қарашасы күні халықаралық «ЭКСПO – 2017- болашақтың қуаты»көрмесіне арналған қалалық дебат ойыны өткізілді. Дебат ойындарының негізгі мақсаты оқушылардың шешендік өнер саласындағы дарындылығын дамыту, жылдам ойлау қаблеттері мен мәселенің мәніне терең бойлау қаблеттер...
Author: Department

November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”. For the title of Altyn Bala fought 14 pupils from various schools of the city

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-12-19 05:44:04
November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”. For the title of Altyn Bala fought 14 pupils from various schools of the city
The Aim: -to develop intellectual and creative potential of pupils, to form interest in teaching and research activities. Objectives: To enhance the prestige of gifted children for the purpose of forming Kazakhstan patriotism, support creative initiatives of the younger generation and the strengthening of scientific potential for the prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.As a result, the...
Author: Department

Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің 2013-2014 оқу жылының 16 желтоқсан Тәуелсіздік күніне арналған іс-шаралар ақпары

Category: Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің 2013-2014 оқу жылының 16 желтоқсан Тәуелсіздік күніне арналған іс-шаралар ақпары
Date: 2014-12-18 04:58:40
Author: School №5

The town competition of reading poems of Saken Seifullin was conducted among pupils of schools and students of colleges on 14.12.2014 in the Palace of Metallurgists after M.Khamzin.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-18 04:51:16
The town competition of reading poems of Saken Seifullin was conducted among pupils of schools and students of colleges on 14.12.2014 in the Palace of Metallurgists after M.Khamzin.
The town competition of reading poems of Saken Seifullin was conducted among pupils of schools and students of colleges on 14.12.2014 in the Palace of Metallurgists after M.Khamzin. With the aim of upbringing love to Motherland, upbringing skills of literary masterpiece of upbringing generation, to attend interests to Kazakh language and literature through propaganda of Saken's creation.&...

Тәуелсіздік күніне орай өтілген Республикалық бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы «Жас Ұлан» қатарына оқушыларды қабылдау сап жиынының ақпары

Category: Тәуелсіздік күніне орай өтілген Республикалық бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы «Жас Ұлан» қатарына оқушыларды қабылдау сап жиынының ақпары
Date: 2014-12-18 04:41:01
Author: School №5

13.12.14 at the school for parents and teachers held a festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the birthday of the school.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-18 03:40:03
13.12.14 at the school for parents and teachers held a festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the birthday of the school.
13.12.14 at the school for parents and teachers held a festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the birthday of the school. The concert was held at a high level.

By the sixth anniversary of his beloved school had organized an exhibition on the theme «EXPO-2017".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-18 03:35:49
By the sixth anniversary of his beloved school had organized an exhibition on the theme «EXPO-2017
By the sixth anniversary of his beloved school had organized an exhibition on the theme «EXPO-2017". Students presented their work, models, where topics were covered: "My favorite school", "tower", "The Golden Man", "School".

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