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«Miracles on New Year Eve»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:28:07
«Miracles on New Year Eve»
New-year morning performances are in kindergartens - are important part of educational process  . Today meeting of New Year in kindergarten of "ЕрТөстік" in the senior age-related group passed  under the name "Wonders under New Year". To realization of morning performances teachers and parents were brought over . Parents were dipped in the world of fairy-tales and p...
Author: Department


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:23:11
In order to develop students' aesthetic and artistic qualities, identifying gifted children, the disclosure of professional skills, according to the plan of 26 December 2014 on the basis of grammar school 7was  urban dance and vocal competition Aigolek. Innominations«Buldirshin» 10 participants in the category of 11 people in the nomination Zhastalant - 6 people, in the cate...
Author: Department

City competition "Aigolek"

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-07 17:01:02
City competition
In order to develop students' aesthetic and artistic qualities, identifying gifted children, the disclosure of professional skills, according to the plan of 26 December 2014 on the basis of grammar school 7was  urban dance and vocal competition Aigolek. Innominations«Buldirshin» 10 participants in the category of 11 people in the nomination Zhastalant - 6 people, in the cate...
Author: School №24

№24 орта мектебінде өткен Жаңа жылдық карнавал бойынша ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-07 16:40:25
№24 орта мектебінде өткен Жаңа жылдық карнавал бойынша ақпарат
Мектебіміздің «Жасұлан» , «Мұрагер » өзін-өзі басқару ұйымы 8-11 сынып арасында «Жаңа жылдық карнавал» ұйымдастырды.  Іс-шараға 54 оқушы қатысты. Жаңа жылдық кеш өте қызықты өтті. Әр  сыныпты түрлі кейіпкерлерге бөліп, өз өнерлерін , шығармашылықтарын көрсетуге түрлі конкурстық байқаулар арқылы жағдай жасалды. Конкурстан үздік шыққандарға арнайы сыйл...
Author: School №24

An action plan SNR №8 in winter holiday

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-01-06 04:24:07
№ Contents date     time   responsible result 1 Circle "Altyn Oymak" (Grade 9) 03.01.2015 10.00...
Author: School №8

12/28/2014 years amongst 7 A, 7 B class of 35 students was held New Year's Eve under the title "Hello, New Year."

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-04 10:50:18
12/28/2014 years amongst 7 A, 7 B class of 35 students was held New Year's Eve under the title
12/28/2014 years amongst 7 A, 7 B class of 35 students was held New Year's Eve under the title "Hello, New Year." Students come in colored hats were leading evening in two languages, it has been a lot of competitions dedicated to the theme New Year's blue screen. During vechara were 6 competitions in which participated literally everyone who came, it contests such as the "...
Author: School №24

Жаңа жыл - 2015

Category: Жаңа жылдық шырша
Date: 2014-12-31 04:48:53
Жаңа жыл - 2015
From 26.12.14 to 29.12.14 in the school have been Christmas trees . The topic colorful Christmas presentation was «Біз мәңгілік ел боламыз», which tells for us of the values of human , love for the country.
Author: School №16

29.12.14. There held Christmas tree for students in grades 9-11

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 09:02:28
29.12.14. There held Christmas tree for students in grades 9-11
29.12.14. There held Christmas tree for students in grades 9-11. Festive evening continued competition "Star Hour". At the competition was attended by young professionals of our lyceum and high school students. The participants were awarded with diplomas and gifts.

26.12.14 was held city competition of songs "Aigolek." The competition was attended by the children of our school-lyceum.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 08:57:21
26.12.14 was held city competition of songs
26.12.14 was held city competition of songs "Aigolek." The competition was attended by the children of our school-lyceum. The winners of the Grand Prix took Uzakbai B. Vocal grauppa composed Zhappovoy M, a student from 7Ә klassa.Abdumanap J. and J. Duzenova Students 5G class won the Grand Prix. Head of the group Kalieva N. Dance group assigned to the nomination "Мың бұралған бишіл...

Scientific and practical conference among school students of the city on the theme "The purpose of the eternal people and Ep Zhanibek

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-12-30 08:21:52
Scientific and practical conference among school students of the city on the theme
  December 23 in the walls of our school hosted a scientific-practical conference among school students of the city on the theme "The purpose of the eternal people and Ep Zhanibek" The conference is organized city fund "ErZhanibek." The conference was attended by representatives of the city administration, an honorary citizen of the city, the city department of edu...
Author: Department

12/12/14, in the Palace of Metallurgists was the song "Pride moya- Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 03:27:59
12/12/14, in the Palace of Metallurgists was the song
12/12/14, in the Palace of Metallurgists was the song "Pride moya- Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition was attended by students and learning institutions in our city. From our school made a pupil 9B class Elubaj Madina, which was awarded a diploma.

On 25.12.2014y CSE "school lyceum № 15 Balkhash" in the mini center “Tanshuak” and between preparatory groups passed feast “Welcome to New Year”.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 03:20:02
On 25.12.2014y CSE
On 25.12.2014y CSE "school lyceum №15 Balkhash" in the mini center “Tanshuak” and between preparatory groups passed feast“Welcome to New Year”.

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