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Spring celebrity Nowruz!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:45:30
Spring celebrity Nowruz!
In the  kindergarten «ЕрТөстік» 20.03.2015 in the senior group held a  party  «Spring celebrity Nowruz!». Children  Kazakh dances, recited poems on kazakh and russion languages.  On holiday came Crow, Sun, Fox and Bear. After completion covered  table.
Author: Department

Competition «Zhigit sultany»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:39:56
Competition «Zhigit sultany»
On the eve of Nauryz, March 20 in our child care center "Akbota" under the direction of music director Dzhumatayeva K.K and caregivers and senior group Sheken J and Esimbekovoy A.T passed competition "Zhigit sultany" which was attended by five boys from the older group №8. The contest was held in six phases.  Objective: Improve and deepen the knowledge to educate child...
Author: Department

Наурыздың 19-шы жұлдызында «Балқаш қаласының гимназиясы» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінде бастауыш сыныптар арасында"Ұлыстың Ұлы күніне" арналған «Нұр себеле, Ұлыстың ұлы күні» атты мереке аталып өтті.

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-20 07:06:12
Наурыздың 19-шы жұлдызында «Балқаш қаласының гимназиясы» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінде бастауыш сыныптар арасында
Мереке  гимназия директоры Дюсамбаев Б.А. қолдауымен директордың тәрбие ісінің меңгерушісі Бижанова А.М. және 3 «Ә» сынып жетекшісі Бейсенбина Г.К., 2 «А» сынып жетекшісі Керейбаева А.А. ұйымдастыруымен өткізілді. Оқушылар қазақтың ұлттық биін нақышына келтіре билеп, әр ұлттың Наурыз мейрамын қалай қарсы алатынын айта отырып, әр ұлттың биін мың бұрала биледі. Сахнада...

Matinee «Армысың, әз Наурызым»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-20 05:31:07
Matinee «Армысың, әз Наурызым»
       19th of March for the Nauryz between the Preparatory Group held a matinee «Армысың, әз Наурызым». "Children show the national traditions of the Kazakh people, sang songs, danced.

Сompetition «Жігітке жеті өнер де аз»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-20 05:21:40
Сompetition «Жігітке жеті өнер де аз»
March 18 at our school among students in 7-8 grades  was a competition «Жігітке жеті өнер де аз».  Coach Dzhakupova Z.A. times spent Coaching session training- seminars aimed at strengthening cooperation between schools and families. This event is carried out once again confirmed the important role of cooperation between schools and parents in educating their children a sen...

Сontest «Ер сұлтан мен ақ ару».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-20 04:57:01
Сontest «Ер сұлтан мен ақ ару».
19.03.2015g. in our shool among high school students was held a traditional contest «Ер сұлтан мен ақ ару». The purpose of the event: familiarity with the history of origin of the holiday Nowruz, traditions and customs. Develop children's creativity, thoughtfulness, thinking.

Today 19/03/2015 g.sredi students 8a, 9a, 10a, 11a classes to celebrate Nauryz a contest

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-19 09:58:47
Today 19/03/2015 g.sredi students 8a, 9a, 10a, 11a classes to celebrate Nauryz a contest
Celebratory event consisted of 6 stages: 1. Presentation on "Salem-sөzdің Atas" 2. Istsenirovka on "Atanyң sozi-aқyldyң kөzі" 3. Quiz on "Eskіrmeytіn estі soz", etc.  According to the results of the competition jury to determine the place: grant-award-ucheniki8a, place 1-10a, 11a-2nd place, 3rd place-9a.  

8.03.2015g. in our school among 5-6 grades pupils and their daughter-in was a competition "Aynaldym, Altyn zhengemnen!".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-18 16:53:40
8.03.2015g. in our school among 5-6 grades pupils and their daughter-in  was a competition
8.03.2015g. in our school among 5-6 grades pupils and their daughter-in  was a competition "Aynaldym, Altyn zhengemnen!". The purpose of the contest: open features kazakh traditions of the peoples in the preservation and development of national tradition. According to the contest, each daughter in law had to cook the national dish, to show the custom of the Kazakh people. Accordin...

The competition “Daraboz ” was conducted among the first grades on 18.03.2015. The aim: to attract childrens love and respect to their national traditions.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-18 11:17:24
The competition  “Daraboz ” was conducted among the first grades on 18.03.2015. The aim: to attract childrens  love and respect to their national traditions.
The competition  “Daraboz ” was conducted among the first grades on 18.03.2015. The aim: to attract childrens  love and respect to their national traditions. Th competition was consisted of  5 stages. By the  end of  the competition participants were awarded with different nominations.

On 17.03.2015, y in the CSE “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash” with the participation of pupils’ mini-center "Tanshuak" and preparatory groups in the anticipation of the spring holiday "Nauryz"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-18 09:42:30
On 17.03.2015, y in the CSE “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash” with the participation of pupils’ mini-center
On 17.03.2015, y in the CSE “School-lyceum №15of Balkhash” with the participation of pupils’ mini-center "Tanshuak" and preparatory groups in the anticipation of the spring holiday "Nauryz" conducted concert under the name «Армысың, әз Наурызым! On a visit also attended by representatives of the ethnic and cultural centers Stein NN, Penkina OA, Relke T...

The competition Segiz kyrly birsyrly was conducted in the eve of Nauryz holiday under leadership of Rakhimbaeva K.O. and Shulenbaeva K.Zh., where boys of 4th grades.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-18 07:19:40
The competition Segiz kyrly birsyrly was conducted in the eve of Nauryz holiday under leadership of  Rakhimbaeva  K.O. and Shulenbaeva K.Zh., where boys of  4th grades.
The competition Segiz kyrly birsyrly was conducted in the eve of Nauryz holiday under leadership of  Rakhimbaeva  K.O. and Shulenbaeva K.Zh., where boys of  4th grades. The competiton was held in 5 stages. Thw aim of the competition: to asttract love torespect Kazakhs  traditions and customs .     By the results of the competition the first place was won the...

The competition «Nauryzaruy» was conducted in the Nauryz holiday among the girls of the 2 nd grades on 17.03. 2015.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-03-18 07:14:17
The competition «Nauryzaruy» was conducted in the Nauryz holiday among the girls of the 2 nd grades on 17.03. 2015.
   The competition «Nauryzaruy» was conducted in the Nauryz holiday among the girls of the 2 nd grades on 17.03. 2015. The aim: to unbringamond girls the politeness,  goodwill. The competition was consisted of 5 stages 1.      Numbering 2.      Meeting 3.      Question-answer 4. ...

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