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Балалар - өмірдің гүлі

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-22 11:40:43
Балалар - өмірдің гүлі
June 22, started season 2 of flight ozdorovitelnogo center "Балдәурен" in the direction "Жайнай бер әсем Астана!". On schedule they started with Fizkultury charging. The purpose of Dating was carried out with pupils of psychological training "Balalar mg GL". Getting up in the circle wished each other good, kind words.

Information on holding a festive event "Armand Quemes_ne – and қ жол" for graduates of schools of the city

Category: school news
Date: 2015-06-22 04:30:58
Information on holding a festive event
On June 20 on Square "Independence" for graduates of schools of the city solemn evening "Үміт zhola" is spent. On it schoolgirls of the senior classes uchastovat, having presented the dance "Girls of the Steppe". In end of evening pupils of the 11th classes were handed certificates on a festive event "Armand Quemes_ne – and қ жол", taking place in th...

Thank you, Baldauren

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-19 08:09:57
Thank you, Baldauren
June 19 was held a solemn line marking the end of the first season of the Wellness centre "Baldauren" Sang songs Akhatova Gulnur "Жаса Қазақстан", trio "Бобек" "Анамыздыңгүліміз", Abazbekova Aigerim "Сағындым әже", Altynbekova Ainur  "Бала тілегі" Abdulkyzy  Amina danced "Aққу", "Хатубба". All childre...

The 18th of Junevacationersof health-improving center"Baldauren" noted"day of Neptune" .

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-19 05:20:42
The 18th of Junevacationersof health-improving center
The 18th of Junevacationersof health-improving center"Baldauren" noted"day of Neptune" .Vacationersroleplayedmermaids,NeptuneandRobbers andstage-managesmallsetting.Vacationersparticipateactively.

The excursion to the city Museum

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-18 09:49:07
The excursion to the city Museum
June 17 vacationers summer recreation center "Baldauren" KSU lyceum №15 of Balkhash town made ​​a trip to the city museum.

New textbooks on English

Category: school news
Date: 2015-06-18 07:57:24
New textbooks on English
Dear parents of pupils of KGU "Gymnasiums of the City of Balkhash"!    2015-2016 academic years training in English will be conducted with the beginning according to textbooks izdatelstvamacmillan. It is necessary to get the textbook and a workbook for each pupil.   Attention! The edition of the textbook has to be after 2008!       for the...

Жаз ханшайымы-2015

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-17 08:01:20
Жаз  ханшайымы-2015
17.06.2015 in our preschool camp Baldauren" was a traditional contest "Жаз  ханшайымы-2015". Event goal: to develop children's creativity, thoughtfulness, thinking. At the competition, the participants demonstrated carton model number b beautiful outfits. And there were separate logical tasks with which they coped. According to the results of the contest the winners of th...

«Болашаққа ядролық қарусыз» экофестивалі

Category: Новости
Date: 2015-06-17 06:14:24
«Болашаққа  ядролық қарусыз» экофестивалі
   2015 жылдың 16 маусымында Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы жалпы білім беретін №25 орта мектебінде «Болашаққа ядролық қарусыз» атты қалалық экофестиваль өтті. Аталған іс-шара «Невада – Семей қозғалысының 20 жылдығы» мен «Хиросима мен Нагасаки қалаларын атом бомбалаушылықтың 70 жылдығына»  орай ұйымдастырылды. Іс-шараға қаламыздың  №3,...
Author: School №25

Ата –аналар назарына!!!

Category: Advertisement
Date: 2015-06-17 03:42:14
 Ата –аналар назарына!!! Құрметті  ата-аналар!!!           2015-2016 оқу  жылында ҚР  Білім және ғылым Министрінің 2014 жылдың 10   желтоқсанындағы  №515 бұйрығы  бойынша  4,5,6,11  сынып  оқулықтары және  3 сынып   Ағылшын тілі    («Алматыкітап»...
Author: School №16

Сән -2015

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-16 10:37:03
Сән -2015
June 15 preschool camp Baldauren" held a competition "Сән -2015". At the competition, the participants demonstrated a model made with your own hands, ispolzovat the materials at hand. And there were separate logical tasks with which they coped. The winners are:         Grand Prix-Altynbekova Ainur 1st place: Akbaeva  Daiana 2nd place: Cusenbaev...

book fair

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-16 10:32:11
book fair
for students of  1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 grades was organized "book fair". At the fairit was sold 40 books in the amount of  14.230 tenge. Parents were informed and they offered the best prices on books.

Судан қорғау бекетіне саяхат.

Category: Біздің жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-06-15 09:28:18
Судан қорғау бекетіне саяхат.
Author: School №16

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