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City Day

Category: school news
Date: 2015-09-29 03:34:45
 City Day
On September 27, 2015, in Balkhash the holiday" the City Day" took place. In this holiday, passed various actions. At square of Independence, gala concert of youth of our city took place. At stadium" Metallurgist" I passed competition of graffiti, the festival of dances took place on "the Avenue of Astana". Pupils of a city gymnasium participated in all actions. We...

" We are mindful and proud of it! "

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-09-29 03:03:51
  In tribute and remembrance of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War , vgorode Karagandyna memorial of military glory "Eternal Flame" sostoyalsyaoblastnoy festivalvozdushnyh kites " We are mindful and proud of it! " , Which was attended by young craftsmen circling " Aviamodelirovaniye " Palace of schoolchildren.   Our children presented three k...

City Day

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-29 02:49:41
City Day
September 27, 2015, in Balkhash held a celebration "City Day". On this festive day, a variety of activities. At the Independence Square, the gala concert of the youth of our city. The stadium "Metallurg" held a competition graffiti, dance festival was held on the "Walk of Fcnfys" / All activities involved students of our school lyceum №15. Congratulations to all res...

The information about the regional parents' meeting in a mode on-line

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-29 02:35:58
The information about the regional parents' meeting in a mode on-line
Objective: To examine the concept and features of legal acts of the RK; to protect children from negative information on the Internet. 26.09. 2015 11:00 regional parents' meeting was held in the on -line. The meeting was attended by 30 parents of students in grades 7-11.     A statement was made head of the department of education of the Karaganda region AimagambetovAs...

550 years from Kazakh State establishment

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-26 12:18:19
550 years from Kazakh State establishment
On  23, September there was a conference among 6, 9 grades on the theme “550 years from Kazakh State establishment”.  The students have prepared the following reports: “Abai Kunanbaev”, “The establishment of Kazakh State”, “National movement” , “Shokan Ualichanov”. In this conference the students read verses in Russian and Eng...

Information on the holding "City Day" SNC N8 26.09.2015 year

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-09-26 09:53:21
Information on the holding
09.26.2015 of the school held events dedicated to the "Day of the City." At the solemn assembly as guest invited honorary citizen of the city Musataeva SA On the third floor of the school was organized by the Fair of handmade crafts. Students organized a flash mob of 8-9 classes, teachers and A.O.Artykbaeva M.K.Zhumabaeva held a competition of expressive reading among students in grade...
Author: School №8

Дана Абай, дара Абай қазақта

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-25 12:34:09
Дана Абай, дара Абай қазақта
8 In the class passed the literary - artistic composition dedicated to the 170 anniversary of the birth of Abay  "Дана Абай, дара Абай қазақта".  Objective: To assess the contribution to science and culture of the outstanding educator of Kazakhstan to expand the students' ideas about the significance of the individual Abay as a patriot, citizen, poet and thinker, genera...

Тіл –тірегіміз, соғып тұрған жүрегіміз

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-25 12:13:46
Тіл –тірегіміз, соғып тұрған жүрегіміз
 Every year, the 22 of September our whole country celebrates this day as a day of languages ​​. Our President Nursultan Nazarbayev set the task to speak 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, without forgetting his Mother tongue . According to it, among students 8E and 8B classes there was a festival dedicated to this momentous day. The teacher of Russian language and literature Dzhakup...

Information about the event dedicated to the Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-25 11:43:15
Information about the event dedicated to the Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan
Objective:Increased knowledge about languages, the formation of a conscious attitude to the variety of languages to inculcate a culture of dialogue in different languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. On 18.09to celebrate the Day of languages was held event "Let's speak different languages," in which students and 6 g of 7-9 classes read poems of classics of world literature in Kazak...

The action of charity «Мейірім шуағы»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-23 11:37:30
The action of charity «Мейірім шуағы»
In order to provide social assistance to children from large, low-income, single-parent families 23.09. the holiday "Kurban Ait" in school Rally charity. Within the framework of the republican action «Road to school" collected school supplies and belongings were given boarding school number 3 and orphanage.

Information meeting for boys

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-23 11:25:15
Information meeting for boys
September 23 the school day was a meeting among boys 7 to 11 class in order to create conditions for the development of skills of the day, and procedures at the school on the agenda was told right pupil in the school rules, hygienic cleanliness.


Category: school news
Date: 2015-09-23 08:56:48
September 26, 2015 held a parent meeting on "Malyshkina school! 13.00 (Russian branch).

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