
Қамқоршылар күні

Category: Қайырымдылық
Date: 2015-11-04 05:01:31
Қамқоршылар күні
2015 жылдың 27 қазанында мектебімізде «29 қазан Қамқоршы күні» мерекесіне орай «Балаларға мейірім сыйла» атты іс-шара өз мәнінде өтті. Бұл мереке қайырымдылық, айналадағы адамдарға назар, көмекке даярлылық, сүйенішті қажет еткендердің барлығын қолдау, сүйіспеншілік пен назар, бір-біріне қамқорлық көрсетуге бағытталған.    Қамқоршы аналарға мектеп директорының...
Author: School №16

Күзгі демалыс

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2015-11-04 03:36:32
Күзгі демалыс
№ Іс-шараның атауы Іс- шаралар Өткізілетін күні, уақыты Сыныбы Өткізілетін орны Жауапты 1 Денсаулық зор байлық.     1.Спорттық ойындарСпорттық жарыстар: - волейбол;...
Author: School №16

Сity competition "Шашекемдей саңқылдап"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-03 06:42:57
Сity competition
10.29.2015 held city competition "Шашекемдей саңқылдап" organized by the city library "Syrlas." The competition was attended by 10 students of "A" class of our school-lyceum Jamel Ernұr, Seytkamal Nazerke, Bayantaeva Anel, Kaduahit Daryn, Marlene, which showed good knowledge and artistic skills. As a result, the I took place. Congratulations!

Information on public seminar on physical education in the school№10

Date: 2015-11-03 06:25:57
Information on public seminar on physical education in the school№10
October 28, 2015 in the secondary school №10 passed city seminar of teachers of physical culture. Within the seminar, teacher Pestov YU.V. held a lesson in class 6 a  "Volleyball. The upper, lower transmission". The lesson held in a good level and took a high price of other teachers.
Author: School №10

We organize sports activities!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-11-03 05:29:00
We organize sports activities!
  Sport activities under the motto “Brave, clever, skillful” was held for the children of senior      groups in kindergarten “Bobek” in 03.11.2015. Two teams “Sunkar” and Tulpar” (6 children) greeted each other and the audience and then competed in the relays: “Zhelayak”, “Arkan tartis” , “K...
Author: Department

Cadets oath taking ceremony

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-02 11:20:17
Cadets oath taking ceremony
October 30 A.T.Tokabekova school director and the deputy director on educational part Zh.K.Zhetpisbaeva as guests attended the solemn oath Cadets SNR decision №58 g.Karagndy. Our school last year entered into a memorandum of cooperation with the SNR №58 Karaganda, and in this regard regularly liaises with the school. In the traditional event were invited director of the Russian Cadet Corps, Temi...
Author: School №8

KSU School №24 1 "A" class was held class hour on the theme: "Footpath.

Category: New
Date: 2015-11-02 08:30:41
KSU School №24 1
October 26, 2015 KSU School №24 1 "A" class was held class hour on the theme: "Footpath. Rules of the road. " Homeroom has been tested in the form of competition. It was chosen by the jury. The children were divided into three teams, "Red," "Yellow," "Green." During homeroom children learn about traffic lights, on the rules of passing a pedestria...
Author: School №24

The international project "Mathematics without borders" began in new 2015-16 school year.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-31 03:18:58
On October, 20 the scientific and practical conference "Greates scientists " took place at school. Teachers made the pupils acknowledge with scientific works of J.S. Akylbayev. Also they talked about the roll of science in the modern world. And the pupils  defended scientific projects in English. After the conferencethe teacher of physics A.S. Meyrbekova and young professional tea...

Мектепалды даярлық тобындағы «Күзгі бал»

Category: Новости
Date: 2015-10-30 10:59:55
Қазан айының  21 күні  Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы жалпы білім беретін №25 орта мектебінің мектепалды даярлық тобында «Күзгі бал» болып өтті. Мақсаты:Күз мезгілінің  астық,  жеміс-жидек,  көкөністерді  жинау мезгілі екенін, күздегі ауылшаруашылық еңбек түрлері жөнінен  білім беру. Үлкендердің еңбегін құрметтеу, олардың еңбегінің нәтижесіне қамқорлықпен...
Author: School №25

The Republican campaign "give warmth to children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-30 06:31:32
The Republican campaign
In the"School-Lyceum №15 of Balkhash town" in the framework of the Republican campaign "give warmth to children" on 29 October, a seminar was held "Жылы жүрек - жақсы тілек". Goal celebrations — an expression of gratitude to the families who have taken on the upbringing of a child, encouraging those people for whom other people's children and others misfor...

Gold autumn

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-10-30 05:31:45
Gold autumn
      In the kindergarten of «Zhuldyz»began to take place mornings and entertainments devoted to the holiday of the autumn. The colorfully decorated rooms welcomed well – dressed children. Poems, songs and dances brought pleasure to children. Children told their poems and sang songs and danced together. Hilarious characters there are squirrel, breeze and grandm...
Author: Department

Общее родительское собрание «Эмоции в жизни детей»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2015-10-29 11:07:29
Общее родительское собрание  «Эмоции в жизни детей»
Детский сад – первое воспитательное учреждение, с которым родители вступают в контакт. Качество работы дошкольного учреждения  напрямую определяет уровень педагогической культуры родителей, а, следовательно, и уровень семейного воспитания детей. Но как сегодня привлечь родителей к педагогическому взаимодействию, уйдя от шаблонов и формализма? 28 октября 2015 г в ДДУ «Ер Төстік&r...

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