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Play on thehome «Зерделі болсаң, биік шыңға жетесің!»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-03 10:33:24
Play on thehome «Зерделі болсаң, биік шыңға жетесің!»
On the 28.11.2015 between 2 classes conducted the play on the Home «Зерделі болсаң, биік шыңға жетесің!» Responsible teacher: Tergeubaeva K.A. Imuhametova T.S.

ҚР Президентінің жолдауына пікір

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-03 10:29:54
ҚР Президентінің жолдауына пікір
ҚР Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаев кезекті Қазақстан халқына жолдауында – кіші-орта бизнесті дамыту  және Қазақстанның 6 аймағында елдік өнім шығару бағдарламасын құру керек – деген пікірі ұнады.  Ұлттық валютамыз тұрақты болатынына көз жеткізді. Сондай-ақ, 2016жылдың қаңтар айынан бастап  медицина, білім, әлеуметтік қорғау саласына және мемлекет қызметкерлеріне жалақы көтер...

Музыкально-литературная композиция "Первый президент Казахстана!"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-03 10:21:06
Музыкально-литературная композиция
Мало мы еще умеем Мы пока еще растем Ностановимся умнее С каждым часом каждым днем Мы все  больше понимаем Чем надо дорожить Дорожить свободным краем И Республику  любить!

The work of psychologists with graduates who pass the UNT

Category: News
Date: 2015-12-03 09:01:04
 The work of psychologists with graduates who pass the UNT
  October 1 students 11 classes were taken by the Dutch method tests "Identify students professional interest".  

Message from the President of Kazakhstan

Category: school news
Date: 2015-12-03 04:22:31
Message from the President of Kazakhstan
November 30, 2015 at 11:00 am in a multimedia office №1 viewed Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev students 10 B, 11 B class.


Category: school news
Date: 2015-12-03 04:08:21
       November 30, 2015 at KSU "College of Balkhash town" Captain Fire Service Gridnev DV It was held a lecture on "Fire Safety", "Protection in emergency situations" and "technical command of civil defense forces" to students in grade 11. During the lecture Captain spoke about the condition of admission, specialty institute of study.

Ruler of the First President's Day

Category: school news
Date: 2015-12-03 03:17:19
Ruler of the First President's Day
November 30, 2015 in the gymnasium solemn ruler devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the line were conducted propagandicheskie work on "Elbasy baқyty - taғdyry eat." A student of class 10A Toғzhanova Zhansaya was adopted in "Ulanbasshysy" EDYUO "Jas Ulan".  

Competition in volleyball

Category: school news
Date: 2015-12-03 02:54:17
Competition in volleyball
By Day of the First President was held sporting event in volleyball. KSU Students' Gymnasium Balkhash" took second place.

Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 18 to 26 November was held the championship in volleyball among young men

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-03 01:46:05
Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 18 to 26 November was held the championship in volleyball among young men
In celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 18 to 26 November was held the championship of volleyball among pupils. In sorovnevanii attended by 15 school teams. The finalists have been the team of school-lyceum №15, school-gymnasium №7, city gymnasium, lyceum №2. December 1 at the fitness center of the city of Balkhash Finals, won by the following school t...

Сompetitions in chess "White Rook"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-03 01:40:05
Сompetitions in chess
On the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 28-29 were competitions in chess "White Rook". Our team is composed of 11 students of Class A Basar S. 2B Kasymbekov Class A, Class 6A Kisebaeva Nazerke, 6B class Alimbetova A., III place took the prize.

"Tauelsizdik tolau"

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-12-02 11:40:25
To the President the class teacher 5 "A" class Asylkhanova Aigul Aidarbekovna held class hour on the theme "Tauelsizdik tolau" The purpose of a classroom hour to raise Patriotic education, love of country through reading poems, singing Patriotic songs On hour the children read and remember these great words of Nursultan Nazarbayev, "We are heirs of our homeland,"...
Author: School №5

Festive events dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan«Елбасы – елімен бірге»

Category: New
Date: 2015-12-02 10:02:25
Festive events dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan«Елбасы – елімен бірге»
November 30, 2015 in the elementary grades GU "secondary school №24 of Balkhash" was a festive event dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Elbasy - elіmenbіrge." The purpose of this event was to increase students' knowledge about the activities of the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev as a guarantor of stability, ethni...
Author: School №24

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