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«Жігіт сұлтаны-2016» байқауы

Category: New
Date: 2016-02-19 16:02:51
 «Жігіт сұлтаны-2016» байқауы
By the 25 th anniversary of Independence of the members of the organization board of the fathers "Samruk" and government members of the competition was organized by the "Zhіgіt sұltany-2016" among students in grades 7-9. I.Tseli and objectives of the competition: 1. Ability to show themselves not to the scene. 2. deepen cultural speech. 3. To teach the culture and man...
Author: School №24

"Кәсіби қоғамдастық – сапалы білім мен табысты оқытудың негізі" тақырыбындағы тәжірибе бөлісу семинары

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-02-19 13:40:48
   18.02.16 күні  Абай атындағы №2 лицейдің деңгейлік курсты бітірген мұғалімдерінің магниттік мектептер арасында  ұйымдастырып отырған «Кәсіби қоғамдастық – сапалы білім мен табысты оқытудың негізі» тақырыбындағы тәжірибе бөлісу семинары өтті.   Семинарға  қалалық білім бөлімінің әдіскерлері, негізгі мектептің координаторы  Гульзада Мукатае...

Meeting of teachers' role ethnopedagogics in formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, the idea of identity and unity "Мәңгілік ел", dedicated to 175 - anniversary Y.Altynsarin.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-18 11:00:06
Meeting of teachers' role ethnopedagogics in formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, the idea of identity and unity
In KSU "Shkola- high school number 15 in Balkhash town" was held meeting of the teachers' role ethnopedagogics in formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, the idea of identity and unity "Мәңгілік ел", dedicated to 175 - anniversary Y.Altynsarin. Purpose: formation and realization of the idea of ​​"Мәңгілік ел" through ethnopedagogy through the prism of modernity,...

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.

Category: school news
Date: 2016-02-17 07:53:41
Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.
February 16, 2016 in the auditorium of the KSU "College of Balkhash" held a meeting with veterans of the Afghan war. At a meeting with students of the gymnasium came a veteran of the Afghan war Mukhamediev Bauyrzhan Meyrmanovich. Disciples 3 "B" class prepared a statement of the meeting the guests and made librarian Kalkeeva Lyubov Esenovna.

Drawing contest "Under the common home"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-02-17 04:29:31
Drawing contest
  February 16 at secondary school №8 among pupils of 5 classes a competition of drawings "bir astynda Shanyrak". The competition was attended by 20 students. They painted with watercolors, colored pencils, felt-tip pens landscapes, still lifes, portraits, animations. There was an exhibition of students' drawings. As a result of the exhibition took first place Erkebulan Adele,...
Author: School №8

Sports contest "Future of nation-healthy generation"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-02-16 09:50:09
Sports contest
            February 13, 2016in the school gymnasium №7 named after Saken Seifullin  held city sports contest "Future of nation-healthy generation" with the participation of Council Fathers and pupils. The competition was attended by 10  schools in the city. Participants of competitions take place in various sports.  ...
Author: Department

Sports contest "Future of nation-healthy generation"

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-16 09:20:43
  Sports contest
      February 13, 2016in the school gymnasium №7 named after Saken Seifullin  held city sports contest "Future of nation-healthy generation" with the participation of Council Fathers and pupils. The competition was attended by 10  schools in the city. Participants of competitions take place in various sports.     As a result,the 1st place was awa...
Author: Department

City events among fathers

Category: school news
Date: 2016-02-16 08:44:55
City events among fathers
February 13, 2016 in the school-gymnasium №7 passed city events among fathers. Due to the illness of the parent school, the competition was attended by senior leader gymnasium Kayyrkul AM Together with the disciples 9 "A" participation noted a letter of gratitude. Congratulations !!!

Collection for Girls

Category: school news
Date: 2016-02-16 08:24:09
Collection for Girls
February 11, 2016 at KSU "College of Balkhash" meeting was held for girls. It organized the event school psychologist Nadirbekova S.B. The event was attended by 6 teachers and 68 students. The psychologist held with members of the training, the nurse told the girls about personal hygiene and social worker told how to behave in school.


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2016-02-15 11:28:17
Author: School №16


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2016-02-15 11:17:18
Author: School №16


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2016-02-15 10:53:29
Author: School №16

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