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Information on regional action, held 23.04.2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-23 09:18:28
Information on regional action, held 23.04.2016
23.04.2016 actionwas held on cleaning school site and adjacent territory.  All students 5A, 5Б, 5Ә, 5В, 6А, 6Ә, 6Б, 6B, 7Б, 7B classes, teaching staff and workers of school-lyceum took an active part in this event. Saturday started at 9:00 hours.  Each class for cleaning was assigned a certain territory. Students Organization of "murager" cleaned the territory of Shashubai 6,...

"Қауіпсіз ғаламтор – қауіпсіз қоғам"

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-04-23 05:39:44
№5 орта мектебінде 5-9 сынып оқушылары аралығында «Қауіпсіз ғаламтор – қауіпсіз қоғам» тақырыбында сынып сағаттары, дөңгелек үстелдер, сап жиындары, дебаттар ұйымдастырылып, буклеттер мен плакаттар дайындалып, шығармашылық жұмыстар өткізілді.
Author: School №5

Open lesson

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-22 06:09:55
Open lesson
At the 29th of February was open lesson about mathematics in the kindergarten of “Zhuldyz” held open lesson. In the Russian group was carried out the mathematics class. The lesson is held like traveling tales. Musabekova G.Z. is experienced educator. She has thought of every detail of the lesson. Children showed their knowledge and skills and educator weave them into the story. Young...


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-22 05:17:17
In 29th of February was a festive entertainment on the theme of carnival in the senior and middle group. Children had acquainted with the traditions of the Russian people. There are was different characters. We treated with pancakes. It was a symbol of the arrival of spring. They played, sang songs. Children had fun with the characters. Children played in the folk instruments. All occasion dance...

Republican campaign "Safer Internet"

Date: 2016-04-20 07:44:44
Republican campaign
From April 11 to April 23 declared Republican campaign "Safer Internet". On April 11 the line was the start of events dedicated to the observance of the rules of conduct on the Internet (drawing contest, warning signs, writings, posters, etc.). Pupils 7 classes (O.A Zhelobetskaya teacher) wrote essays on the topic "The Internet in my life." Events completed hours of communica...
Author: School №10

Regional Saturday

Date: 2016-04-20 07:42:18
Regional Saturday
April 16 was held the regional Saturday. 5-8 grade students took an active part in restoring order in the streets and courtyards of the city. All works well! In the school yard and the street adjacent to the school, it was clean and cozy!
Author: School №10

The meeting of parents of school students.

Date: 2016-04-20 07:32:31
The meeting of parents of school students.
On April 15, a meeting of parents of school students. Parents information was provided on the results of 3 quarters, the results of participation in the republican, regional and city competitions, intellectual games, sports activities. On the issue of "Gender education" made teacher- school psychologist Hvedchenya V.V .. About the preparation for the completion of the school year has t...
Author: School №10

Military - sports game «Жас Ұлан»

Date: 2016-04-20 07:28:48
Military - sports game «Жас Ұлан»
On the basis of Balkhash technical college was held military - sports game «ЖасҰлан»    , which was attended by the team:school - lyceum №2, №10 SNR. As a result of the game-winner, having won an honorable 1 place was the team of our school (head Kochetkov L.G). The team was awarded a diploma and a prize.
Author: School №10

School Day

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-19 08:04:04
School Day
  On April 18, the school - gymnasium №7 S.Seifullin hosted the Day of school called "Zhanartylgan bilim mazmunyna kadam: tazhiribe birligi, bilim zhane shygarmashylyk". Block "Zhana formatty mektep modelі". Headmaster Husmoldinova NE she held a presentation of the "Strategy of development of the school".     There is also the deputy direct...

Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз» атты XІ республикалық педагогикалық олимпиадасының облыстық іріктеу кезеңі

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2016-04-18 11:04:38
Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз» атты XІ республикалық педагогикалық олимпиадасының облыстық іріктеу кезеңі
    Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасы «Сарыарқа дарыны» аймақтық ғылыми –практикалық орталығы «Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз» атты XІ республикалық педагогикалық олимпиадасының облыстық іріктеу кезеңін 2016 жылдың 11,12 сәуірі аралығында «Болашақ» академиясы базасында өткізді. Байқау қорытындысы бойынша мектебіміздің жас мам...
Author: School №16

Information about the last April 16, "Regional cleanup" on SNR №24

Category: New
Date: 2016-04-18 03:50:33
Information about the last April 16,
In order to clean up and clean the school grounds on April 16 in KSU SNR №24 has passed a regional "Pure Saturday", which began at 10:00 am with a ruler. Students 5-9 classes, class teachers and technical staff of the school participated in the clean-up. In total 111 students attended, 14 teachers and 10 persons of technical personnel. In the process, the school area has been cle...
Author: School №24

« Қалалық сенбілік»

Category: Новости
Date: 2016-04-16 07:27:55
  2016 жылдың 16 сәуірі күні ЖББ №25 орта мектебінде сағат 11.00-ден сағат 12.00-ге дейін « Қалалық сенбілік» болды. Сенбілікке мектептің 13 кіші қызметкері мен 7-11 сыныптың 80 білім алушысы сынып жетекшілері мен  9 мұғалім шықты. Тазалық жұмыстары мектептің ауласының сырты және Русакова мен Новорудная көшеліріне жүргізді.Тазалық жұмыстары кезінде өздеріне бекітіліп берілг...
Author: School №25

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