
Straight Talk

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:43:26
Straight Talk
The lesson of morality "Straight Talk" was held on January 23 for girls 8th grade. He prepared and conducted its chairman of the School of mothers "Mother's Heart" Ksenofontova Elena. Elena prepared a conversation with the girls on spiritual - moral education. After completion of Lesson carried reflection: the girls with great pleasure visited the event, received a lot of...
Author: School №10

the school conducted regional parent meeting online

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:41:44
the school conducted regional parent meeting online
 21.01 2017 the school conducted regional parent meeting online. At 12.00 began meeting under the chairmanship of the head of the Education Department of Karaganda region A.Aymagambetova. In the meeting attended Methodist education department Orynbayev AK, school inspector Abdrasilov ST .. The meeting discussed issues: 1. "Safe Childhood"; 2. "What is the updated content of...
Author: School №10

the implementation of "Adal Ұrpaқ" Plan on Corruption

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:39:04
the implementation of
In order to implement a set of calendar days taken part in the competition project "Map of corruption offenses in the region." The students attended 8th grade section "Anti-corruption information and creativity": 1.Maruschak Xenia - 8 "B" class; 2. Winter Inga - 8 "B" class; 3. Shatalenkov Cyril - 8 "B" class; 4. Thick - Zakusilo Emilia 8 &q...
Author: School №10

How to become a leader?

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:35:19
How to become a leader?
13.01 2017 students of 8th grade member of the training "How to become a leader?", Which held the title holder of "Student of the Year", winner of the international, national, regional and municipal debate tournaments, student 4 th Polytechnic College courses, graduate SNR №10 , former president of the school Kaisarov Yerasyl.       Yerasyl told...
Author: School №10

Information about the event, from 4 to 20 January in the secondary school №24 "One region, one book"

Category: New
Date: 2017-01-25 10:29:11
Information about the event, from 4 to 20 January in the secondary school №24
With the purpose of the action plan was drawn up the school's "One region, one book". The aim of the campaign: improving literacy uchashikhsya, instilling interest in the book. During the campaign it was planned to read 10 books by the pupils of elementary school. To this end, elementary students were distributed and the names of the books. As a result, students did a retelling of...
Author: School №24

Information about the event in the secondary school №24 of prevention of threat of act of terrorism and actions, in terms of an act of terrorism

Category: New
Date: 2017-01-24 05:11:49
Information about the event in the secondary school №24 of prevention of threat of act of terrorism and actions, in terms of an act of terrorism
In the secondary school №24 was held the awareness among grades 8-10 "Memo on actions in case of threat of act of terrorism or an act of terrorism." The aim of the lecture: prevention of terrorism and the actions of uchashikhsya the case of an act of terrorism. Lecture leucodactylus productive. Well explained the topic with the help of slides. In the end the boys expressed their opini...
Author: School №24

"Foreign Languages Department of scientific and methodological decade," according to the plan of the work carried out within the framework of "a new stage of education Multilingualism" Opening of the meeting drill decade.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-23 12:25:56
From 23.01-03.02 "Foreign Languages Department of scientific and methodological decade," according to the plan of the work carried out within the framework of "a new stage of education Multilingualism" The opening ceremony of the meeting drill decade of languages ötti.Şet scientific onkündigikezinde plan lessons, extra-curricular -read master classes, etc. Action wi...

Information on computer lesson on "Programming of linear algorithms"

Category: News
Date: 2017-01-23 11:32:00
Information on computer lesson on
    On the 20thofJanuaryaccordingto the plan of the urban methodical association of teachers of computer science in a boarding school№ 2 informatics teacher Aliyeva Sh. A. held an open lesson in 7 "A" class on "Programming of linear algorithms".     At the lesson were attended methodist of EducationDepartmentOrynbayevaA. K., head of city methodical assoc...
Author: Department

ЖББ №25 орта мектебі бойынша 2016-2017 оқу жылындағы 21 қаңтар күні онлайн режимде өткізілген облыстық ата-аналар жиналысы

Category: Новости
Date: 2017-01-23 07:20:02
   2017 жылдың  21-қаңтары күні 1-11 сыныптың ата-аналарына облыстық режимде онлайн жиналысы өткізілді.   Жиналысқа  50 ата-ана және 9-11 сыныптың оқушылары қатысты. Ата-аналарға  Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасының  басшысы А.Аймағамбетовтың төрағалығымен онлайн режимде  облыстық ата- аналар жиналысында күн тәртібіне сәйкес 1. «Қауіпсіз...
Author: School №25

January 21, 2017 at 12.00 am at the Lyceum school and the head of the education department of Karagandy region A.Aymağanbetovtıñ parents online under the chairmanship of the regional meeting.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-23 06:54:38
January 21, 2017 at 12.00 am at the Lyceum school and the head of the education department of Karagandy region A.Aymağanbetovtıñ parents online under the chairmanship of the regional meeting.
January 21, 2017 at 12.00 am at the Lyceum school and the head of the education department of Karagandy region A.Aymağanbetovtıñ parents online under the chairmanship of the regional meeting. Online meeting agenda: 1. "Safe Childhood": What is the danger of the Internet is not necessary for children and information on how to protect the head of the Department of Education as a...

Parent meeting

Category: Paternal collection
Date: 2017-01-23 03:06:30
Parent meeting
             20.01.2017 was the PTA meeting, which dealt with issues of "Parental love and care", as well a question was raised about the "danger thin ice", about the fact that now a lot of children walking around the lake and how dangerous it is.

Information on the parent meeting

Category: New
Date: 2017-01-22 14:59:55
Information on the parent meeting
Online hosted regional parent meeting with rukovoditelyami of education of the Karaganda allacciamento. All at the meeting школыприсутсвовало80родителей. Parents were interested in the issues identified in the agenda: 1. Safe childhood 2. Updated content of education 3. The Board of Trustees of the school On the first question parents are familiar with full information about Internet danger...
Author: School №24

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