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The choice of profession - the choice of fate!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-28 04:20:40
The choice of profession - the choice of fate!
The choice of profession - the choice of fate! According to the plan of professional samples, students 9- x SNR №10 classes of 12 people participated in the methodical days events that took place on January 27 at the Balkhash humanitarian - technical college to them. A.Musin. The student audience held training which helped the participants to find answers to the question "What does it take...
Author: School №10

Time travel

Category: Extracurricular activities
Date: 2017-01-27 11:15:06
Time travel
27.01.2017 held extra-curricular activities, the purpose of which was : 1. To deepen and consolidate the students 'knowledge on history of Kazakhstan; to promote the formation of students' key competencies 2. Contribute to the development of a conceptual framework, monologic speech of students, creative abilities, skills to compare the date with the event, to work with additional sourc...

Regulation of the heart and blood vessels

Date: 2017-01-27 11:09:16
Regulation of the heart and blood vessels
25.01.2017 was an open lesson, whose goal was "to find out the specifics of the heart". Teacher Shynybekov A. N. the theme of the lesson: "Regulation of heart and blood vessels. Automatism of cardiac activity . Reflex regulation of cardiac activity from the Central nervous system."

Кәсіптік бағдар

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-27 10:55:59
Кәсіптік бағдар
         2017 жылдың 26 қаңтар күні Балқаш Сервис  колледжінің мамандарымен өткізілген  кәсіби сынамаға мектебімізден 9А сыныптары қатыстырылды. Ондағы  шаштараз,аспаз.туризм мамандықтары бойынша ақпараттар беріліп, колледж студенттері  шаш үлгісін жасау, тамақ әзірлеу технологияларымен таныстырды. Оқуға  түсу ережелері мен  қ...
Author: School №8

The kind of nouns

Date: 2017-01-27 09:34:10
The kind of nouns
23.01.2017 was an open lesson, the purpose of which was "to learn the gender of nouns". Lecturer Akhmetova Z. M. topic: "Gender of nouns".

Batyr Bayan

Date: 2017-01-27 09:22:54
Batyr Bayan
26.01.2017 held a public lesson goal of which was to Instill in children love for their Homeland. Teacher Idrisova S. A. the theme of the lesson: M. Zhumabaev "Batyr Bayan" poemas.

English grammar and usage

Date: 2017-01-27 09:17:46
English grammar and usage
21.01.2017 held an open lesson whose goal was Communicative and speech development of students through sharing of knowledge about food. Lecturer Cogeco O. V. today's lesson: "English grammar and usage".


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-27 05:37:24
Cцелью повышения интереса к чтению книги, развития духовного и нравственного потенциала через чтение художественной литературы у учащихся общеобразовательных школ, Управление образования Карагандинской области, Учебно-методический центр развития образования проводит С 15 ДЕКАБРЯ 2016 ГОДА  ПО 1 МАЯ 2017 ГОДА             &nbs...
Author: School №10

Intellectual game "World of Physics"

Category: Новости
Date: 2017-01-27 04:35:49
    Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ЖББ №25 орта мектебінде қаңтар айының 26 жұлдызында политехникалық және экологиялық пәндері бірлестігі апталығында 7 сынып оқушылары арасында «Физика әлемі» зияткерлік ойыны өтті. Сайыстың мақсаты:оқушылардың физика пәні бойынша алған білімдерін тексеру, қайталау және пысықтау.     Сайысқа «Ньютон», «Паскаль&...
Author: School №25

Subject Week of primary school and pre-school

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 11:35:25
Subject Week of primary school and pre-school
From 16.01-26.01.2017 was conducted subject weeks of primary school and pre-school.      01/26/2017. The opening of the week. Introduction to the holding-up.      01/26/2017 of Coaching "Zhiyntyқ baғalaudy rәsіmdeu".      16.01-26.01.2017, the Open lessons.      01/21/2017, the "Soz әlemіne sayak...
Author: School №8

Fairy tales "extracurricular event.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-26 10:40:23
Fairy tales
1, part of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​26.01.2017 10-day plan "B" class "fairy tales" organized extracurricular event. Aim: to be the literary works of folk literature of stories, and presentation skills to know that the fairy-tale heroes, national and spiritual training to improve knowledge of fairy tale love, morality, truth, patriotism, polite communication skill...

Magic Origami miracle!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:44:55
Magic Origami miracle!
Among entry-level students and their parents was a competition for the best origami. The initiator of this contest was a member of the School of mothers "Mother's Heart" Tila Galina. The children and parents with great pleasure participated in the competition. All kinds of works were submitted to the competition: Symbol of the year - Cockerel, a peacock, a whole family of swans and...
Author: School №10

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