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Information on the held events devoted to "Nauryz meiramy-2017", in high school №24

Category: New
Date: 2017-03-15 04:30:54
Information on the held events devoted to
Goal: broad promotion of the national holiday Nauryz, the education of the students of goodwill, familiarization with the Kazakh folk tradition s and customs,develop respect for national traditions and customs of Kazakh people .   Was conducted review on the design of classrooms on the theme "Nauryz - the beginning of a new day, a new life." Purpose of review: the formation of...
Author: School №24

Events dedicated to the holiday "Nauryz-2017"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-03-15 04:28:08
Events dedicated to the holiday
  On March 13, 2017, the class watches were held in 1A, 4A, 4Ә classes on the theme: "Nauryz-zhyl basses", dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz, which for centuries has been one of the main holidays of the Kazakh people and presages the beginning of the new year, is a symbol of friendship and harmony Between the peoples inhabiting our country. During the class hours, schoolchild...
Author: School №8

Seminar "Professional growth of a teacher-the path to effective learning"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-03-14 15:06:22
  In order to study and disseminate the NIS experience, on March 14, 2017, a seminar was organized and held in secondary school No. 8 in the city's magnetic schools on the topic: "Mulaimderdi kisibi damu-nitytiliel oyytuғa bayyttau zholy", which began with a welcoming speech by the deputy director for methodical Work, head of the association of certified teachers of Myrzabaeva...
Author: School №8

«Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыұлтты идеясын «Көшбасшылар мектебі» арқылы насихаттаудың жұмыс формаларын көрсету мақсатында «Мұғалім көшбасшылығынан оқушы көшбасшылығына» атты №4 семинар өткізілді.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-14 10:01:34
«Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыұлтты идеясын «Көшбасшылар мектебі» арқылы насихаттаудың жұмыс формаларын көрсету мақсатында «Мұғалім көшбасшылығынан оқушы көшбасшылығына» атты №4 семинар өткізілді.
In the urban workshop was attended by coordinators of urban schools, responsible teachers and school leaders. In part 1 the Director of school-Lyceum №15 Dubirbekova K. sh., spoke on "Man cssasklan okushy cssasklan" and announced the sequence of the educational process. In part 2 of the seminar, students NIS propagate the idea of "Mangilik YEL" using research projects "S...

"Journey into the world of chemistry."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-14 09:54:05
13 March 2017 among colleges to strengthen partnerships in the framework of vocational guidance in the Polytechnic College of Corporation "Kazakhmys" course "Mineral, analista technicians", with the pupils of 7th classes, was held the event "Chemistry lemne Sayakhat" . The event was attended by representatives of Corporation "Kazakhmys", the school adminis...

The school day -2017

Category: New
Date: 2017-03-14 08:24:04
The school day -2017
13 March 2017 in KGU ossh No. 24 held a traditional event "Day of school-2017". In this event participated actively both students and teachers. Was shown the exhibition work of the Museum, the children all this is defended under the guidance of teachers. On a high damage team and held a gala – concert dedicated to the 80th anniversary of our city.
Author: School №24

Gala Concert

Date: 2017-03-13 05:21:14
Gala Concert
2017 жылдың 10 наурызында "Мектеп күні" мерекесі өте жоғары деңгейде аталып өтті. Аталған мерекеге мектеп ұжымы мен оқушылары зор ізденіспен, шығармашылық жаңашылдықпен, ерекше табанды еңбек пен талпыныспен жасалған еңбекті көрсете білді. Ережеге сəйкес, келген қонаққа ұсынған бірегей көрме жұмыстары, "Білімді Ел-Мəңгі Ел", білім ошағының мұражай қызметі, мектеп рəмізін насих...
Author: School №17

9 March 2017 hosted a day school on the theme "Blend eating mangilik El Mangilik El - Uly Dala urpaktary" development of high spiritual values.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-11 05:12:54
9 March 2017 hosted a day school on the theme
9 March 2017 hosted a day school on the theme "Blend eating mangilik El Mangilik El - Uly Dala urpaktary" development of high spiritual values. Guests met the young patriots of the "School of leadership", the propaganda team of "Zhas Ulan" acquainted with the symbols of the school-Lyceum. Was presented of the work carried out in 5 areas, as well as the achievements...

Report on the activities carried out within the framework of the MoD Week of Teachers-Aims of the Aesthetic Cycle

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-03-11 05:06:21
Report on the activities carried out within the framework of the MoD Week of Teachers-Aims of the Aesthetic Cycle
  In the period from 06.03 to 11.03.2017. In accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Defense, the Week of Teachers of the Aesthetic Cycle took place. In particular, a scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash, in which teachers of technology and fine arts took part. Throughout the whole week in the foyer of the school, a video...
Author: School №8

Protection projects

Category: School news
Date: 2017-03-10 09:32:50
Protection projects
School protection projects 10.03.2017 was protection projects. Goal: organization and coordination of scientific, creative, design activities of students and teachers in the interests of the creative, intellectual and spiritual development.

Мы поздравляем любимых мам и бабушек.

Date: 2017-03-10 09:02:28
Мы поздравляем любимых мам и бабушек.
                                                «8 наурыз халықаралық әйелдер күні»    2-7 наурыз аралығында балабақшамызда, бірінші көктемдік мереке 8 наурызға байланысты ертеңгіліктер өтті.     Балалар бұл күнді тағатсыздана күтті. Ертеңгіл...

Children's initiative "Kasakhstan - Kindness territory"

Category: school news
Date: 2017-03-10 05:18:10
On February, 13, Amanbek Zh.A. in 6 "A" class held an extracurricular event "Ayaly alakan". During the event, various events of our society were discussed. For example, there were facts about children left without parental warmth, poems were read. In the end, each of them expressed his opinion. On February, 20, Tikey M. held an extracurricular event on the topic "...

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