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On April 22, 2017, the pedagogical staff of the school-lyceum in the online mode viewed the speech of the Minister of Education and Science Sagadiev Erlan Kenzhegaliuly

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-04-24 03:04:30
On April 22, 2017, the pedagogical staff of the school-lyceum in the online mode viewed the speech of the Minister of Education and Science Sagadiev Erlan Kenzhegaliuly
On April 22, 2017, the pedagogical staff of the school-lyceum in the online mode viewed the speech of the Minister of Education and Science Sagadiev Erlan Kenzhegaliuly. The main goal of education in our time is to help the child choose the future profession and give a full picture of it. And also to teach children to be competitive and educate in them such qualities as: activity, creative appro...

Pupils of 9th grades of our school-lyceum visited Balkhash humanitarian and technical college on the "Open Doors Day"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-04-24 03:02:08
Pupils of 9th grades of our school-lyceum visited Balkhash humanitarian and technical college on the
On April 22, 2017 at 12:00 o'clock the pupils of 9 classes of our school-lyceum visited Balkhash humanitarian and technical college on the "Open Doors Day". The winners of the Olympiad in basic subjects were awarded with special diplomas and certificates. Congratulations!

In our school-lyceum a round table was organized based on the article by President N. Nazarbayev "Course in the future: spiritual renewal"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-04-24 03:01:21
In our school-lyceum a round table was organized based on the article by President N. Nazarbayev
April 21, 2017 in our school-lyceum was organized round table based on the article by President N. Nazarbayev "Course in the future: spiritual renewal." The heads of the department and the school administration took part in the discussion. In this article, the directions of spiritual development were discussed. The importance of close cooperation with neighboring states was also stress...

«Жаңа ғасыр жастар көзімен»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-04-24 01:54:02
«Жаңа ғасыр жастар көзімен»
    Республикалық бірыңғай жастар мен балалардың «Жас ұлан» ұйымы оқушылардың өмірін қызықты әрі оқиғаға толы етеді.  2017 жылдың 14 сәуір күні Балқаш қаласының 80 жылдық мерекесіне орай Оқушылар сарайының ұйымдастыруымен «Жаңа ғасыр жастар көзімен» ақпараттық-насихаттау тобының Х-ы байқауы өтті. Байқаудын басты мақсаты-оқушылардың Қазақстан Республикасының...

The regional subbotnik held on April 22, 2017

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-04-22 11:58:34
The regional subbotnik held on April 22, 2017
Day          Assigned territory Number of students Number of teachers amount KSK Work carried out 22.04.2017 Territory between Technodom and School Lyceum №15 222 43...

80th anniversary of Sardarbek Kulish Ybizhanzyzy

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-04-21 10:01:51
80th anniversary of Sardarbek Kulish Ybizhanzyzy
April 18, 2017 in the city museum there was a meeting in honor of the 80th anniversary of the activist in the field of culture of Kazakhstan, a member of the association of journalists of Kazakhstan Sardarbek Kulish Ybizhanizyzy.

"Safer Internet"

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2017-04-21 05:29:44
Information on the activities carried out during the national campaign "safer Internet" on OSIOT     From 10 to 20 April 2017 at the initiative of the Committee for the protection of children's rights of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held the Republican information campaign "Safe Internet".    The mai...

«Бүгінгі еңбек нарығында мамандық таңдауда ата-ана мен бала көзқарасы: өзара кереғар пікірлер мен үйлесімділіктер»

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2017-04-20 09:06:00
«Бүгінгі еңбек нарығында мамандық  таңдауда ата-ана мен бала көзқарасы: өзара кереғар пікірлер мен үйлесімділіктер»
14.04.17. күні жалпы білім беретін   №16 лингвистикалық  бағыттағы  орта мектебінде «Бүгінгі еңбек нарығында мамандық  таңдауда ата-ана мен бала көзқарасы: өзара кереғар пікірлер мен үйлесімділіктер» тақырыбында ата-аналар жиналысы өткізілді. Жиналысқа қаламыздағы колледждерден мамандар қатысып, оқу орындары жайлы мағлұмат берді. Талапкерлерге  арналған...
Author: School №16

"Beautiful garden"

Category: Extracurricular activities
Date: 2017-04-20 04:44:37
10 April 2017 in the school - General boarding was conducted training "Beautiful garden" 4 "A" class. Purpose:consolidation cool collective and effective interaction of students with each other. The creation of a favorable psychological climate, overcoming the barrier of interpersonal relationships, development of communication skills. In training was attended by 10 stu...

Open self-study

Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-20 04:33:07
Open self-study
4A class Assel mussatayeva Toleukhanovna on methodological week teachers spent preparing ourselves for the lessons of the Kazakh language and literary reading. Before the lesson was conducted with pupils psychological preparation. The self-study of students to learning was effective, they completed the task in full independence.The events were held at good methodical level.

"Work is the Foundation of life"

Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-20 04:13:12
9A class Teacher Abenova B. T. In the boarding school on methodological week educators educators was held the lecture "Labour – the basis of life" (open like) the aim of the lesson: to foster a culture of work and respect for him. During the event, students learned about the role and importance of labour in human life. Santapola in informative form, the children were attentive...


Category: The competition
Date: 2017-04-20 04:06:11
Students of municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type" Acerbi M., D. G.(6A), Kasymbek Zh(3A)., Y. Khludov (3B)participated in the international competition "BritishBulldog". All participants received a certificate. Students of class 6A. M. and Acerbi and class 3 Kasymbek Zh. was awarded a diploma and took III place. Student class 3b Y. Khludov was...

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