
The book is our friend.

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2017-05-03 13:28:26
The book is our friend.
Our kindergarten works under the plan "kindergarten-library-parent".

«Кітап – ғасыр мұрасы»

Category: school news
Date: 2017-05-03 06:36:12
Қалалық гимназия кітапханасында   «Кітап – ғасыр мұрасы» атты шараны мектеп кітапханашысы Л.Калкеева 1 сынып оқушыларына өткізді.  Шараның мақсаты - 1 сынып оқитын балалардың кітапқа деген қызығушылығын арттыру, кітап туралы қызықты мәліметтермен таныстыру. Презентация арқылы балалар  әлемнің ең әйгілі кітапханалармен танысты,  викторинаның сұрақтарына...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-05-02 12:15:51
April 29-30 in Almaty was the IV open Republican scientific and technical championship in robotics. More than 500 students from 210 teams from all regions of Kazakhstan took part in this championship. Of the 210 teams that took part on behalf of our school-lyceum, 2 teams took part and took pride of place. 1. In the "Program Project" concourse, the "Younger programmers" tea...

"Beware Of Extremism"

Category: Open event
Date: 2017-05-02 11:31:30
28.04.2017 the city Held an open event on the theme: "beware of Extremism". The event was held Astanova U. N. between 6-7 classes. Goal: -the example of the concept of patriotism, to explain the essence of the concept of terrorism, its types and purpose. Form of conducting: oral journal Watched the videos "About heroes of former times...." and "capture of hostages...

"Day of financial literacy"

Category: School news
Date: 2017-05-02 11:23:37
29.04.2017 in boarding school held a "Day of financial literacy". The day started with a school ruler, where students got acquainted with the schedule of its carrying out. After 3,4 th lesson in each class class teachers conducted class hours on the topics of UMTS data. After school conducted extracurricular activities, grouped according to age features of pupils.

"Making panels. Bulk flowers"

Date: 2017-05-02 11:20:14
29.04.2017 G. elementary school teacher Miroshnichenko N. With. within the subject decade MO "Espalda" held an open lesson on labor education, on the theme "making panels. Bulk flowers". On lesson, students worked in pairs for the templates picking flowers, which were combined into a single panel. Each pair defended their work at the end of the lesson.

"The day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstan"

Category: Open event
Date: 2017-05-02 11:14:49
On the eve of the celebration of the "Day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstan" in the boarding school held a concert for pupils of 5-9th forms. The children took an active part in solving riddles and Proverbs of the peoples living on the territory of Kazakhstan. Artists for school children sang songs, showed Tatar, Russian folk dance, and fiery dance of peoples of the Caucasus "lezg...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-05-02 03:26:00
Happy day! April 29, 2017 the team of our school-lyceum "Young patrol" took part in the city competition "Young Road Inspector" and was awarded the main prize. Congratulations!

Matins on the theme "May 1 - Day of Unity"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-05-02 03:24:12
Matins on the theme
April 28, 2017 for 1-2-3-4-preschool groups was a morning performance on the theme "May 1 - Day of Unity." On the matinee, the children told poems in 3 languages and dances of different peoples. They were also dressed in costumes of various nationalities and sang their songs.

А classy watch on the topic "Bir shakira ayasynda"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-05-02 03:22:28
А classy watch on the topic
April 29, 2017 for pupils of 3 classes held a classy watch on the topic "Bir shakira ayasynda." The purpose of these events is to awaken in children a sense of patriotism, love and respect for their native land, to the country and the people, as well as to encourage respect for other peoples and cultures.

Festival "Bolashakty birge kuramis"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-05-02 03:19:18
April 29, 2017 among the pupils of 3,4,5 classes was the festival "Bolashats birge ramis" in order to encourage students to study and appreciate the culture of all peoples and feel peace and unity.

Traditional festival "Gulzar"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-05-02 03:17:25
Traditional festival
April 29, 2017 in the assembly hall of our school-lyceum was the traditional IX-th festival "Gulzar". The purpose of this event is to improve students' knowledge of plants and encourage them to study, appreciate plants and take care of them. Because where there are many plants, there is cleanliness and order.

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