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of the Weekend Club

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-02 16:10:29
of the Weekend Club
On October 1, 2017, the activities of the Weekend Club were dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the outstanding writer, public figure, scholar, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Auezov Mukhtar Omarhanovich. The librarian of the school library told about the life of the writer, she was told about the work by the librarian of the branch №3 of the Centralized Library...

“Star Hour”

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-02 16:05:19
“Star Hour”
On September 29, an extracurricular event on the theme "Star Hour" was held in the 6 "A" class, dedicated to the Week of Languages of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this game, students develop grammatical games of vocabulary through the game, formulate skills of oral speech. Develop the ability of logical thinking, developing game skills, thinking, speaking, listening, speaki...

Информация об итогах проведении Республиканской акции «Дорога в школу»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2017-10-02 11:49:53
Ежегодная   Республиканская акция «Дорога в школу» проходила во всех регионах нашей страны в период с 1 августа по 30 сентября. В текущем году эта социально направленная инициатива Министерства проводилась под девизом: «Мой выбор - помощь детям!». Цель акции- оказание материальной и иной помощи обучающимся из числа малообеспеченных, многодетных семей, детей-...
Author: Department

Teacher's Day

Category: День учителя!
Date: 2017-10-02 11:42:08
Teacher's Day
30.09.17, in the Metallurgists ' Palace named after M. Khamzin was a city holiday dedicated to the Teachers Day where the students of our boarding school for the first time made for the teaching of the entire city dance, "the recess". Final ending you guys were able to raise all in a good mood – it was the school that they built from colorful cubes.

Teacher's day in school

Category: День учителя!
Date: 2017-10-02 11:36:09
Teacher's day in school
29.09.17 in boarding school held a concert for the teachers Day. The children prepared a festive greeting room that was able to please the teaching staff of the boarding school. It was and the songs, dances, and skits related to the hard work of ordinary teachers. All the teachers got a lot of good mood and desire to work with their favorite disciples.

Teacher's Day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-10-02 07:55:20
Teacher's Day
   On September 30, 2017, the school hosted a solemn event dedicated to the Teacher's Day "Teacher is the heart of the school!". The headmaster congratulated the teachers on their professional holiday, wishing them success in their future work, handed them certificates on behalf of the city's trade union. At the celebration, the pupils of the school organized a gala c...
Author: School №8

Time travel

Category: News
Date: 2017-10-01 15:34:55
Time travel
M.P. Rusakov №2 school- internat in connection with the celebration of the languages of the Republick of Kazakhstan an event was held in English. The event was attended by pupils of the 8Әgrade. In the group the event was held in the form of competition. In the end the students received a letter of thanks.  

30.09.2017ж. М.Хамзин атындағы мәдениет сарайында қала әкімінің қатысуымен мұғалімдер күніне арналған салтанатты жиын болып өтті

Category: News
Date: 2017-09-30 10:15:26
30.09.2017ж. М.Хамзин атындағы мәдениет сарайында қала әкімінің қатысуымен мұғалімдер күніне арналған салтанатты жиын болып өтті
Құрметті ұстаз қауымы! Сіздерді қазан айында аталып өтетін Мұғалімдер күнімен шын жүректен құттықтаймыз! Сіздердің бала көңілдеріңіз əр оқушының жандүниесін нұрландырып, жүрегіне шапағат нұрын төгуде. Мұғалімнен өнеге-білім алып, өмір теңізіне құлаш ұрған кез келген шəкірт ұстазымен мақтанады.    Салтанатты жиында сөз алған қала әкімі А.М.Аглилулин ұстаздарды мерекесімен құттықтай...
Author: Department

October 1 - International Day of Older Persons

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-09-30 05:23:37
October 1 - International Day of Older Persons
   Every year in our country on October 1 is celebrated the Day of Older Persons. On October 29th the counselor and students of our school congratulated the veterans of labor. They visited four veterans, not gifts became the main joy of these people. The answer was not just gratitude, but generous wishes for health, a happy life, gratitude for the opportunity to communicate, for rememb...
Author: School №8

«Health is wealth» relay

Category: Денсаулық күні
Date: 2017-09-30 03:28:52
«Health is wealth» relay
Health festival was organized under the motto "Our health is in our hands!" on the 9thofSeptember,2017. The marathon started at 10.00 a.m. among schoolchildren.Travel marathon "My health – health of my country" was continued with flash mobbindecorated with balloons. In addition, family sport competition "Dad, momandme!"was heldamong the 3 grades.At the end...
Author: School №16

Week of languages

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-09-29 16:22:09
Week of languages
   From September 22 to September 30 of the current year, a week devoted to the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan was held in the secondary school № 8. Various activities were held at the school: the cognitive evening "Kazakh dyauists" Kazybek Bigi 350 zhyl ", a contest of readers dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash, the game" Polygl...
Author: School №8

1 қыркүйек Білім күніне орай өткен «Мен - елімнің патриотымын!» атты салтанатты жиын

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-09-29 06:54:35
1 қыркүйек Білім күніне орай өткен «Мен - елімнің патриотымын!» атты салтанатты жиын
1 қыркүйек Білім күні. «Мен - елімнің патриотымын!» атты салтанатты жиын туралы ақпарат 2017-2018 оқу жылы өз жаңашылдығымен ерекшеленеді.1-қыркүйек Білім күні- Қазақстан Республикасының Ата  Заңының қабылданғанына 22 жыл   және Елбасымыздың «Мәңгілік ел» Патриоттық Актісінің, Рухани жаңғыру – болашақ бастауы» , «Туған жер» бағда...

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