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"Looking to the Future"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-07 12:49:49
On November 4, pupils of grades 6-7 visited the museum of school No. 5 in order to get acquainted with the history and the 80th anniversary of the town of Balkhash within the framework of the "Looking to the Future" program

"Looking to the Future"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-07 12:47:46
On November 4, pupils of grades 6-7 visited the museum of school No. 5 in order to get acquainted with the history and the 80th anniversary of the town of Balkhash within the framework of the "Looking to the Future" program

"My city"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-07 12:43:23
       On November 2, a contest of drawings "Menіkalam" was held. Students of grades 5-6 took part in the competition.

Ура, каникулы!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-11-07 10:28:13
Ура, каникулы!
     Каникулы – это мечта каждого школьника! Мечта о долгожданном отдыхе, любимых занятиях, приключениях, открытиях, об удовлетворении эстетических, творческих, познавательных интересов, о поиске  «нового себя». В дни осенних каникул,  в рамках программы «Рухани жаңғыру» «Туған жер» в КГКП «Дворец школьников» прошли м...

October 31, 2017 on the basis of school №39 of the city of Karaganda was held a regional scientific – practical conference "O. Suleimenov, a poet, academic, public and political figure". The organizer was the FAO "CRK Orleu" IPK PR for Karaganda region.

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-07 08:58:19
October 31, 2017 on the basis of school №39 of the city of Karaganda was held a regional scientific – practical conference
       The conference was attended by teachers of Russian language and literature of KSU "School №7 S. Seifullin" ahmetzhanova A. S. and B. umbetzhanova For active participation and creative work provided the teacher ahmetzhanova A. S. and B. umbetzhanova were awarded with diplomas and certificates of the conference. Congratulations!

«Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін № 5 орта мектебі»КММ-де күзгі демалыс мезгілінде 4- 6 сынып оқушыларының қатысуымен өткізілген «АЙГӨЛЕК» ән би байқауының ақпары

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2017-11-07 06:28:22
«Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін № 5 орта  мектебі»КММ-де күзгі демалыс мезгілінде 4- 6 сынып оқушыларының қатысуымен  өткізілген «АЙГӨЛЕК» ән би байқауының ақпары
Мектебімізде  03.11.2017күні   4- 6 сыныптар «АЙГӨЛЕК» ән  би байқауы  өткізілді.Байқаудың  мақсаты   4-6 сынып оқушылар арасынан ән-би, сахна мәдениетіне  қабілетті оқушыларды анықтау. Шығармашылық қабілеттерін шыңдау, өздерін бір сәт кішкентай жұлдыздардай сезіндіру болатын.Өнер сайысына мектебіміздің 8 өнерпазы қатысты «Өнерге әрк...
Author: School №5

October 31, 2017 on the basis of school №39 of the city of Karaganda was held a regional scientific – practical conference "O. Suleimenov, a poet, academic, public and political figure". The organizer was the FAO "CRK Orleu" IPK PR for Karaganda region.

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-07 05:43:31
October 31, 2017 on the basis of school №39 of the city of Karaganda was held a regional scientific – practical conference
        The conference was attended by teachers of Russian language and literature of KSU "School №7 S. Seifullin" ahmetzhanova A. S. and B. umbetzhanova For active participation and creative work provided the teacher ahmetzhanova A. S. and B. umbetzhanova were awarded with diplomas and certificates of the conference. Congratulations!

Переход на латиницу – шаг в будущее

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-06 09:30:20
Переход на латиницу – шаг в будущее
Переход казахского языка на латиницу – часть масштабной программы Президента по модернизации сознания, представленной им в стратегической статье "Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру". Программная статья  дает исчерпывающие ответы на целый ряд вопросов, которые давно беспокоили казахстанцев относительно «духовных скреп» нашего общества и, самое главное, ф...
Author: School №4

Information about school lyceums in Togyzkumalak at the event

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:31:18
Information about school lyceums in Togyzkumalak at the event
Information about school lyceums in Togyzkumalak at the event.   On October 18 2017 contests of Toghzkumalak took place. The students of the 7th grade took part in the togyzkumalak. Togizkumalak was held in the system of olympiads.The aim of the competition is to develop a sense of community, attitudes, education, national sports, development of togyz kumalak, respect for national value...

Information about the school basketball competition at the event.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:28:02
Information about the school basketball competition at the event.
Information about the school basketball competition at the event. The competition "Basketball" was held on 30.10.2017-02.11.2017 Students of the 9th grade (boys and girls) took part in the "Basketball" competition. "Basketball" took place in the Olympic system. purpose of the competition: increase students' interest in basketball. teaching children endurance,...

The city championship was held from October 30 to November 2, 2017 at the stadium "Metallurg"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:24:33
The city championship was held from October 30 to November 2, 2017 at the stadium
The city championship was held from October 30 to November 2, 2017 at the stadium "Metallurg". The jury met on October 27 at 16:00 in the city's sports department. 1 group: students from grades 4-6, 2 boys and 5 girls participated. 2 group: students from grades 7-9, 4 boys and 3 girls participated. In general, this event was headed by the City Department of Physical Culture and...

School-lyceum competition for checkers within the month "A gifted child is a special value for society"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:18:10
School-lyceum competition for checkers within the month
School-lyceum competition for checkers within the month "A gifted child is a special value for society." The competition involved pupils 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 classes. The competition was held from October 23, 2017 to October 28, 2017 and was organized by the Olympic system. The purpose of the competition is to increase intellectual abilities, functional literacy, to adhere to a healthy li...

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