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Х1Х Competitions Abaev Readings

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-30 08:55:59
Х1Х Competitions Abaev Readings
         On April 27, among the pupils of general education schools of the city, the city stage of the republican Х1Хcompetition Abaeva readings was held. The competition  consisted of 4 nominations. In 1 nomination “Өleң- sңzdіңpatshasy, sozsarasy” a  6th grade student of AldabergenovaZhannurwon  thefirst prize. Leader: G. Sharbekova  In...

"History of the Country - History of the People"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-30 08:53:03
      April 25, 2019 in the House of Friendship of the city of Karaganda, the regional forum " History of the country – History of the People" was organized by the Chairman of the Council of Mothers of Zhezkazgan, a member of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia and Kazakhstan Z.S. Representatives of our city also took p...

"Book - history, book-shezhіre"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-30 08:42:10
     International Book Day  has been celebrated in Kazakhstan since 1969. The school-gymnasium number 7 held an event timed to this date with the participation of students of 10 Grades on the theme: "Book - history, book-shezhіre." At the event works of famous writers and poets were read, video materials and slides were shown.

"Unity of Nations - National Wealth!"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-04-29 19:58:24
In the middle group was held a matinee with the title "The unity of the nation - the wealth of the nation!" Purpose: To explain to the children the May 1 Day of the Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan; Education for friendship, love, patriotism and patriotism.

"Homeland - our common home"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-04-29 19:52:09
In the group of adults there was a morning contest "Otan - our common home". Purpose: to promote friendship and cooperation among the nations that contribute to the prosperity of the country. Educating children to love their motherland. Develop patriotic feelings for the country by developing their artistic skills.

Festival "Book Fest"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 14:45:21
      The “Book Fest” festival was held in the S. Seifullin central city library. Pupils of 7 "B" class of our school took an active part in it. A pupil of class 9 “A”  EsenovaBalnur, who read the poem “MagzhangArnau”, performed before the audience, and the children of 7 ”G” class SagintayevaDamira performed the poems...

"Geographical start -2019 The "Azimuth"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 14:42:37
     The team of the school - gymnasium № 7 named after Seifullin was awarded a diploma of 3 degrees in the competition "Geographical start -2019", held among students of 6-7 grades .

"Bіr kala - bіr enbek - bіr aylet"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 14:37:22
    Pupil of the 7th “G” class SagintayevaDamira was awarded a diploma for active participation in the city competition “Bіr қala - bіr eңbek - bіr әulet” organized by NISH.

Open Day

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 14:33:14
Open Day
     25.04.2019, an open day was held at the Balkhash Technical College named after R.Koshkarbayev, where students of the city schools were invited.  Аn exhibition was organized for them, where they told about the history of the college, about the professions that are taught in the college. The guys visited the workshops, and in the end was held a sports game "Zhas Ula...


Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 14:27:29
       In the 2018-19 school year, KSU “School-Gymnasium No. 7 named after S.Seifullin” recruited 11 young specialists  and a school for young teachers “Ізденіс” was  organized for them. The tasks of the school were to provide methodological  assistance to the young teacher, teacher’s understanding of the reform requirements&n...

“Rouhani Zhangyru”

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 14:26:12
“Rouhani Zhangyru”
     In the cultural and entertainment center "Ruhanizhangyru" there was a meeting with a public figure, an expert on the Kazakh language OrazkulAsangazykyzy. Those presents received a lot of useful information for themselves.

«Қазақстан-ортақ үйіміз»

Date: 2019-04-29 11:37:09
«Қазақстан-ортақ үйіміз»
Көпұлтты Қазақстан Республикасының халықтар достығы – еліміздің бірлігінің кепілдігі екендігін таныту. Әр халықтың өнері, оның рухани байлығының негізін баланың жүрегіне өз ұлтының тілін, дінін біле отырып, өзге ұлттың рухани байлығын сыйлауға, құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу мақсатында Балқаш қаласының «Ақбота» балабақшасында «Қазақстан-ортақ үйіміз» атты 1 мамыр Қазақстан Х...

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