
«Тіл тірегіміз,соғып тұрған жүрегіміз!»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-09-12 08:32:46
«Тіл тірегіміз,соғып тұрған жүрегіміз!»
«Мәңгілік елдің-Мәңгілік тілі »ҚР халықаралық тілдер күніне арналған мектепішілік іс-шара аясында 4 сыныптар арасында ұйымдастырылған «Тіл тірегіміз,соғып тұрған жүрегіміз!» атты танымдық-сайыс өтті. Оқушыларды Абай Құнанбаевтың 175 жылдық қарсаңында ақын шығармаларын жатқа айтқыза, ана тілінің маңызы мен қоғамдағы орны туралы жас ұрпақтың ана тілінің қадір – қасиет...

The intellectual contest “Daraboz” among students of the 7th grades...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-11 14:14:35
The intellectual contest “Daraboz” among students of the 7th grades...
    On September 11, at the boarding school № 2, was held the intellectual contest “Daraboz” among students of the 7th grades as part of the Language Week. The teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Mukhametzhanova F. A. held a competition, dividing into the teams "Bіlіmdіler", "Oyshildar", "Tapqyrlar", "Talaptylar". The guys...

The training “Family Happiness”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-11 11:19:43
The training “Family Happiness”...
    On September 10, in the 9th grade, the training “Family Happiness” was held. During the training, the relationships of students in the family, mood, future dreams and warm feelings were noticed. The students analyzed their names and wrote their meaning. During the training there was a psychologically comfortable, warm atmosphere.

The festival “Health Day”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-11 11:08:01
The festival “Health Day”...
    On September 10, 2019, the festival “Health Day” was held at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov. The purpose of the festival: the formation of children's desire for a healthy lifestyle and increased physical activity. The festival was attended by students of grades 1-10. Planned: relay game "Fun Starts" among grades 2-4, the championship...

The intellectual game “Connoisseurs of the Russian Language” was held among 6 classes as part of the week of languages...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-10 15:16:25
The intellectual game “Connoisseurs of the Russian Language” was held among 6 classes as part of the week of languages...
     On September 10, the intellectual game “Connoisseurs of the Russian Language” was held among 6 classes as part of the week of languages. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of imagination, mental, creative abilities of students, aesthetic taste and feelings, for the disclosure of students and to promote familiarization with the cultural past of...

A solemn line, dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-10 14:49:00
A solemn line, dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan...
     On September 10, a solemn line was held at the school, dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main goal was: to expand students 'knowledge of languages, to form a culture of verbal communication, to help improve students' literacy; to develop cognitive interest, the need to broaden one's horizons and deepen knowledge of languages,...

With the support of the Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan in 8 cities opened an inclusive Cabinet 2019

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-09-10 13:46:35
With the support of the Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan in 8 cities opened an inclusive Cabinet 2019
A rehabilitation center for children with special needs is planned to be opened in Zhambyl district of Almaty region. The project is implemented by the Fund of the First President of Kazakhstan under the program "Kamkorlyk".   In order to determine the facilities necessary for the centers and classes of inclusive education, the staff of the Presidential Foundation visited four...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-09-10 11:16:10
IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) ағылшын тілінің барлық ауқымын қамтитын халықаралық сынақ тесті болып табылады. Егер ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін мемлекетке оқуға немесе жұмыс істеуге баратын болсаңыз, сіз осы емтиханнан өтуге міндеттісіз. 1989 жылдан бастап IELTS бүкіл дүние жүзінде ағылшын тілін білу деңгейін анықтайтын сапалы әрі сенімді сынақ болып қолданылып келеді....

The grand opening of the republican week “Otbasy - bakyt mekeni”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-09 15:46:01
The grand opening of the republican week “Otbasy - bakyt mekeni”...
    On September 9, 2019, in the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, was held the grand opening of the republican week “Otbasy - bakyt mekeni”. The main goal of the week is to attract public attention to the importance of family problems, family values ​​and traditions. On the line, students got acquainted with the work plan, which will be carried...

«Қауіпсіз жол»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-09-09 11:41:10
«Қауіпсіз жол»
6-қыркүйек күні «Қауіпсіз жол» акциясы аясында мектеп-табалдырығын жаңа аттаған 1 сынып оқушыларын жол қауіпсіздік ережелерін есте сақтауға, орындауға баулып, түсініктерін кеңейту мақсатында дене шынықтыру пәнінің мұғалімі Искакова Сәуле Сандыбаевна түрлі сюжеттік , рөлдік ойындар ұйымдастырды

Information on the Republican campaign "Safe School Bus" KSU "OSSH№3"

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-09-09 10:18:30
Information on the Republican campaign
In order to ensure the road safety of students, instill in children respect for themselves and other road users, to be careful on the roads and take care of their lives, the “Safe School Bus” campaign is held at the school.        During the week, according to the rules of the road, the following activities were carried out:   drawing contest "Ro...

Information on the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan KSU "OSSH№3"

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-09-09 10:16:49
Information on the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan KSU
In order to inculcate interest in the knowledge of the state language, to foster respect and a desire to learn, to know languages, the formation of patriotism through the study of the cultural heritage of the people, the school held events dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan:   An information line was drawn For students in grades 5-6 (coverage of 29 people...

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