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Exchange of experience is a Source of methodical skill.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-14 07:48:55
Exchange of experience is a Source of methodical skill.
10.10.19 as part of the decade of foreign languages, the Lyceum held a lesson on the exchange of experience in class 7a by Musina S. M on the topic "Social network profile". The purpose of the lesson: to develop students ' skills in working with social networks, to reveal the role of social networks in human life. During the lesson, students got acquainted with the rating of social...
Author: Lyceum №2

World of Abay - in foreign languages

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-14 07:39:33
World of Abay - in foreign languages
On October 10, the Lyceum hosted a literary evening" the Great son of the Kazakh people " among grades 3-6.the teacher of Russian language and literature K. M. Baykulova. Purpose:.The purpose of the event: to give deep information about the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev, to reveal the path of life and creativity, to cultivate morality, respect for the wisdom and spiritual heritage...
Author: Lyceum №2

Psychological training for students of grades 7-10 on the topic of upbringing a modern girl...

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-11 15:05:47
Psychological training for students of grades 7-10 on the topic of upbringing a modern girl...
     On October 10, psychological training was held for students in grades 7-10. The purpose of the training: to identify the education system for girls, the formation of the girl’s personality in the context of a new social development, understanding what responsibility is for the generation of descendants, able to combine a high level of culture and humanity with a high...

Выдающиеся женщины Казахстана и мира.

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-11 14:26:25
Выдающиеся женщины Казахстана и мира.
В библиотеке организована книжная выставка «Выдающиеся женщины Казахстана и мира» раскрывающая образы выдающихся женщин, чьи имена навсегда остались в истории народа и современниц нашей страны. Ребята познакомились с жизнедеятельностью великих женщин Казахстана, внесших определенный вклад в развитие нашей республики и мира. Мир женщин велик и многообразен. Трудно назвать ту область,...
Author: School №4

Workshop on the education of guys, real men, leaders of “Symbatty Kazak zhigіtі bola alamyz ba?” ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-11 13:31:20
Workshop on the education of guys, real men, leaders of “Symbatty Kazak zhigіtі bola alamyz ba?” ...
    October 10 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov held a workshop on the education of guys, real men, leaders of “Symbatty Kazak zhigіtі bola alamyz ba?”, organized by educators D. Makhmutova and F. Mukhametzhanova. Pupils of grades 6-9, senior counselor Dadanbaev Sh., History teacher Zhaksygeldin I., doctors and classroom teachers took part in it. The pur...

Training "All about girls".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-11 12:14:09
On October 10, 2019, the volunteer club "One power" held a training on the theme "All about girls", dedicated to the International day of girls. During the training, the participants talked about the girls who left a mark in history, got acquainted with the history of this holiday. All participants received a lot of positive emotions from the training. And for themselves lear...

Тоғызқұмалақ жарысы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-10-11 11:43:16
Тоғызқұмалақ жарысы
Мектеп - лицейімізде тоғызқұмалақтан жарыс өтті. Қазақ халқының ежелгі ұлттық спортының бірі – тоғызқұмалақ . Тоғызқұмалақ-қа 6-ші сыныптын оқушылары қатысты.Тоғызқұмалақ олимпиядалық жүйеде өтті.Жарыстын мақсаты оқушыларды жиналыққа ұқыптылыққа,тәрбиелеу , ұлттық спорт түрінің бірі ,тоғызқұмалақты игерту ұлттық құндылықты құрметтеу сезімін тудыру .Тоғызқұмалақ ойыны арнайы тақтада екі ада...

The subject of the decade - the exchange of experience

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-11 07:53:55
The subject of the decade - the exchange of experience
On October 7, the Lyceum hosted the competition "Abay and Pushkin-the harmony of two hearts"... on the topic: "the decade of foreign languages has started its work. On the first day of the week, a substantial stand was created dedicated to the works of the great poets Abay and Pushkin.   On October 9, an open lesson in Russian "Four artists"was held in the 7th g...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Classic of Kazakh children's literature»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-11 07:30:44
On October 10, an educational hour" classic of Kazakh children's literature" was held for students of grades 5-6, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Berdibek sokpakbayev. As part of this event, detailed information about the life and work of the writer was given.  This event was held in order to increase the interest of students in reading books by Berdibek sokp...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Waiting for the holiday!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-09 19:14:38
"Waiting for the holiday!"a holiday was celebrated.  Teacher is a great name. Wards families on the theme: moral education, and the best quality for gritude the merit of teachers. The new school year is a great holiday for teachers. The first week of October is a professional holiday of teachers-owners of great services. On the eve of the holiday, festive programs were held in eve...

As part of the “Reading time” project, spent a reading hour “The book conquers the world”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-09 10:16:11
As part of the  “Reading time” project,  spent a reading hour “The book conquers the world”...
    October 8 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov as part of the  “Reading time” project,  spent a reading hour “The book conquers the world” at 4.30 p.m. During this period, students at the same time began to read books. The goal of this project is to increase students' interest in reading, as well as expanding their horizons, vo...

«Reading time» - жаппай кітап оқу сағаты

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2019-10-09 08:44:57
«Reading time» - жаппай кітап оқу сағаты
2019 жылдың 8 қазанында Балқаш қаласының барлық мектептерінде        2-11 сынып оқушылары және мұғалімдерінің қатысуымен, бір мезетте 7:45-те «Reading time»- жаппай кітап оқу сағаты өткізілді. Бұл көпшілік шара Қарағанды облысы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің тәжірибесі негізінде «100 кітап» жобасы аясында жыл бойы тұрақты әр сейсенбі...
Author: Department

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