
Уважаемые родители!

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-28 09:36:41
Уважаемые родители!
Уважаемые родители! Сообщаем Вам, что в КГУ «ОСШ № 4 г.Балхаш» следующие виды заявлений принимаются в электронном виде посредством портала 1. Прием в 1 класс. 2. Льготное питание. 3. Направление в пришкольный или загородный лагерь. 4. Бесплатный подвоз / проезд. 5. Перевод из школы в школу. 6. Перевод из класса в класс внутри школы. Для подачи з...
Author: School №4

Corner was organized "Barshay my letter of thanks letter of thanks".

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-27 14:57:14
Corner was organized
On March 1, the country celebrates a national holiday-the day of gratitude. On the eve of this day, activists of the "self-government "organization" Zhas Ulan "organized a treat " Barshanyga myn algys". At our school, students, parents, and teachers expressed their gratitude to each other.       Gratitude day is a bright holiday of Kazakhstan&#...
Author: School №5

The presentation of the audio and video of the 175th anniversary of Abay on theme "Laten satilan".

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-27 14:50:24
The presentation of the audio and video of the 175th anniversary of Abay on theme
February 25 at secondary school №9 among the librarians of town schools was held the presentation of audio-video recording "Later arlynda Soz alderan" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of birth of Abai Kunanbaev.  The purpose of the event: promoting patriotism, love for native country, love for the native land, love for the native land, for native land.      &n...
Author: School №5

“Love is the basis of life”

Date: 2020-02-27 13:33:33
“Love is the basis of life”
In our kindergarten, teachers held an event called “Love is the basis of life”, which emphasizes the need to breathe life in harmony with the environment of our children in order to form moral qualities, love and kindness in the child. Psychologist Kabyldina P.A. conducted training on the topic “Love from the heart” with the middle group “Erketay” and the tuto...

Intriceal O.A. Zhautykov Olympiad

Category: Olimp
Date: 2020-02-27 12:40:56
Intriceal O.A. Zhautykov Olympiad
January 29, 2012 at the Lyceum with students of grades 7-8, mathematician, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, native speaker O.A. Zhautykova. The Zhoutykov Olympiad was organized. In the first part of the Olympiad Alzhan B.T. presented and presented a presentation on the biography, career of the great mathematician. In-Lyceum O.A. 35 students took part in the Zhoutykov Olym...
Author: Lyceum №2

Well done Didar!

Category: Olimp
Date: 2020-02-27 12:39:06
Well done Didar!
In the current academic year, 3 students of the lyceum took part in the regional Olympiad (Rymkul Nazerke - biology teacher: Sadykanova B.Zh., Abeuov Didar - 10 A - computer science teacher: Iskakova GB, Ermek Ali - German language teacher - 11.: Galieva A.K.) As a result: Didar Abeuov took the second place. Congratulations!
Author: Lyceum №2

мероприятие посвященное 175-летию Абая Кунанбаева

Category: School news
Date: 2020-02-27 12:21:49
мероприятие посвященное 175-летию Абая Кунанбаева
Ученики 9а класса приняли участие в общегородском школьном мероприятии посвященном 175-летию Абая Кунанбаева"Өлмейтұғын артыңда сөз қалдырған" 

On February 14, the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" among the senior groups "Kyzkaldak" and "Tuymedak" hosted the sports competition "Fun Start".

Date: 2020-02-27 12:20:20
On February 14, the kindergarten
On February 14, the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" among the senior groups "Kyzkaldak" and "Tuymedak" hosted the sports competition "Fun Start". Children actively joined the game demonstrating endurance and speed. Always a cheerful mischievous clown Klepa playing different games gave children a joyful mood. At the end, the guest presented all the children with med...

The intellectual game among 8-9 grades' students “More languages ​​to learn, state, foreign, and your own!”...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-26 20:28:32
The intellectual game among 8-9 grades' students “More languages ​​to learn, state, foreign, and your own!”...
    On February 26, as part of the action plan of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds”, was held the intellectual game among 8-9 grades' students “More languages ​​to learn, state, foreign, and your own!”. The purpose of the event: to evaluate the intellectual, non-standard thinking of students. To increase students' interest in learning langu...

In all groups of the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" a matinee for the celebration of the New Year took place.

Date: 2020-02-26 17:49:08
In all groups of the kindergarten
In all groups of the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" a matinee for the celebration of the New Year took place. The long-awaited guests Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden came to the holiday. Forest guests: little animals, bears, foxes and hares delighted the children with their fun games and songs. At the end of the holiday, children received gifts and toys from Santa Claus.


Category: News
Date: 2020-02-26 15:38:41
In the kindergarten Aygolek was held  a carnival holiday.Shrovetide- is the culture of the Russian people. The main idea of this holiday is that during this period the farewell of the Russian winter and the invitation of spring take place. Parents were invited to the celebration, they played different games with the children, sang, danced at the end of the celebration, treated to delicious...

"Abai-dana, abai-dara kazakta"

Date: 2020-02-26 14:36:49
Children of the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" took part in the city competition "Abai-dana, abai-dara kazakta", organized by the city center of languages, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. Received gifts and diplomas.

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