
Эффективность профориентации

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-17 13:42:56

Встреча выпускников и учащихся

Category: New
Date: 2020-11-17 12:45:49
Встреча выпускников и  учащихся
Встреча выпускников и учащихся Школьная жизнь – это ни много, ни мало, а целых девять, а у некоторых одиннадцать лет! Как много незабываемых событий вмещает в себя этот период ! Уроки, экзамены, перемены, игры, походы, открытия, праздники, чувства. Школьные годы — это годы развития, становления. Проходя длинный и сложный путь, всегда интересно и даже нужно оборачиваться назад и смо...
Author: School №24

"Abay recognized by the world"

Category: News
Date: 2020-11-17 12:35:40
As part ot the project "Abay recognized by the world" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayuly6 organized by the project of the children's and youth competition "BALA DARYN", among school students and kindergarten students were awarted prizes for active participation in the Republican competition for reading Abay Kunanbayuly's poems  "autumn&qu...

С 27 октября по 02 ноября прошли обучающие курсы для педагогов по теме: «Работа в черном ящике»

Category: New
Date: 2020-11-17 12:34:12
С 27 октября по 02 ноября  прошли обучающие курсы для педагогов по теме: «Работа в черном ящике»
С 27 октября по 02 ноября  прошли обучающие курсы для педагогов по теме: «Работа в черном ящике» при поддержке ЦПМ, организованные колледжем Казахмыс. Данные курсы прошли педагоги КГУ «Общеобразовательная средняя школа №24 г.Балхаш» Маулетова И.О.- учитель русского языка и литературы и Оспанова Ж.Н.- учитель казахского языка и литературы.  На курсах была созда...
Author: School №24

" Using the capabilities of the ZOOM platform in the educational process "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-11-17 11:20:51
✅ In order to promote the professional development of colleagues, exchange the experience of the professional community of teachers from 10 to 13.11.2020 in accordance with the work plan of the Head School of the IHP "School-gymnasium No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin" "Effectiveness of distance learning platforms", in the MO "Secondary school No. 5 Balkhash city "h...

“Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-11-17 10:17:53
“Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology”
✅11-12. In order to prepare remote schoolchildren for the Olympiad and use effective resources on 11.2020, an online training course “Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology” was held for schools in the Karaganda region.

On November 16, 2020, teachers of grades 1-11 spent a class hour.

Category: Educational process
Date: 2020-11-17 09:40:59
On November 16, 2020, teachers of grades 1-11 spent a class hour.
On November 16, 2020, teachers of grades 1-11 spent a class hour.   Grades 1–4: School of Politics. Rules of etiquette.   Grades 5-8: Seven Territories of the Great Steppe: "Culture of Shabantoz"   Grades 10: Seven Edges of the Great Steppe: The Great Silk Road   Grades 11: Seven edges of the Great Steppe: "Kazakhstan is the homeland of ap...

"Blessed Golden Autumn"

Category: Online contest
Date: 2020-11-16 21:41:37
The dance group "Symbat" took part in the Republican correspondence art Olympiad among children and adolescents "Blessed Golden Autumn" in the nomination "Choreography" and took 2nd place. Participants of the competition: Soltanbekova Aida, Kasym Azhar, Shakenova Elnaz, Serikova Aruzhan. Scientific adviser: Shaikisheva Symbat Serikovna.
Author: School №6

Parent meeting

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2020-11-16 21:19:49
MSO "Secondary School No. 6 of Sayak Village" Information about the parent meeting. On November 14, 2020, through the ZOOM platform, the class teachers of our school held a parent meeting. Agenda items: The results of educational work in the first quarter. 2. Preparation for the II quarter. 3. Prevention of influenza, cough and other viruses. Issue 1: Parents were introduced to the gra...
Author: School №6

Themed class hours took place...

Category: News
Date: 2020-11-16 18:37:51
Themed class hours took place...
    On November 16, in the sanatorium boarding school № 2, according to the plan, the next thematic class hours were held. In the classroom hours, which passed in the direction of poly-cultural and artistic and aesthetic education for students of grades 1-9, information was given on the topic "Project" Children and Theatre". The history of the theatre”, for stude...

educational organizations of the city

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-11-16 17:03:53
educational organizations of the city
The first term of school education has ended. To sum up the results of the term and be ready for the beginning of the 2nd term on November 13-14 this year, parents ' meetings for all parallel classes were held online in all educational organizations of the city. Parents were provided with information about the school's readiness for the 2nd academic quarter, the functioning of the 5th gr...
Author: Department

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